Evaluation of the Adem reform

The Adem was reformed more than 10 years ago. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Labour whether an evaluation of this reform has been carried out, how many job profiles there are at the agency and how many job seekers are enrolled in further training courses at Adem.


Virun iwwer zeng Joer ass d’Adem via Gesetz reforméiert ginn. Aus der “Administration de l’Emploi” ass deemools eng Agence ginn, d’”Agence pour le développement de l’Emploi”. 

An deem Kontext wollt ech dem Här Aarbechtsminister follgend Froe stellen:

  • Ass schonn eng Evaluatioun vun dëser Reform duerchgefouert ginn? Wa jo, wat sinn d’Conclusiounen aus dëser Analys? Wann nee, wéini kéint esou eng Evaluatioun an d’Weeër geleet ginn?
  • Wéi huet sech d’Zuel vun den Agenten, déi bei der Adem schaffen, zanter der Reform entwéckelt? Wéi eng verschidde Beruffsprofiller gëtt et bei der Agence? Wéi vill sinn der am Statut vum Staatsbeamten an dem “Employé public” engagéiert?
  • Wéi vill “Demandeurs d’emploi” sinn aktuell an de Weiderbildunge vun der Adem ageschriwwen – speziell am Programm « Fit for digital »?

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More parliamentary questions

Which doctors will be on board SAMU vehicles in future?

In Luxembourg, anaesthetists and anaesthesia and intensive care nurses have until now been on board SAMU vehicles. However, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have learned that, in future, GPs or emergency doctors could also be taken on board instead of anaesthetists. The MPs asked the ministers concerned why until now only anaesthetists have been on board SAMU vehicles, whether anaesthesia and intensive care nurses could also form an emergency team with other doctors, and whether the quality of care, regardless of the doctor’s specialisation, would still be guaranteed.


How many young people were hospitalised due to alcohol consumption?

According to the latest figures, fewer young people in Germany have had to be hospitalised for alcohol. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health how many young people have been hospitalised for alcohol consumption in recent years, on which days of the year a particularly high number of drunk people are hospitalised and whether the National Action Plan against Alcohol Abuse will be renewed.


Storage and distribution of potassium iodide tablets

The municipalities are responsible for storing and distributing iodine tablets to their citizens. DP MP Mandy Minella asked the responsible ministers about the current stock of iodine tablets, whether every citizen is offered iodine tablets and whether a new awareness campaign should be launched.