Europa Charles Goerens Header

The DP in Europe

We are a thoroughly pro-European party. At the European parliament, Charles Goerens is invested in building a stronger Europe. Similarly, our representatives at other European institutions also give Luxembourg a strong socio-liberal voice in Europe.

Standing united against Russia

In his “Tribune libre” on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin’s regime.


Standing united against Russia

In his “Tribune libre” on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin’s regime.


Our Member of the European Parliament

Charles Goerens
Member of the European Parliament
Charles Goerens
Charles Goerens
Member of the European Parliament

Charles Goerens was voted into the Chamber of Deputies in 1979. After having been a member of the Chambrer of Deputies again, he returned to the European Parliament in 2009 and retained his seat after the May 2014 and May 2019 elections

Social. Liberal. European.

Our program (2019-2024) for Europe.

Eis Vertrieder an den europäeschen Institutiounen

Xavier Bettel
Conseil vun der Europäescher Unioun
Xavier Bettel
Xavier Bettel
Conseil vun der Europäescher Unioun


Pierre Gramegna




Gusty Graas
President vum Benelux-Parlament, Vize-President vum Europarot, Comité des Régions
Gusty Graas
Gusty Graas
President vum Benelux-Parlament, Vize-President vum Europarot, Comité des Régions


Carole Hartmann

Comité des Régions


Carole Hartmann


Simone Beissel
Comité des Régions
Simone Beissel
Simone Beissel
Comité des Régions
