What is the purpose of the new camera along the road between Bissen and Vichten?

Along the road between Bissen and Vichten a new camera has been installed, that is why the DP MP André Bauler enquired what its use and purpose is.

« Il m’a été signalé qu’un dispositif avec caméra a été installé le long du chemin repris 306 reliant Bissen à Vichten, sur le côté droit en venant de Bissen.

Voilà pourquoi j’aimerais poser les questions suivantes à Monsieur le Ministre de la Mobilité et des Travaux publics :

  1. Monsieur le Ministre a-t-il été informé de cette installation ?
  2. Dans l’affirmative, de quel projet concret s’agit-il ?
  3. Dans quelle mesure la législation sur la protection des données personnelles est-elle respectée dans ce cas précis ? »

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More parliamentary questions

Storage and distribution of potassium iodide tablets

The municipalities are responsible for storing and distributing iodine tablets to their citizens. DP MP Mandy Minella asked the responsible ministers about the current stock of iodine tablets, whether every citizen is offered iodine tablets and whether a new awareness campaign should be launched.


New premises for the medical centre in Ettelbrück?

DP MP André Bauler has heard that the medical centre in Ettelbrück is to be given new premises. The liberal MP asked the Minister of Health for details of the new premises and wanted to know whether the doctors currently have the necessary equipment to fulfil all their tasks, including administrative ones.


Should employment contracts for students be reformed?

Students are allowed to work a maximum of 346 hours per year up to the age of 27. However, there are also students who would like to work more in order to earn a living. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Barbara Agostino have asked the Minister of Labour how many students were working in 2024 and whether the Minister would be prepared to allow students to work more hours per year and to raise the age limit from the current 27 years.