Why aren’t the roadworks at Maulusmühle advancing?

For some time already the roadworks at Maulusmühle don't seem to progress. That is why DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons for this are.

Op der Maulesmillen tëscht Clierf a Wäiswampech, bei der Eisebunnsbréck, ass zanter Méint eng Baustell op där et awer net méi richteg weider ze goe schéngt.

An deem Kader wollt ech dem Här Minister fir Mobilitéit an ëffentlech Aarbechten folgend Froe stellen:

  • Kann den Här Minister d’Aarbechten, déi hei realiséiert solle ginn, méi genee beschreiwen?
  • Wat wieren d’Grënn firwat dee Chantier net virugeet?
  • Wéini ass virgesinn, dass d’Aarbechten sollen ofgeschloss sinn?

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More parliamentary questions

Will a second PET-CT be purchased ?

The former Minister of Health had announced that a second PET-CT could possibly be purchased in order to shorten the waiting time for patients. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the current Minister of Health where the preparations for the purchase of this second PET-CT are at, whether this machine could possibly come to the hospital in Ettelbrück and how the number of treatments in this area has developed over the last 10 years.


Would an awareness campaign against allergies be useful?

More and more people are developing allergies to food, pollen or mites. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister how the number of allergy sufferers has developed over the last ten years, whether an awareness campaign should be launched and when the announced pollen app will be available for those affected.