How many diseases have been detected in foxes?

It is known that foxes often transmit diseases. Now the ministry has warned of distemper detected in foxes. This disease can also be transmitted to dogs. Guy Arendt, member of the DP, asks the ministers concerned how many diseases have been detected in recent years in foxes and how to prevent the spread of these viruses.

« Dans un communiqué du 31 mars 2021, le ministère de l’Agriculture, de la Viticulture et du Développement rural informe que dans le cadre de la surveillance des maladies animales, l’Administration des services vétérinaires a détecté ces dernières semaines plusieurs cas de maladie de Carré (Staupe) sur des cadavres de renards.

Dans ce contexte j’aimerais poser les questions suivantes à Madame la Ministre de l’Environnement, du Climat et Développement durable et à Monsieur le Ministre de l’Agriculture, de la Viticulture et du Développement rural :

  • Combien de cas de maladie de Carré ont été détectés sur des cadavres de renards ?
  • Combien de renards ont été testés depuis 2013 dans le cadre de la surveillance des maladies animales ?
  • Quelles autres maladies ont été détectées ? Quelle est notamment l’évolution de cas de d’échinococcose constatés chez les renards ?
  • Est-ce que des cas de maladie de Carré sur des chiens ont été signalés à l’Administration des services vétérinaires ?
  • Hormis le conseil de vacciner les chiens, existe-t-il d’autres moyens pour combattre efficacement ce virus ? Est-ce qu’une réduction de la population des renards pourrait être envisagée dans le but de limiter la propagation de ce virus ? »

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More parliamentary questions

Additional national registries for major diseases?

The national cancer registry makes it easier to follow the development of cancers and evaluate the effectiveness of treatments.
DP MPs Mandy Minella and Dr Gérard Schockmel have asked the Minister of Health whether additional registries should be established for major diseases, particularly cardio-neuro-vascular diseases, which are among the leading causes of death in this country.
CGDIS access to these registers should also be considered in order to improve care in emergency situations.


A new pharmacy in Weiswampach?

A new pharmacy is to be built in Weiswampach. DP MP André Bauler has asked the Minister of Health why a new pharmacy is to be installed, when this pharmacy will open and whether it will help to improve the on-call service in the north.


ITM controls in the gastronomy sector

The ITM sees supporting businesses and prevention as its priorities. In the gastronomy sector, however, the direct application of sanctions following an inspection appears to be the rule rather than the exception. In this context, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how many inspections have been carried out in the gastronomy sector in the last 5 years, how many sanctions have been imposed immediately after an inspection and how many sanctions have been reduced or lifted.


A public institution for blood donations?

DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Gérard Schockmel have put questions to the Minister of Health about the announced public institution for blood donations.
The Liberal MPs asked, among other things, whether it would not make more sense to pay all the Red Cross’ fees for the blood donation service instead of setting up a public institution?
And what will happen to the blood donation room planned for the new Red Cross headquarters in Howald if the Red Cross no longer takes over the blood donation service?