A repetition of the “Vëlosummer” this year?

After last year's success, DP MP Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned ministers, what is the plan for this year.

« Fir déi héich Nofro un doucer Mobilitéit z’ënnerstëtzen, déi duerch d’Pandemie opkomm ass, gouf d’lescht Joer wärend de Summerméint de sougenannte « Vëlosummer » organiséiert, deen och e grousse Succès hat, quitt dass schlussendlech manner Gemenge matgemaach hunn, wéi geplangt.

An deem Kader wollt ech dem Här Minister fir Mobilitéit an ëffentlech Aarbechten an dem Här Minister fir Tourismus folgend Froe stellen:

– Ass virgesinn d’Initiativ « Vëlosummer » dëst Joer ze widderhuelen ?

– Sinn d’Ministere schonn a Gespréicher mat de Gemengen am Land fir dëst Joer nach méi eng flott Offer de Vëlosfuerer kënnen ze presentéieren ?

– Kënnen d’Häre Ministeren eventuell schonn éischt Detailer vum Vëlosummer 2021 nennen ? Wann net, fir wéini kéint de Projet dem Public virgestallt ginn ? »

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More parliamentary questions

Full unemployment for the self-employed

Self-employed people can apply for full unemployment under certain conditions.

DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour how many self-employed people have applied for full unemployment in recent years, how many applications have been rejected and how often a self-employed person has appealed against a rejection.


How long do patients wait for authorisation for a dental prosthesis?

When a patient needs a dental prosthesis, the dentist must first send a cost estimate to the Medical Control of the Social Security (CMSS). Without the authorisation of the CMSS, the patient will not be reimbursed for the dental prosthesis.

DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the minister responsible how many estimates have been received this year, how long the waiting times currently are and whether interim solutions can be proposed to a patient until the CMSS has given its approval.