The DP in the Chamber of Deputies

The team surrounding fraction president Gilles Baum stand in for the tens of thousands of constituents who have expressed their trust to the DP during the last general election.

Gilles Baum

“Cheers” to our excellent wine and crémants

Gilles Baum recently requested a debate on viticulture in the Chamber of Deputies. In his eyes, viticulture is not only an important economic sector of our country, but also an essential part of our national heritage. The DP therefore insists on a regular discussion of the topic in Parliament.


Our Members of Parliament

Gilles Baum
President of the DP fraction
Gilles Baum
President of the DP fraction

Gilles Baum is a member of Parliament since 2013 and since 2020 the teacher is head of the DP parliamentary group. Gilles Baum is alderman in the municipality of Junglinster.

All Members of Parliament
All Members of Parliament
All Members of Parliament
All Members of Parliament
Barbara Agostino
Member of Parliament

Barbara Agostino is a Member of Parliament since 2023. The entrepreneur and former captain of the national women’s soccer team is counciller in the Petange municipality.

Barbara Agostino is a Member of Parliament since 2023. The entrepreneur and former captain of the national women’s soccer team is counciller in the Petange municipality.

Guy Arendt
Member of Parliament
Guy Arendt
Guy Arendt
Member of Parliament

Guy Arendt was elected into parliament the first time in 2013. The former mayor of the Walferdange municipality was secretary of state for culture matters from 2015 to 2018.

André Bauler
Member of Parliament

André Bauler was first voted into Parliament in 2009.

André Bauler

André Bauler was first voted into Parliament in 2009.

Simone Beissel
Member of Parliament
Simone Beissel
Simone Beissel
Member of Parliament

Simone Beissel was first voted in Parliament in 1999. The lawyer has been an active member of parliament since 2013. Simone Beissel is an alderman in the municipality of Luxembourg city.

Corinne Cahen
Member of Parliament

From 2013 onwards until 2023 Corinne Cahen was Minister for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. Following the 2023 general election, the alderman of the municipality of Luxembourg city was voted into Parliament.

Corinne Cahen

From 2013 onwards until 2023 Corinne Cahen was Minister for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. Following the 2023 general election, the alderman of the municipality of Luxembourg city was voted into Parliament.

Luc Emering
Member of Parliament
Luc Emering
Member of Parliament

Luc Emering was voted into Parliament in 2023. The agricultural engineer and former president of the Agricultural Youth Association and the Young Farmers was an before in the commune of Dippach.

Fernand Etgen
Member of Parliament

Fernand Etgen was first voted into parliament in 2007. The former mayor of Feulen became Minister of Agriculture, Consumer protection and Minister for the Relations with Parliament. He was the President of Parliament from 2018 until 2023.

Fernand Etgen

Fernand Etgen was first voted into parliament in 2007. The former mayor of Feulen became Minister of Agriculture, Consumer protection and Minister for the Relations with Parliament. He was the President of Parliament from 2018 until 2023.

Patrick Goldschmidt
Member of Parliament
Patrick Goldschmidt
Member of Parliament

Patrick Goldschmidt was voted into parliament in 2023. The economist has been an alderman in Luxembourg city since 2013.

Gusty Graas
Member of Parliament

Gusty Graas was first voted into parliament in 1999. The former secretary of the DP parliamentary group has been a member of parliament since 2013. Gusty Graas in an alderman in Bettembourg.

Gusty Graas

Gusty Graas was first voted into parliament in 1999. The former secretary of the DP parliamentary group has been a member of parliament since 2013. Gusty Graas in an alderman in Bettembourg.

Carole Hartmann
Member of Parliament
Carole Hartmann
Member of Parliament

Carole Hartmann is a member of parliament since 2018. Until 2023, the lawyer was an alderman in Echternach, and then took on the role of the mayor.

Mandy Minella
Member of Parliament

The top athlete Mandy Minella joined parliament in 2023.

The top athlete Mandy Minella joined parliament in 2023.

Lydie Polfer
Member of Parliament
Lydie Polfer
Member of Parliament

Lydie Polfer was first elected member of parliament in 1979. From 1999 to 2004 she was Minister for Foreign Affairs and Minister for the Public Service. The lawyer, former MEP (Member of European Parliament) and former President of the party is a member of parliament and mayor of Luxembourg city.

Gérard Schockmel
Member of Parliament

Dr. Gérard Schockmel was voted into parliament in 2023. Prior to becoming an MP, the specialist for infectious diseases worked at the Robert-Schuman hospital (HRS).

Dr. Gérard Schockmel was voted into parliament in 2023. Prior to becoming an MP, the specialist for infectious diseases worked at the Robert-Schuman hospital (HRS).

All Members of Parliament

Visits to the Chamber of Deputies

Chambervisiten Fernand Etgen

Do you want to discover the Parliament up close? DP MPs organize regular visits to the Chamber of Deputies.

Chambervisiten Fernand Etgen

Internship in the parliamentary group of the DP

Join our Team

You need to do a practical internship as partof your studies or training, or you want to gain some work experience over your holidays? Then join us for an internship in the parliamentary group of the DP!

Our employees

Mataarbechter Jeff Feller

The DP group’s team supports the deputies in their work and helps them with everything they need.

Parliamentary questions


Construction works at Minett-Park

DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Culture about the state of the construction works at Minett-Park and whether a train museum would be built in the future. Question „De Minett-Park „Fonds de Gras“ ass ee Fräiliichtmusée, deen iwwer ee puer Hektar verschidde Sitte matenee verbënnt an de Visiteuren eng eenzegaarteg kulturell an touristesch Offer bitt. Attraktioune si nieft der bemierkenswäerter Natur beim Minett-Park, och den Oppidum vum „Tëtelbierg“, déi al „Minièresbunn“ oder den „Train 1900“, dee vu ganz engagéierte Benevolle bedriwwe gëtt, a wou ee kann an eng aner Zäit andauchen. An deem Kontext gëtt och ëmmer nees vum engem Zuchmusée um Site geschwat, wou de Lëtzebuergesche Patrimoine ferroviaire kéint nach méi valoriséiert an dem breede Publik zougänglech gemaach ginn. An deem Kader wollte mir dem Här Kulturminister follgend Froe stellen:


Strengthening the rights of pregnant self-employed workers

Pregnant employees can apply for dispensation from work before their maternity leave, for example if they are unable to work for health reasons. The self-employed do not have this option, which can have a negative impact on the recalculation of their maternity benefits.
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Mandy Minella have asked the relevant ministers whether paid dispensation from work or an equivalent mechanism will be introduced for pregnant self-employed workers.


Construction works at Minett-Park

DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Culture about the state of the construction works at Minett-Park and whether a train museum would be built in the future. Question „De Minett-Park „Fonds de Gras“ ass ee Fräiliichtmusée, deen iwwer ee puer Hektar verschidde Sitte matenee verbënnt an de Visiteuren eng eenzegaarteg kulturell an touristesch Offer bitt. Attraktioune si nieft der bemierkenswäerter Natur beim Minett-Park, och den Oppidum vum „Tëtelbierg“, déi al „Minièresbunn“ oder den „Train 1900“, dee vu ganz engagéierte Benevolle bedriwwe gëtt, a wou ee kann an eng aner Zäit andauchen. An deem Kontext gëtt och ëmmer nees vum engem Zuchmusée um Site geschwat, wou de Lëtzebuergesche Patrimoine ferroviaire kéint nach méi valoriséiert an dem breede Publik zougänglech gemaach ginn. An deem Kader wollte mir dem Här Kulturminister follgend Froe stellen:

