
National planning

National planning: Planning our country in a sustainable manner

Many of the problems our country is facing today are due to misguided national planning. While the remarkable economic development of the last decades has created great prosperity and made a strong welfare state possible, a lack of political support and control of growth has at the same time resulted in a chronic backlog demand in many areas, be it public infrastructure, mobility or the creation of housing.

It was only the DP-led government that broke the logjam in national planning and started to catch up through massive investments, for example in public transport. Through coherent and sustainable national planning, the DP will target the need for new infrastructure and anticipate future developments.

The DP wants to bring work, leisure and living closer together, reduce daily commutes and revitalise rural communities to offer people a better quality of life. Instead of concentrating most of the activity at the national centre, as has been the case so far, it is important to promote decentralisation and strengthen the regional development centres (CDAs).

In doing so, it is important to further develop our country in harmony with sustainable resource consumption and environmental protection. The DP will counteract landscape sprawl and reduce soil sealing by means of coherent regional planning. In addition, we will set the necessary course to ensure qualitative economic growth that is not based solely on linear resource consumption and more labour.

In the last legislative period, the DP-led government ensured that the four sectoral plans could come into force and, after 20 years, finally presented a new “Programme directeur de l’aménagement du territoire” (PDAT). The DP will ensure a sustainable and coherent development of Luxembourg through the implementation of the sectoral plans and the PDAT.

The DP is committed to providing municipalities with the necessary financial resources to provide quality services and infrastructure that meet the needs of their citizens and the objectives of national planning. The DP believes that the state must provide municipalities with additional financial resources to meet their growing obligations to citizens. Therefore, we will grant greater financial leeway to both urban and rural municipalities.

The DP is in favour of economic decentralisation according to regional planning criteria. In order to bring more jobs to the people and not the other way round, the DP will develop industrial estates near the border. The creation of further regional antennas of the House of Entrepreneurship is also intended to further promote regional business settlement.

In addition, the construction of further co-working space infrastructures near the borders with neighbouring countries is to be promoted.

Refer to chapter on Economic policy

