Doud Fësch Tote Fische

What effects does the flood have on fish stocks?

Due to the recent floods, many fish have not been able to swim back into their stream or river. DP MP Gusty Graas asked the concerned minister whether she was already aware of the effects of the recent floods on the national fish stocks and whether the “plan de repeuplement” needed to be adjusted now.

« Les récentes inondations ont eu des conséquences néfastes pour la faune aquatique car de nombreuses rivières ont été fortement polluées. En dépit de l’engagement courageux de bénévoles, dont entre autres des membres de la Fédération des Pêcheurs sportifs, des centaines de milliers de poissons n’ont pas pu rejoindre les lits de divers fleuves et rivières après que l’eau s’est retirée.

Dans ce contexte, j’aimerais poser les questions suivantes à Madame la Ministre de l’Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable :

  • Est-ce qu’on peut d’ores et déjà évaluer l’impact des récentes inondations sur le cheptel piscicole ?
  • Quels fleuves et rivières ont été touchés le plus par cette catastrophe écologique ?
  • Est-ce qu’il est prévu d’adapter le cas échéant le plan de repeuplement afin de garantir dans les meilleurs délais un renforcement du cheptel piscicole dans les cours d’eau concernés ? »

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More parliamentary questions

New premises for the medical centre in Ettelbrück?

DP MP André Bauler has heard that the medical centre in Ettelbrück is to be given new premises. The liberal MP asked the Minister of Health for details of the new premises and wanted to know whether the doctors currently have the necessary equipment to fulfil all their tasks, including administrative ones.


Should employment contracts for students be reformed?

Students are allowed to work a maximum of 346 hours per year up to the age of 27. However, there are also students who would like to work more in order to earn a living. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Barbara Agostino have asked the Minister of Labour how many students were working in 2024 and whether the Minister would be prepared to allow students to work more hours per year and to raise the age limit from the current 27 years.


New Director General of HUT

The former director general of the police is to become the new director general of Hëllef um Terrain. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether they had been consulted in advance in this case, how many civil servants move to the private sector after their career with the state and whether there are special rules for secondary employment of retired civil servants.


Reusing the heat from data centers ?

With the development of AI, the demand for computing capacity continues to increase. In several regions of the EU, the heat generated by data centers is already being used to heat public or private buildings.

Our MPs Corinne Cahen and Luc Emering have asked the concerned ministers whether there are any similar projects or plans in Luxembourg to sustainably reuse the heat from existing data centers, including that from the Meluxina supercomputers.