16 July, 2024
Dear citizens,
The elections took place just over a year ago. It is time for the first Bloen Drot of the DP section of the Contern municipality. We take a critical look at the work and statements of the CSV-LSAP majority, present our demands regarding soft mobility, and review the European elections.

26 May, 2024
At the local council meeting from the 22.05.2024, the DP voted against the College of Aldermen’s proposal to name a place in the village center of Contern after Luc Frieden. We respect the person of Luc Frieden and the work he is doing as Prime Minister of Luxembourg. However, the naming of places or streets should be viewed as a posthumous honor to recognize a person’s achievements. The...
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16 July, 2024
Dear citizens,
The elections took place just over a year ago. It is time for the first Bloen Drot of the DP section of the Contern municipality. We take a critical look at the work and statements of the CSV-LSAP majority, present our demands regarding soft mobility, and review the European elections.

26 May, 2024
At the local council meeting from the 22.05.2024, the DP voted against the College of Aldermen’s proposal to name a place in the village center of Contern after Luc Frieden. We respect the person of Luc Frieden and the work he is doing as Prime Minister of Luxembourg. However, the naming of places or streets should be viewed as a posthumous honor to recognize a person’s achievements. The...
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