How has correspondence developed in Luxembourg?

At "Deutsche Post", correspondence decreased by 6.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is mainly because of increased digitalisation. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism how correspondence and the number of parcels have developed in Luxembourg since 2020 and how many different companies are active in the letter and parcel business in Luxembourg.


„Am éischte Quartal vun dësem Joer ass de Bréifverkéier bei der däitscher Post ëm 6,6% zréckgaang. D’Verschécke vu Päck ass dogéint ëm 4,4% geklomm. Dës Entwécklung erkläert sech haaptsächlech duerch de Prozess vun der Digitaliséierung.

An deem Kader wollte mir dem Här Minister fir d’Ekonomie, Mëttelstand, Energie an Tourismus follgend Froe stellen:

1. Wéi huet sech de Bréifverkéier hei am Land zanter 2020 entwéckelt? 2. Huet den Här Minister och Informatiounen iwwer d’Entwécklung vun der Unzuel u Päck?

3. Wéi vill verschidde Firme sinn hei zu Lëtzebuerg am Bréif- a Päckgeschäft aktiv? Wat sinn hir respektiv Maartundeeler?

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More parliamentary questions

Should the free sale of anti-cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine be banned?

In Belgium and France, the free sale of anti-cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine was recently banned. Due to potential health risks, these medicines are now only available on prescription.

DP MPs Dr Gérard Schockmel and Gilles Baum have asked the Minister of Health what she thinks of this ban in our neighbouring countries, whether she thinks such a ban would also make sense in Luxembourg and whether doctors and patients should be made more aware of the risks of medicines containing pseudoephedrine.


Additional national registries for major diseases?

The national cancer registry makes it easier to follow the development of cancers and evaluate the effectiveness of treatments.
DP MPs Mandy Minella and Dr Gérard Schockmel have asked the Minister of Health whether additional registries should be established for major diseases, particularly cardio-neuro-vascular diseases, which are among the leading causes of death in this country.
CGDIS access to these registers should also be considered in order to improve care in emergency situations.


A new pharmacy in Weiswampach?

A new pharmacy is to be built in Weiswampach. DP MP André Bauler has asked the Minister of Health why a new pharmacy is to be installed, when this pharmacy will open and whether it will help to improve the on-call service in the north.