The MMUST project: better organization of cross-border mobility

The "multimodal model and cross-border mobility scenarios" project analyzes traffic flows to improve the organization of mobility in the Greater Region. The deputy of the DP Max Hahn inquired with the competent minister on the state of progress of the project and on the possible first results.

« De Projet MMUST (modèle multimodal et scénarios de mobilité transfrontaliers), un deem de Mobilitéitsministère zënter 2018 zesumme mat 22 Partneren aus véier Länner schafft, ass en europawäit eenzegaartege Projet fir d’Verkéiersflëss an der Grenzregioun ze modelléieren an an Zukunft de grenziwwerschreidende Trafic besser kënnen z’organiséieren.

An deem Kader wollt ech dem Här Minister fir Mobilitéit an ëffentlech Aarbechte folgend Froe stellen:

– Kann den Här Minister Detailer zu dësem Projet ginn ?

– Wéi wäit sinn d’Aarbechten un deem Projet fortgeschratt ?

– Kann den Här Minister schonn en Tëschebilan vum Projet maachen ?

– Wéi eng konkret Plus-value fir d’Verkéiersplanung zu Lëtzebuerg an an der Grenzregioun gëtt sech vum Projet vu Säit vum Ministère erwaart ? »

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More parliamentary questions

Strengthening the rights of pregnant self-employed workers

Pregnant employees can apply for dispensation from work before their maternity leave, for example if they are unable to work for health reasons. The self-employed do not have this option, which can have a negative impact on the recalculation of their maternity benefits.
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Mandy Minella have asked the relevant ministers whether paid dispensation from work or an equivalent mechanism will be introduced for pregnant self-employed workers.


Is a pharmacy coming to Bettendorf?

In 2023, the then Minister of Health rejected the installation of a pharmacy in Bettendorf. As the population in the region around Bettendorf continues to grow, DP MP André Bauler has asked the new Minister of Health whether she would reconsider her predecessor’s decision. Has the Minister of Health possibly already been contacted by the municipality of Bettendorf and could other municipalities get a new pharmacy?