Dear citizens,
No bei dir. This is the DP’s slogan for the municipal elections of June 11th.
Our 679 candidates and our 47 lists are committed to municipalities that are close to their citizens, sustainable and attractive. The quality of life and the well-being of our citizens are at the center of all our efforts.
Our priorities for the municipal elections include: the strengthening of social cohabitation, the development of a sustainable climate and environmental policy, the modernisation of the municipal infrastructure and the promotion of an attractive business environment and services close to the residents.
Our party represents modern, future-orientated municipal politics that respond to the needs and challenges of our time. We are No bei dir.
So: on June 11th, vote DP! List 2.
The DP wants to create beautiful and lively spaces in each municipality to promote coexistence and exchange between generations. Also, enough green spaces and leisure activities for everyone to enjoy.
Small and medium-sized enterprises contribute to the attractiveness and vitality of villages and towns. We want to promote retail trade and advocate for services that are close to citizens and accessible in the municipality.
The DP lays the groundworks for a modern transport policy that offers citizens a good quality of life. We rely on a mobility concept tailored to people's needs, which gives them the freedom and flexibility to move around in a reliable way.
The DP is committed to a free, open, and tolerant society, which gives everyone the opportunity to participate in social life. We want to strengthen cohabitation within our municipalities by advocating for a good 'living together'.
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We are committed to a future-oriented policy and to meeting the needs of all generations. We will promote the active participation of children and young people through age-appropriate formats. The life experience of senior citizens is an enrichment for our communities. The DP will create the conditions to enable our older fellow citizens to live a self-determined life worth living in their own four walls.
We want to further promote intercultural coexistence and encourage newcomers to actively participate in community life. Therefore, we will continue to actively support voluntary work, sports and culture.
Strengthening the development of childcare facilities and expanding the range of service providers. The DP will increase the number of childcare places in line with demand, thereby ensuring that every child is able to benefit from the non-formal education possibilities on offer. In this connection, we attach importance to the diverse range of service providers and to the different types of pedagogical focus (woodland nurseries (“Bëschcrèches“), childcare on a farm, etc.).
Expanding “Education précoce”. The DP will further expand the availability of “Education précoce”, so that all children are able, if so desired, to take advantage of it to the tune of up to 28 hours per week. At the same time, the DP will ensure that, if necessary, all children in the “Education précoce” classes are given a childcare place in the “Maison Relais”.
Diverse, inclusive and colourful playgrounds for children. The DP wants children to have more than just a boring sandpit and a swing. Consequently, it is committed to establishing, in all neighbourhoods, age-appropriate, thematically diverse and barrier-free playgrounds where children can let off steam and develop freely.
Traffic-calmed “play streets”. The DP is also committed to the creation of traffic-calmed “play streets”. These should form part of urban planning not only in the case of new residential areas but also in the centre of towns and villages.
Baby care and help for parents. The DP is committed to ensuring that young parents and families have a contact point in the municipality which is there to give them practical support and advice about their new role in everyday life.
Strengthening the involvement of children and young people. The DP is committed to reinforcing the involvement of young people within the municipalities. To that end, we support the idea of a children’s and young persons’ municipal council, and/or the mandatory involvement of youth councils in relation to topics which concern young people.
Nurseries (“crèches”) in businesses and activity zones. Where there is corresponding demand, the DP will support businesses seeking to provide internal nursery places. With the same object in mind, we also advocate the provision of nurseries in activity zones.
Coordinating school, childcare facilities and hobbies. Joined-up collaboration between a child’s school, day-care centre, youth centre, music school and other leisure activities is of fundamental importance – especially when care of the child in question is entrusted over the course of the day to a succession of different carers. The DP is committed to ensuring that the amenities respectively provided by all the actors concerned are better coordinated.
On-the-spot health care. In many places, medical practices form the basis for comprehensive, locally situated, high-quality outpatient care. This applies in particular to rural municipalities. The DP will therefore create incentives to encourage GPs and medical specialists to establish themselves in the municipalities where they are particularly needed.
Digital technology tuition/courses. Many people find it difficult to get to grips with the various new technologies. In order that they should not lose out when it comes to acquiring digital skills, the municipalities should organise suitable courses or citizens’ meetings aimed at making such persons fit to take part in the digital world.
Tiers-Lieux (“third places”). The DP will create pleasant meeting places in every locality, aimed at promoting co-existence and cross-generational exchange. These will include not only indoor areas in which to pass the time but also green spaces and movement-oriented leisure activities for all generations (areas for playing boules, table tennis tables and the like).
Involvement of citizens in the planning and design of town and village centres. The DP wants citizens to be involved in the planning and design of the centres and neighbourhoods of our municipalities, with a view to their revitalisation.
Village cafés/village shops operated under the aegis of an association/a cooperative. In small villages especially, maintaining the classic village café/village shops is a challenge. These places, formerly the mainstays of village life, are increasingly disappearing from the scene. We in the DP will help and support interested groups and associations by providing them with requisite public amenities where they can meet.
Municipality fairs. The DP is looking to organise town fairs at which any local association, any federation and/or any administrative body can present itself to (newly arrived) residents. This will enable residents to obtain information on the spot about associations and services and to enrol/register directly if they are interested. Moreover, the distribution of welcome packs to new residents should make it easier for them to settle in the municipality.
Inclusive communication. Adequate and informative communication is the sine qua non of good community relations. The municipalities are there to ensure that every citizen has access to all information in the municipality, whether published in documentary form or by way of online communication, emanating from all competent administrative authorities. The language used will be adapted to the respective needs of the citizens concerned (easy-to-understand language, sign language, foreign languages, etc.).
Luxembourgish courses. As a vehicle for integration and everyday speech, the Luxembourgish language makes a fundamental contribution to social cohesion. The DP will expand the availability of Luxembourgish language courses to meet demand.
More streetworkers. In recent years the efforts of streetworkers have been successfully focused on providing targeted help to socially excluded people such as homeless persons, drug addicts and prostitutes. Not only the number of streetworkers but also their funding needs to be increased.
The DP wants to set the course for a modern transport policy that offers citizens a good quality of life. The key to this lies in a pragmatic and interconnected mobility concept that is adapted to the needs of citizens and gives them the necessary freedom and flexibility to get from A to B quickly and reliably. The strengthening of public transport, as well as the consistent expansion of separate and interconnected footpaths and cycle paths, create the conditions for reasonable soft mobility.
In combating the housing crisis, the public sector bears a special responsibility, including the municipalities.
Traffic development plan. In order for the municipality to become fit for the future in terms of mobility, it needs to draw up a traffic development plan. This longer-term strategy will be implemented in collaboration with actors from the mobility sector and the citizens.
Promoting e-mobility. In order to make it easier for citizens to switch to emission-free mobility, the DP will ensure that as far as possible within the municipality, enough charging stations are available for electric vehicles in all public car parks and in the vicinity of shops.
Bicycle boxes and stands. As part of our efforts to enhance active mobility, we also need to instal bicycle boxes and stands in public places and next to new residential and office buildings, as well as setting up bicycle workshops/bike stations. Additionally, the DP is looking to introduce, in collaboration with neighbouring municipalities, a rental system for bicycles, cargo bikes and/or e‑scooters, or to expand the existing system. Bicycle boxes should be installed at interchange stations.
Making public transport a more attractive option at night. Especially when it comes to nightlife, there is often no alternative to using the car. The DP will expand the availability of night buses and trains. In addition, we will be considering the introduction of shuttle buses towards bus stops and train stations.
Traffic-calming in our localities/shared spaces. The DP will work tirelessly to ensure that urgently needed bypasses and ring roads are constructed and opened as quickly as possible, in order to keep through traffic, to the greatest possible extent, out of villages and towns. This will allow us to make the centres of our villages and towns more people-friendly and vibrant, through the introduction of shared spaces.
Guaranteeing accessibility. The DP is resolved to ensure that all bus stops and other traffic infrastructures are made accessible as quickly as possible, so that people with a physical impairment can have recourse to public transport without experiencing any problems.
Creating affordable housing. The DP would like to expand social housing. The housing thus created and building plots currently in public ownership should first and foremost be made available to young families and households on a leasehold basis (emphyteusis) or by way of lease.
Mobilising plots of land and implementing residential projects. Rather than allowing plots of land owned by the municipality to lie idle and unused, the DP wants to mobilise them as quickly as possible, thereby enabling affordable housing to be created in short order.
Promoting alternative forms of residential accommodation. The DP will adapt the municipal building regulations to make alternative forms of accommodation possible, such as flat-sharing or the construction of so-called “tiny houses”.
The DP wants to consistently strengthen climate protection at the local level. The DP sets itself the medium-term goal of making the municipality completely climate-neutral. We want to expand renewable energies, renovate municipal buildings to make them more energy-efficient and increase energy efficiency. In this context, the DP also advocates the careful use of our natural resources and will take into account the principles of the circular economy.
“Greening” the municipality. The climate crisis presents a challenge for our towns and villages. Especially during the summer, appropriate greening helps to reduce the temperature in public areas and thus improves the quality of life for citizens. The DP will wherever possible support the greening of buildings and roofs.
Sponsoring public green spaces and infrastructures. The DP would like to open up public green spaces and infrastructures to sponsorship. This will give citizens, schools and businesses the opportunity to look after the planting and tending of community gardens, flower beds, plant boxes, etc., on a voluntary basis; and moreover, it will, for example, enable businesses to sponsor infrastructures (e.g. drinking water dispensers).
Developing a climate-neutral power supply. The DP will exploit to the maximum the potential for generating renewable energy in the municipality. All public buildings (municipal offices, schools, sports halls, etc.) should be supplied as rapidly as possible with locally produced electricity. To that end, we will consistently expand the installation and use of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of municipal buildings.
Modernising the vehicle fleet. The DP supports climate-neutral propulsion in the municipalities and will gradually convert the municipal fleet to CO2-neutral vehicles.
Providing advice on energy matters. In addition to the national advice centres such as the Klima-Agence (Climate Agency), the DP will expand the opportunities for private households and businesses to seek and obtain advice at local level. Additionally, by means of information and awareness-raising campaigns, municipal staff will be encouraged to adopt energy-saving practices.
Increased use of rainwater. Like other places, Luxembourg is increasingly suffering from water shortages. Consequently, we want to include rainwater utilisation systems in plans for the renovation and new construction of municipal facilities, for example with a view to using the water thus reclaimed for sanitary installations.
The DP’s goal is a digital, citizen-centred and transparent municipality. The DP will exploit the potential of digitalisation and put this progress at the service of citizens. As DP, we want to advance the smart city idea and fully exploit the potential of the connected city. Every municipality should therefore have an alderman with competence in digital matters.
The DP stands for a forward-looking financial policy in the form of medium-term financial planning.
Preserving the retail sector. The DP is convinced that the distance needing to be covered and the journey time involved in shopping for basic necessities and obtaining basic services must remain as short as possible for citizens. We will continue to campaign for the preservation of the retail sector in the various localities. Where this is not economically possible, we will enter into dialogue with the service providers concerned, with a view to the development of alternative models (mobile branches, itinerant sales).
Promoting itinerant sale. The DP wants to support itinerant sale in rural municipalities. In such localities, elderly people in particular are reliant on purchasing food from itinerant vendors (mobile bakers and butchers, pizza vending machines, etc.).
Developing co-working spaces. Co-working spaces offer significant potential for innovation and are becoming increasingly important as an alternative to home office or the classic workstation. In addition, they help to very substantially reduce commuter traffic. The DP wants to fully exploit and expand the potential of this new form of working together.
Promoting the diversification of communication. We in the DP remain committed to modern, digital, inclusive, interactive and targeted communication within the different municipalities.
Forging ahead with e-administration. In recent years, efforts have already been made to enable most administrative applications and requests to municipalities to be dealt with online. The DP will extend digital administration further and more quickly, making it possible in all areas.
A listening municipality. For the DP, it’s essential that the college of the mayor and aldermen should be transparent and accessible in its dealings with the citizens. We will ensure that all suggestions and ideas are promptly and professionally dealt with by the administrative authorities.
Expanding citizens’ participation. We in the DP want to further increase the involvement of citizens, thereby strengthening participatory democracy. All residents, whether acting as individuals, collectively or as an association, can submit a project designed, roughly speaking, to help brighten up and improve urban life.
Biergerbedeelegung bei der Planifikatioun an der Gestaltung vu Stad- an Duerfzenteren. D’DP wäert d’Bierger bei der Planifikatioun vun den Zenteren a vun de Stadquartiere matabezéien. D’Zentere sollen erëm belieft ginn (nei ugepasste Verkéiersorganisatioun, Adaptatioun vun den ëffentleche Plazen, Fouss- a Vëlosweeër, Vernetzung mam Zentrum, Fërderung vun der doucer Mobilitéit, Protectioun an Erhalt vu markanten Strukturen an Infrastrukturen,…).
Eng Gemeng mat engem oppenen Ouer. Transparenz an Accessibilitéit vum Buergermeeschter a vum Schäfferot vis-à-vis vun de Bierger sinn essentiel. Mir wäerte reegelméisseg Biergerspriechstonnen a -versammlungen aféieren, an deenen d’Bierger kënnen hir Suergen, Problemer a Virschléi ënnerbreeden. Mir stelle sécher, datt all Propose a kuerzer Zäit vun der Verwaltung professionell gekuckt gëtt.
Biergerparticipatioun ausbauen. Als DP wëlle mir d’Biergerbedeelegung weider fërderen an domadder déi participativ Demokratie stäerken. An deem Sënn sollen d’Bierger nei Projete virschloen an doriwwer mat de Gemengeresponsabelen diskutéiere kënnen. All Awunner kënnen an hirem Numm, als Kollektiv oder als Veräin e Projet areechen, dee graff gesot, zur Verschéinerung an zur Verbesserung vum Liewen an de Gemenge bäidroe soll.
D’Santé publique an de Gemengen. Doktesch-Cabinete sinn op ville Plazen d’Basis vun enger ambulanter, flächendeckender, héichwäerteger a biergernoer Gesondheetsversuergung. Dat betrëfft besonnesch d’Gemengen iwwer Land. D’DP wäert dofir Mesuren aféieren, fir datt sech méi Generalisten an och Spezialisten an deene Gemengen néierloossen.
Duerfcafé/Duerfepicerie a Kooperatioun mat engem Veräin/enger Genosseschaft. Besonnesch a méi klengen Uertschaften ass d’Iwwerliewe vun engem klasseschen Duerfcafé oder enger Epicerie eng grouss Erausfuerderung. Ëmmer méi vun deene fréiere Mëttelpunkte vum Duerfliewe verschwannen. Als DP wäerte mir interesséiert Gruppen oder Veräiner dobäi ënnerstëtzen, fir hinnen esou ëffentlech Plazen zougänglech ze maachen, wou si sech treffe kënnen. Esou EegenInitiativen beliewenn et nëmmen d’Stad- an Duerfliewen, mee stäerken de sozialen Zesummenhalt a fërderend’Zesummeliewen.
D’Zil vun der DP ass eng digital, biergerno an transparent Gemeng. D’DP wäert d’Potenzial vun der Digitaliséierung benotzen an de Progrès an den Déngscht vun de Bierger stellen. Als DP wëlle mir d’Konzept vun der Smart-City wieder undreiwen an d’Potenzial vun enger vernetzter Stad ganz ëmsetzen. All Gemeng sollt dowéinst ee Schäffen hunn, dee sech ëm d’Digitaliséierung këmmert. D’DP steet fir eng wäitsiichteg Finanzpolitik an däer d’Finanze mëttelfristeg geplangt ginn.
E-Verwaltung ausbauen. An de leschte Joren ass scho vill geschitt, fir datt déi meescht administrativ Demanden un d’Gemenge kënnen online gemaach ginn. D’DP wäert déi digital Administratioun weider a méi séier ausbauen an iwwerall méiglech maachen. Doriwwer eraus soll all Zort vun net-perséinlechen, administrativen Dokumenter a vu politeschen Decisioune kënnen op der Internetsäit vun der Gemeng ofgeruff ginn. Weider sollen all Paiementer (Rechnungen, Steiertimberen, asw.) kënne mat der Kreditkaart oder mat enger Mobile-payment-App méiglech sinn.
Erhalt vum Eenzelhandel. D’DP setzt sech dofir an, datt de Wee zu essenziellen Akeef a Servicer fir de Bierger esou kuerz ewéi méiglech bleift. Mir wäerten eis weider fir den Erhalt vum Eenzelhandel an den Uertschaften asetzen. Wou dat net méiglech ass, wäerte mir eis am Dialog fir den Ausbau vun alternative Modeller asetzen (mobil Filialen, ambulante Verkaf).
Ambulant Vente fërderen. D’DP wëll den ambulante Verkaf an de Gemengen iwwer Land ënnerstëtzen. Zemol eeler Leit sinn op esou mobil Liewensmëttelgeschäfter ugewisen (Bäcker, Metzler oder och Pizza-Automaten).
Coworking spaces ausbauen. Coworking spaces gëllen als Plaze mat engem héije Potenzial un Innovatioun a ginn als Alternativ zum Homeoffice oder zur klassescher Aarbechtsplaz ëmmer méi wichteg. Besonnesch well een esou de Pendlertraffic ka reduzéieren. D’DP wëll d’Potenzial vun dëser neier Form vum Zesummeschaffen ausnotzen an ausbauen.
D’Betreiungsariichtungen ausbauen an hir Multitude stäerken. D’DP wäert d’Offer vun de Plazen an de Kannerbetreiungsstrukturen de Besoinen no ausbauen an esou garantéieren, datt all Kand ka vun der non-formaler Bildungsoffer profitéieren. Dobäi leeë mir extra vill Wäert op d’Villfalt vun de Bedreiwer vu de Strukturen an op déi verschidde pädagogesch Schwéierpunkten (Bëschcrèche, Kannerbetreiung um Bauerenhaff, asw.).
De Precoce ausbauen. D’DP wëll d’Offer am Precoce esou ausbauen, datt all Kanner kënnen – jee no Besoin – bis zu 28 Stonnen d’Woch dovunner profitéieren. An engems wëll d’DP garantéieren, datt all Kand aus dem Precoce – wann néideg – eng Plaz an der Maison relais kritt.
Villfälteg, inklusiv a faarweg Spillplazen. D’DP wëll méi ewéi langweileg Sandkëschten a Schaukelen. Mir wëllen ofwiesslungsräich, inklusiv an adaptéiert Spillplazen an alle Quartieren, op deenen eis Kanner sech kënnen defouléieren a fräi entfalen.
Baby- an Elterebetreiung. D’DP setzt sech fir e Guichet d’acceuil an de
Crèchen an den Entreprisen an an den Aktivitéitszonen. Bei enger entspriechender Nofro, wäert d’DP Betriber ënnerstëtzen, déi hirem Personal wëllen eng intern Crèche ubidden. An deem Sënn fërdere mir och Crèchen an de Zones d’activité.
D’Koordinatioun tëschent de Schoulen, de Betreiungsstrukturen an den Hobbyen. Eng kohärent Zesummenaarbecht tëschent de Schoulen, de Maison-relaisen, de Museksschoulen a soss Fräizäitbeschäftegungen ass elementar – besonnesch wann e Kand daagsiwwer vu verschidde Leit betreit gëtt. D’DP wëll, datt d’Offere vun all den Acteure besser openaner ofgestëmmt ginn. Esou kënnen d’Kanner vun enger villfälteger Fräizäitoffer profitéieren, déi hirer perséinlecher Entwécklung zeguttkënnt.
Bei der Bekämpfung vun der Wunnengskris huet d’ëffentlech Hand eng besonnesch Responsabilitéit, och d’Gemengen.
Bezuelbare Wunnraum schafen. D’DP wëll de soziale Wunnengsbau ausbauen. De geschafene Wunnraum an d’Terrainen an ëffentlecher Hand sollen an éischter Linn jonke Familljen a Stéit iwwert de Wee vun Ierfpacht oder Locatioun zegutt kommen.
Terraine mobiliséieren a Wunnprojeten ëmsetzen. Amplaz Gemengenterraine brooch leien ze loossen, wëll d’DP se séier mobiliséieren, fir kuerzfristeg bezuelbare Wunnraum ze schafen. En Deel vun dësen Terraine soll Baukooperativen per Ierfpacht zur Verfügung gestallt ginn. An esou Baugenossenschafte sinn alleguerten d’Awunner an engems Proprietairen a kënnen esou matbestëmmen, wat an hirem Wunnkomplex geschitt. Esou Genossenschafte si net profit-orientéiert a erhéijen déi sozial Mixitéit a bestoende Wunnquartieren.
Alternativ Wunnforme fërderen. D’DP wäert d’Bautereglementer an de Gemengen upassen, fir alternativ Wunnformen, ewéi Wunngemeinschaften oder de Bau vun Tiny houses z’erméiglechen.
Verkéiersberouegt Spillstroossen. D’DP setzt sech fir verkéiersberouegt Spillstroossen an. Net just an den neie Lotissementer ma och am Zentrum vun den Uertschaften.
D’DP setzt sech fir eng modern Verkéierspolitik an, déi de Bierger eng gutt Liewensqualitéit bitt. De Schlëssel dozou läit an engem pragmateschen an vernetzte Mobilitéitskonzept, dat op déi individuell Bedierfnesser vum Bierger ugepasst ass an hinnen déi néideg Fräiheet an Flexibilitéit gëtt, fir séier a zouverlässeg vun A op B ze kommen. D’Stäerkung vum ëffentlechen Transport, souwéi de konsequenten Ausbau vu getrennte Fouss- a Vëlosweeër schafen d’Viraussetzunge fir eng adaptéiert mobilité douce.
Verkéiersentwécklungsplang. Fir d’Gemengen a Saache Mobilitéit fit fir d’Zukunft ze maachen, soll e Verkéiersentwécklungsplang ausgeschafft ginn. Dës laangfristeg Strategie wäert an Zesummenaarbecht mat den Acteuren aus der Mobilitéit a mat de Bierger geschéien.
Elektromobilitéit fërderen. Fir dem Bierger de Wiessel op déi emissiounsfräi Mobilitéit z’erliichteren, wäert d’DP dofir suergen, datt op allen ëffentleche Parkingen an an der Géigend vu Geschäfter méiglechst genuch Elektro-Bornen disponibel sinn.
Vëlosboxen a Vëlosparkplazen. Zur Fërderung vun der aktiver Mobilitéit gehéieren och nei Vëlosboxen a Vëlosparkplazen am ëffentleche Raum an a Schaff- a Wunngebidder. Grad ewéi d’Installatioun vu sougenannte Vëlosatelieren / Bikestations. An Zesummenaarbecht mat Nopeschgemenge wëll d’DP och e Locatiounssystem fir Vëloen, fir Cargo-Vëloen, respektiv E-Trottinetten aféieren oder d’Offer ausbauen. Vëlosboxe sollen op Transitgaren kommen.
Den ëffentlechen Transport nuets méi attraktiv maachen. Besonnesch am Nuetsliewen ass den Auto dacks onëmgänglech. D’DP wäert d’Offer u Nuetsbussen an -zich ausbauen. Zousätzlech wëll d’DP d’Aféierung vu Shuttelbussen a vu Garen iwwerpréiwen.
Verkéiersberouegung an eisen Uertschaften / Shared spaces. D’DP wäert sech onermiddlech dofir asetzen, datt dréngend noutwenneg Ëmgeeungsstroosse méiglechst séier gebaut ginn, fir den Duerchgangsverkéier beschtméiglech aus den Dierfer an aus de Stied erauszehalen. Domadder kënne mir de Kär vun eisen Uertschaften duerch d’Aféiere vu Shared spaces méi mënschefrëndlech a méi lieweg gestalten. Bis déi Ëmgeeungsstroosse gebaut sinn, wäert d’DP op verkéiersberouegend Mesuren zeréckgräifen, ewéi Verkéiersinselen, Fuerbunndeeler a Fuerbunnerhéijungen – zemol op sensibele Plazen an an den Entréeë vun de Gemengen.
Barrièrefräiheet garantéieren. D’DP setzt sech dofir an, datt all Busarrêten a soss Verkéiersinfrastrukturen esou séier ewéi méiglech barrièrefräi ginn, fir datt Leit mat enger kierperlecher Behënnerung kënnen ouni Problem den ëffentlechen Transport huelen.
D’DP wëll de Klimaschutz op lokalem Niveau konsequent stäerken. D’DP setzt sech als mëttelfristegt Zil fir d’Gemeng komplett klimanutral ze gestalten. Mir wëllen déi erneierbar Energien ausbauen, Gemengegebaier energetesch sanéieren an d’Energieeffizienz steigeren. An deem Zesummenhang mécht d’DP sech fir e spuersamen Ëmgang mat eise natierleche Ressourcë staark, a wäert d’Prinzipie vun der Kreeslafwirtschaft respektéieren.
Greening vun der Gemeng. D’Klimakris ass en Challenge fir eis Stied an Dierfer. Eng adaptéiert Beplanzung hëlleft besonnesch am Summer fir d’Temperaturen am ëffentleche Raum ze reduzéieren an esou d’Liewensqualitéit vun de Bierger ze verbesseren. D’DP wäert – do, wou et méiglech ass – hëllefen, fir Gebaier a Diecher ze beplanzen.
Parrainage fir ëffentlech Gréngflächen a Infrastrukturen. D’DP wëll ëffentlech Gréngflächen an Infrastruktur fir Patenschaften opmaachen. Engersäits sollen d’Bierger, Schoulen oder Betriber d’Méiglechkeet kréien, fir sech éierenamtlech ëm d’Beplanzung an d’Fleeg vu Gemeinschaftsgäert, Blummebeeter, Planzebacken, asw. ze bekëmmeren. Anerersäits sollen z.B. Entreprise kënne Parrainage vun Infrastrukturen (ë.a. Drénkwaasserspender) iwwerhuelen.
Ausbau vu klimaneutraler Stroumversuergung. D’DP wëll d’Méiglechkeete fir d’Produktioun vun erneierbaren Energien an der Gemeng voll ausnotzen. All ëffentlech Gebaier (Gemeng, Schoul, Sportshal, asw.) sollen esou séier ewéi méiglech mat lokal produzéiertem Stroum versuergt ginn. Mir wäerten dofir d’Installatioun an d’Notzung vu Photovoltaik-Anlagen op den Diech vu Gemengegebaier konsequent ausbauen. D’Iwwerproduktioun kéint eventuell verkaf an an d’Stroumnetz agespeist ginn. Weider ënnerstëtze mir grondsätzlech Partnerschafte mat lokalen a regionale Energiekooperativen, déi den energeetesche Wiessel virundreiwen.
Fuhrpark moderniséieren. D’DP setzt an de Gemengen op e klimaneutralen Transport a wäert den ëffentleche Fuhrpark schrëttweis op CO2-neutral Gefierer ëmstellen.
Energieberodung. Zousätzlech zu den nationale Berodungszenteren, ewéi der Klimaagence, wäert d’DP och op lokalem Niveau d’Berodungsoffere fir privat Stéit a fir Betriber ausbauen. Duerch Informatiouns- a Sensibiliséierungscampagne soll iwwerdeems och d’Gemengepersonal zum Energiespueren animéiert ginn
Méi op Reewaasser zeréckgräifen. Och Lëtzebuerg leit ëmmer méi ënner Waassermanktem. Bei Sanéierungen a beim Neibau vu kommunalen Ariichtunge wëlle mir dofir Systemer fir d’Opfänke vu Reewaasser aplangen, dat da fir d’Sanitäranlage gebraucht gëtt. D’DP ënnerstëtzt d’Konzept vum Modell Sponge city, bei deem d’Reewaasser lokal opgefaangen a gespäichert gëtt, amplaz datt et just kanaliséiert an oflafe gelooss gëtt. Esou kënnen ë.a. och d’Beem am ëffentleche Raum bewässert ginn.
Méi Streetworker. An de leschte Joren huet sech d’Aarbecht vun de Streetworker bezuelt gemaach, fir SDF’en, Drogekranker a Prostituéierte geziilt ze hëllefen. Net nëmmen d’Zuel vun de Streetworker, ma och hir Mëttel sollen erhéicht ginn.
Kommunal Police. D’DP wäert sech dofir asetze fir erëm eng kommunal Police anzeféieren.
Mir setzen op eng zukunftsorientéiert Politik a setzen eis dofir an, de Bedierfnesser vu vun alle Generatioune gerecht ze ginn. D’aktiv Bedeelegung vu Kanner a Jugendleche wäerte mir duerch altersgerecht Formater ënnerstëtzen. D’Liewenserfarung vun de Seniore beräicheren eis Gemengen. D’DP wäert d’Viraussetzunge schafen, fir den eelere Mattbierger e selwerbestëmmten a liewenswäert Liewen an hirem eegene Doheem z’erméiglechen.
Mir wëllen dat interkulturellt Zesummeliewe weider fërderen an nei Residenten motivéieren, sech aktiv um Gemengeliewen ze bedeelegen. Dowéinst wäerte mir de Benevolat, de Sport an d’Kultur weider aktiv ënnerstëtzen.
Mir wäerten eis dofir fir e staarkt Matenaner vun de Generatiounen asetzen. Mir leeën dobäi extra vill Wäert op seniore-gerecht Infrastrukturen a Fräizäit-Offeren. Grad ewéi op eng grouss Palett u Servicer a Geschäfter no bei de Leit. Et ass och wichteg, fir den eelere Leit d’Méiglechkeet ze ginn, fir u gesellschaftlechen Evenementer deelzehuelen.
Digitale Rattrapage. Vill Leit hu Problemer mat den neien Technologien. Fir datt si net den Uschloss verléieren, sollen d’Gemenge Coursen ubidden, fir déi Leit fit ze maache fir déi digital Welt.
Tiers-Lieux. D’DP wëll an all Gemeng flott Plaze schafen, fir d’Zesummeliewen an den Echange tëschent de Generatiounen ze fërderen. Dozou gehéieren Plaze bannen, ma och Gréngflächen an aktiv Fräizäitaktivitéite fir jiddereen (Boule, Dëschtennis, asw.).
Gemengefoire (Municipality fair). D’DP wëll Gemengefoiren organiséieren, wou sech Veräiner, Associatiounen a Verwaltunge kënnen den (neie) Bierger virstellen. D’Leit kënnen sech esou direkt iwwer d’Veräiner a Servicer informéieren an aschreiwen. Och Wëllkomm-Päck fir déi nei Bierger kënnen d’Aliewen an d’Gemeng méi einfach maachen.
Inklusiv Kommunikatioun. Eng ugepassten an informativ Kommunikatioun ass d’Essenz vun engem gudden Zesummeliewen. D’Gemeng setzt sech dofir an, datt all Bierger Accès zu all den Informatiounen aus der Gemeng huet – dat gëllt fir den normale Courrier, ma och fir den online Kontakt mat all den Administratiounen. D’Sprooch gëtt de Besoine vun de Matbierger ugepasst (Leichte Sprache, Gebäerdesprooch, Friemsproochen,…).
Lëtzebuergesch-Coursen. D’Lëtzebuerger Sprooch dréit duerch seng Roll an der Integratioun an am Alldag wesentlech zur sozialer Kohäsioun am Land bäi. D’DP wäert d’Offer u Lëtzebuergesch-Course jee no Bedarf ausbauen
D’Diversifikatioun an der Kommunikatioun weiderentwéckelen. Als DP setze mir eis weider fir eng modern, digital, inklusiv, interaktiv an zilorientéiert Kommunikatioun an de Gemengen an. Jiddereen, dee sech informéiere wëll, muss och méiglechst séier Accès zu all den Neiegkeeten hunn. Als DP wëlle mir all Kommunikatiounsforme fërderen (SMS2Citizen, Newsletter, sozial Medien, Homepage, Gemengen- an Noperschafts-App) an un déi digital Ufuerderungen adaptéieren.
Strengthening the involvement of children and young people. The DP is committed to reinforcing the involvement of young people within the municipalities. To that end, we support the idea of a children’s and young persons’ municipal council, and/or the mandatory involvement of youth councils in relation to topics which concern young people.
Involvement of citizens in the planning and design of town and village centres. The DP wants citizens to be involved in the planning and design of the centres and neighbourhoods of our municipalities, with a view to their revitalisation.
A listening municipality. For the DP, it’s essential that the college of the mayor and aldermen should be transparent and accessible in its dealings with the citizens. We will ensure that all suggestions and ideas are promptly and professionally dealt with by the administrative authorities.
Expanding citizens’ participation. We in the DP want to further increase the involvement of citizens, thereby strengthening participatory democracy. All residents, whether acting as individuals, collectively or as an association, can submit a project designed, roughly speaking, to help brighten up and improve urban life.
On-the-spot health care. In many places, medical practices form the basis for comprehensive, locally situated, high-quality outpatient care. This applies in particular to rural municipalities. The DP will therefore create incentives to encourage GPs and medical specialists to establish themselves in the municipalities where they are particularly needed.
Village cafés/village shops operated under the aegis of an association/a cooperative. In small villages especially, maintaining the classic village café/village shops is a challenge. These places, formerly the mainstays of village life, are increasingly disappearing from the scene. We in the DP will help and support interested groups and associations by providing them with requisite public amenities where they can meet.
The DP’s goal is a digital, citizen-centred and transparent municipality. The DP will exploit the potential of digitalisation and put this progress at the service of citizens. As DP, we want to advance the smart city idea and fully exploit the potential of the connected city. Every municipality should therefore have an alderman with competence in digital matters.
The DP stands for a forward-looking financial policy in the form of medium-term financial planning.
Preserving the retail sector. The DP is convinced that the distance needing to be covered and the journey time involved in shopping for basic necessities and obtaining basic services must remain as short as possible for citizens. We will continue to campaign for the preservation of the retail sector in the various localities. Where this is not economically possible, we will enter into dialogue with the service providers concerned, with a view to the development of alternative models (mobile branches, itinerant sales).
Promoting itinerant sale. The DP wants to support itinerant sale in rural municipalities. In such localities, elderly people in particular are reliant on purchasing food from itinerant vendors (mobile bakers and butchers, pizza vending machines, etc.).
Developing co-working spaces. Co-working spaces offer significant potential for innovation and are becoming increasingly important as an alternative to home office or the classic workstation. In addition, they help to very substantially reduce commuter traffic. The DP wants to fully exploit and expand the potential of this new form of working together.
Forging ahead with e-administration. In recent years, efforts have already been made to enable most administrative applications and requests to municipalities to be dealt with online. The DP will extend digital administration further and more quickly, making it possible in all areas.
Strengthening the development of childcare facilities and expanding the range of service providers. The DP will increase the number of childcare places in line with demand, thereby ensuring that every child is able to benefit from the non-formal education possibilities on offer. In this connection, we attach importance to the diverse range of service providers and to the different types of pedagogical focus (woodland nurseries (“Bëschcrèches“), childcare on a farm, etc.).
Expanding “Education précoce”. The DP will further expand the availability of “Education précoce”, so that all children are able, if so desired, to take advantage of it to the tune of up to 28 hours per week. At the same time, the DP will ensure that, if necessary, all children in the “Education précoce” classes are given a childcare place in the “Maison Relais”.
Diverse, inclusive and colourful playgrounds for children. The DP wants children to have more than just a boring sandpit and a swing. Consequently, it is committed to establishing, in all neighbourhoods, age-appropriate, thematically diverse and barrier-free playgrounds where children can let off steam and develop freely.
Baby care and help for parents. The DP is committed to ensuring that young parents and families have a contact point in the municipality which is there to give them practical support and advice about their new role in everyday life.
Nurseries (“crèches”) in businesses and activity zones. Where there is corresponding demand, the DP will support businesses seeking to provide internal nursery places. With the same object in mind, we also advocate the provision of nurseries in activity zones.
Coordinating school, childcare facilities and hobbies. Joined-up collaboration between a child’s school, day-care centre, youth centre, music school and other leisure activities is of fundamental importance – especially when care of the child in question is entrusted over the course of the day to a succession of different carers. The DP is committed to ensuring that the amenities respectively provided by all the actors concerned are better coordinated.
In combating the housing crisis, the public sector bears a special responsibility, including the municipalities.
Creating affordable housing. The DP would like to expand social housing. The housing thus created and building plots currently in public ownership should first and foremost be made available to young families and households on a leasehold basis (emphyteusis) or by way of lease.
Mobilising plots of land and implementing residential projects. Rather than allowing plots of land owned by the municipality to lie idle and unused, the DP wants to mobilise them as quickly as possible, thereby enabling affordable housing to be created in short order.
Promoting alternative forms of residential accommodation. The DP will adapt the municipal building regulations to make alternative forms of accommodation possible, such as flat-sharing or the construction of so-called “tiny houses”.
Traffic-calmed “play streets”. The DP is also committed to the creation of traffic-calmed “play streets”. These should form part of urban planning not only in the case of new residential areas but also in the centre of towns and villages.
The DP wants to set the course for a modern transport policy that offers citizens a good quality of life. The key to this lies in a pragmatic and interconnected mobility concept that is adapted to the needs of citizens and gives them the necessary freedom and flexibility to get from A to B quickly and reliably. The strengthening of public transport, as well as the consistent expansion of separate and interconnected footpaths and cycle paths, create the conditions for reasonable soft mobility.
Traffic development plan. In order for the municipality to become fit for the future in terms of mobility, it needs to draw up a traffic development plan. This longer-term strategy will be implemented in collaboration with actors from the mobility sector and the citizens.
Promoting e-mobility. In order to make it easier for citizens to switch to emission-free mobility, the DP will ensure that as far as possible within the municipality, enough charging stations are available for electric vehicles in all public car parks and in the vicinity of shops.
Bicycle boxes and stands. As part of our efforts to enhance active mobility, we also need to instal bicycle boxes and stands in public places and next to new residential and office buildings, as well as setting up bicycle workshops/bike stations. Additionally, the DP is looking to introduce, in collaboration with neighbouring municipalities, a rental system for bicycles, cargo bikes and/or e‑scooters, or to expand the existing system. Bicycle boxes should be installed at interchange stations.
Making public transport a more attractive option at night. Especially when it comes to nightlife, there is often no alternative to using the car. The DP will expand the availability of night buses and trains. In addition, we will be considering the introduction of shuttle buses towards bus stops and train stations.
Traffic-calming in our localities/shared spaces. The DP will work tirelessly to ensure that urgently needed bypasses and ring roads are constructed and opened as quickly as possible, in order to keep through traffic, to the greatest possible extent, out of villages and towns. This will allow us to make the centres of our villages and towns more people-friendly and vibrant, through the introduction of shared spaces.
Guaranteeing accessibility. The DP is resolved to ensure that all bus stops and other traffic infrastructures are made accessible as quickly as possible, so that people with a physical impairment can have recourse to public transport without experiencing any problems.
The DP wants to consistently strengthen climate protection at the local level. The DP sets itself the medium-term goal of making the municipality completely climate-neutral. We want to expand renewable energies, renovate municipal buildings to make them more energy-efficient and increase energy efficiency. In this context, the DP also advocates the careful use of our natural resources and will take into account the principles of the circular economy.
“Greening” the municipality. The climate crisis presents a challenge for our towns and villages. Especially during the summer, appropriate greening helps to reduce the temperature in public areas and thus improves the quality of life for citizens. The DP will wherever possible support the greening of buildings and roofs.
Sponsoring public green spaces and infrastructures. The DP would like to open up public green spaces and infrastructures to sponsorship. This will give citizens, schools and businesses the opportunity to look after the planting and tending of community gardens, flower beds, plant boxes, etc., on a voluntary basis; and moreover, it will, for example, enable businesses to sponsor infrastructures (e.g. drinking water dispensers).
Developing a climate-neutral power supply. The DP will exploit to the maximum the potential for generating renewable energy in the municipality. All public buildings (municipal offices, schools, sports halls, etc.) should be supplied as rapidly as possible with locally produced electricity. To that end, we will consistently expand the installation and use of photovoltaic panels on the roofs of municipal buildings.
Modernising the vehicle fleet. The DP supports climate-neutral propulsion in the municipalities and will gradually convert the municipal fleet to CO2-neutral vehicles.
Providing advice on energy matters. In addition to the national advice centres such as the Klima-Agence (Climate Agency), the DP will expand the opportunities for private households and businesses to seek and obtain advice at local level. Additionally, by means of information and awareness-raising campaigns, municipal staff will be encouraged to adopt energy-saving practices.
Increased use of rainwater. Like other places, Luxembourg is increasingly suffering from water shortages. Consequently, we want to include rainwater utilisation systems in plans for the renovation and new construction of municipal facilities, for example with a view to using the water thus reclaimed for sanitary installations.
More streetworkers. In recent years the efforts of streetworkers have been successfully focused on providing targeted help to socially excluded people such as homeless persons, drug addicts and prostitutes. Not only the number of streetworkers but also their funding needs to be increased.
Municipal police. The DP will campaign for the reintroduction of a municipal police force.
We are committed to a future-oriented policy and to meeting the needs of all generations. We will promote the active participation of children and young people through age-appropriate formats. The life experience of senior citizens is an enrichment for our communities. The DP will create the conditions to enable our older fellow citizens to live a self-determined life worth living in their own four walls.
We want to further promote intercultural coexistence and encourage newcomers to actively participate in community life. Therefore, we will continue to actively support voluntary work, sports and culture.
We will work for a stronger community life between the generations. In addition to a barrier-free infrastructure and leisure facilities suitable for senior citizens, we place particular emphasis on a wide range of nearby services.
Digital technology tuition/courses. Many people find it difficult to get to grips with the various new technologies. In order that they should not lose out when it comes to acquiring digital skills, the municipalities should organise suitable courses or citizens’ meetings aimed at making such persons fit to take part in the digital world.
Tiers-Lieux (“third places”). The DP will create pleasant meeting places in every locality, aimed at promoting co-existence and cross-generational exchange. These will include not only indoor areas in which to pass the time but also green spaces and movement-oriented leisure activities for all generations (areas for playing boules, table tennis tables and the like).
Municipality fairs. The DP is looking to organise town fairs at which any local association, any federation and/or any administrative body can present itself to (newly arrived) residents. This will enable residents to obtain information on the spot about associations and services and to enrol/register directly if they are interested. Moreover, the distribution of welcome packs to new residents should make it easier for them to settle in the municipality.
Inclusive communication. Adequate and informative communication is the sine qua non of good community relations. The municipalities are there to ensure that every citizen has access to all information in the municipality, whether published in documentary form or by way of online communication, emanating from all competent administrative authorities. The language used will be adapted to the respective needs of the citizens concerned (easy-to-understand language, sign language, foreign languages, etc.).
Luxembourgish courses. As a vehicle for integration and everyday speech, the Luxembourgish language makes a fundamental contribution to social cohesion. The DP will expand the availability of Luxembourgish language courses to meet demand.
Promoting the diversification of communication. We in the DP remain committed to modern, digital, inclusive, interactive and targeted communication within the different municipalities.