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New Director General of HUT
The former director general of the police is to become the new director general of Hëllef um Terrain. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether they had been consulted in advance in this case, how many civil servants move to the private sector after their career with the state and whether there are special rules for secondary employment of retired...
ITM controls in the gastronomy sector
The ITM sees supporting businesses and prevention as its priorities. In the gastronomy sector, however, the direct application of sanctions following an inspection appears to be the rule rather than the exception. In this context, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how many inspections have been carried out in the gastronomy sector...
Is the state's financial contribution to blood donation too low?
The Red Cross is once again making a deficit in the organisation of blood donations this year. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health whether the state should not increase its financial contribution, whether Luxembourg always has sufficient blood reserves and whether the Red Cross should continue to organise blood donations in the country on its own.
How high is the absenteeism rate here in Luxembourg?
The absenteeism rate is rising in many European countries. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers how absenteeism has developed in Luxembourg over the last 10 years, what the explanations for absenteeism are and what is currently being done about it.
The country's only PET scan out of order again?
The PET scan in Luxembourg is regularly out of order. This makes it more difficult to diagnose cancer and is a psychological burden for patients. In this context, DP MP Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Health how often the PET scan had to be repaired in recent years, when the second PET scan will be installed and what options are available for patients who urgently need to have a...
Full unemployment for the self-employed
Self-employed people can apply for full unemployment under certain conditions. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour how many self-employed people have applied for full unemployment in recent years, how many applications have been rejected and how often a self-employed person has appealed against a rejection.
How long do patients wait for authorisation for a dental prosthesis?
When a patient needs a dental prosthesis, the dentist must first send a cost estimate to the Medical Control of the Social Security (CMSS). Without the authorisation of the CMSS, the patient will not be reimbursed for the dental prosthesis. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the minister responsible how many estimates have been received this year, how long the waiting times currently...
Short-time work - Too long deadlines for the repayment of wages paid in advance?
According to the Chamber of Trades, the deadlines for reimbursing wages advanced by companies on short-time work are too long. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum have asked the responsible ministers how long these deadlines are and what is being done to improve the situation.
Strengthening the rights of pregnant self-employed workers
Pregnant employees can apply for dispensation from work before their maternity leave, for example if they are unable to work for health reasons. The self-employed do not have this option, which can have a negative impact on the recalculation of their maternity benefits. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Mandy Minella have asked the relevant ministers whether paid dispensation from work or an equivalent mechanism...
How has correspondence developed in Luxembourg?
At "Deutsche Post", correspondence decreased by 6.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is mainly because of increased digitalisation. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism how correspondence and the number of parcels have developed in Luxembourg since 2020 and how many different companies are active in the letter and parcel business in...
How many patients suffer from thyroid cancer?
More and more young people are apparently developing thyroid cancer. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how the figures have developed over the last 10 years and what differences there are depending on age and gender.
Should the emergency departments for children in the north be expanded?
Even children with minor injuries are often sent from the north to the capital's paediatric clinic. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Health why the CHdN's emergency departments cannot be guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and how many children from the north are sent to the Kannerklinik.
How can children's health be improved?
Children's health problems are increasing and access to paediatricians is becoming more and more difficult. DP MPs Mandy Minella and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health what measures are planned to improve the situation, whether a national strategy for child health is planned and whether a national coordinator for child health should be appointed.
Will a second PET-CT be purchased ?
The former Minister of Health had announced that a second PET-CT could possibly be purchased in order to shorten the waiting time for patients. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the current Minister of Health where the preparations for the purchase of this second PET-CT are at, whether this machine could possibly come to the hospital in Ettelbrück and how the number of treatments in...
Why is it not possible to do an apprenticeship as a disabled worker?
Young people with a disability do not seem to be able to do an apprenticeship in Luxembourg and at the same time have the status of a disabled worker. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the relevant ministers why this is not possible and whether there are plans to remedy this situation?
Would an awareness campaign against allergies be useful?
More and more people are developing allergies to food, pollen or mites. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister how the number of allergy sufferers has developed over the last ten years, whether an awareness campaign should be launched and when the announced pollen app will be available for those affected.
How often have the carers' leave and the leave for reasons of force majeure been taken so far?
Since last year, two new types of leave can be applied for if you have to look after your family. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Corinne Cahen wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often these leaves have been requested so far and how long it takes for an employer to receive the intended financial support from the state.
Modernising occupational medicine
There is a shortage of occupational physicians in our country. The coalition programme therefore provides for the modernisation of occupational medicine. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how many occupational physicians are currently working in our country, what the age structure of the profession looks like and what the modernisation of occupational medicine could...
How many social plans have there been in recent years?
Companies in economic difficulties in Luxembourg have the option of negotiating a job protection plan with the social partners to avoid layoffs. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers how many job protection plans have been negotiated in the last ten years and how many social plans have been implemented in the same period.
Does the procedure for inheritance in a non-direct line have to be adjusted?
In the case of an inheritance that is not in a direct line, a declaration of inheritance must be made. If this is not submitted within the deadline, a fee is charged. Such delays occur on a regular basis. Our MP Carole Hartmann has inquired with the relevant ministries whether the procedure might need to be adjusted.
When will the pollen app arrive?
The Ministry of Health had announced that a free app would be offered at the beginning of 2020 that would provide citizens with information about pollen concentrations in the air. After more than three years, this app still does not exist. DP MP Carole Hartmann therefore asked the Minister of Health where the work on this app is at and who has been entrusted with its development?
A PET scan for Ettelbruck hospital?
Luxembourg is to get a second PET scan. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health whether it would not make sense to install this device at Ettelbruck Hospital.
What is being done about the shortage of medicines?
Time and again, there is a shortage of important medicines throughout Europe. Since the Covid 19 crisis, this seems to be an increasingly common occurrence. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health what measures are being taken at national and European level in the short term to address the shortage of medicines.
How often after a divorce was a decision made for a dual-household living arrangement for children since 2018?
When parents separate or divorce, the question often remains with whom the child should live in the future. In 2018, the secondary residence was introduced. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the Ministry of Justice how many decisions have been made in this matter since then and how they turned out.
Where is the study on the “Plan d'Organisation du Travail”?
The study on the reduction of working time refers to the results of the study on the “Plan d'Organisation du Travail” - POT for short - which was introduced by law in December 2016. However, the results of the POT study have not yet been published. The DP MP Carole Hartmann has therefore asked the Minister of Labour, who commissioned this study, when the results will be presented.
How many people work part-time?
Part-time work is being requested more and more often. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Public Service how many part-time contracts have been signed in the last 10 years. The MP also wanted to know from the Minister of Labour whether the regulation of the 40-hour limit for part-time work should not be relaxed to allow for more flexibility.
Why is the Holy Ghost parking still closed to the public?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty have heard that still no tender has been made to find an operator of the Holy Ghost parking. That is why they asked the relevant minister if this is true and what the reasons are for this.
Will the on-call service of paediatrics at Kirchberg continue to be guaranteed?
The Ministry of Health and the Hospital Association have recently signed an agreement on the compensation of on-call and stand-by duty of doctors in hospitals. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann have heard that only one on-call service is planned for paediatrics at Kirchberg. No on-call service was planned for paediatric surgery. Therefore, they wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether...
How often was labour law violated?
In recent years, the Labour Inspectorate has hired new inspectors to carry out checks on construction sites and workplaces. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often labour law was violated, which sectors were affected and what sanctions were imposed.
Was there a tender for the "Schlasskéier" project in Wiltz?
A preliminary draft of the "Schlasskéier" project is to be presented in Wiltz this year. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether there was a tender for the project, which company was contracted and what the estimated costs are.
Recognition of the german "Notfallsanitäter" qualification to address staff shortage in the health sector?
Against the background of the staff shortage in the health professions, the DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked if it would not be an idea to recognize the German qualification of "emergency paramedics" in Luxembourg, whereby more people from the border area would be available for employment. In addition, they wanted to know where the work on SAP3 was.
Should heart attacks in women be made more of an issue?
The symptoms of a heart attack can be different in women and men. As female symptoms are often less well known, it can take longer for women to be diagnosed, increasing the risk to life. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the responsible ministers whether the population should be made more aware of this issue and whether first aid courses could be improved on this point.
What does the "Schlasskéier" project in Wiltz involve?
The "Schlasskéier" project is being realised near the St Joseph Clinic in Wiltz. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers, among other things, whether a medical centre will be part of this project, how many people will work there later and what the cooperation with the clinic will look like.
What happens to the hangar at the exit of Echternach?
At the exit of Echternach there is a hangar of the National Roads Association, which does not seem to be in use at the moment. This area could potentially be used for other projects such as housing. Our MP Carole Hartmann has asked the ministry in charge what the plans are for this place in the future.
Infrastructure problems in Echternach?
The DP deputies Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Culture about the infrastructure problems in Echternach. In this context, besides the municipality and the private actors, the state also has an important responsibility.
Are further accesses planned for the ‘Cité Manertchen’?
The residential area 'Cité Manertchen' is to be considerably expanded via a project of the ‘Fonds du logement’. At the moment there is an access that leads over the national road CR 139. There is no footpath, not to the industrial zone, and not to the Cité Manertchen. Bicycle paths are also planned. Our MP Carole Hartmann contacted the ministry for further details.
Are additional measures being taken to cope with the many cases of bronchiolitis?
The high numbers of bronchiolitis are leading to an overload of pediatric units. In France, the "White Plan" has been announced at national level, a sanitary emergency and crisis plan to improve the functioning of hospitals in the event of an epidemic. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether additional measures are being taken in our country to continue...
What is the status of the new MRI for the Wiltz site?
In mid-May of this year, it was announced that the Wiltz site of the Northern Hospital was to be equipped with an MRI. Democratic Party deputies André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the ministers concerned about the status of the project and how many patients could be examined daily with this MRI.
AMMD resigns from the board of the agency eSanté
The members of the AMMD have resigned from the board of the agency eSanté. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the responsible ministers how they react to this resignation, what effects this would have on the functioning of the board and whether dialogue with the AMMD was sought.
How is the work going on the bypass road in Echternach?
The work on the bypass road in Echternach was to start in October 2022. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the respective ministry whether the works are proceeding as planned, and what the impact will be on road traffic in the region.
Domestic violence - how can we help the victims?
Domestic violence is also a widespread problem in Luxembourg. Over 30% of people in this country have already experienced violence. Campaigns should draw attention to the subject and provide prevention. But where can victims find help? What means are available to them? And what is being done to stop the perpetrators from using violence? Our MP Carole Hartmann has asked the ministries in charge.
What are the consequences of the resignation of six cardiologists from the North Hospital?
Six cardiologists from the North Hospital want to resign. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers what impact these resignations will have on patient healthcare and whether unpaid on-call duties might have played a role in the doctors' decision.
What is the impact of the kerosene leak in Echternacherbrück on the environment?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know what the impact of the kerosene leak in Echternacherbrück on the environment is.
How can patient service be improved in the future regarding mammography tests?
The European Commission has issued a recommendation to do the mammography for women between the ages of 45 and 74. Currently, in Luxembourg, the obligatory screening is only done for women over the age of 50. It often takes too long to get an appointment for an ad-hoc check-up. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the Ministry of Health whether this will change in the future.
When will there be a uniform digital solution in Luxembourg’s health care system?
With the GesondheetsApp, the Digital Health Network in cooperation with the AMMD has developed an application that would allow the patients to carry out all their medical operations digitally. Despite a political agreement, the app is currently being used conditionally and in a limited way? Why is the app not being used to its full extent, and when will there be uniform solutions in this regard? Our...
Delays in tuberculosis tests for Ukrainian refugees
People who have fled Ukraine and want to work or go to school in Luxembourg, must first undergo a medical check-up and a tuberculosis test to complete their file. Due to delays in the appointments, many of these people are currently blocked in the process. When are these people allowed to start looking for a job, and are these children not allowed to go to school? Our MP Carole Hartmann has queried...
Equality between women and men in Luxembourg sport
In the last decades, gender equality policy in Luxembourg has continuously improved. Sport in particular can play an important role in this issue. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible ministers about the situation regarding gender equality in Luxembourg sports.
No agreement between CNS and FAPSYLUX – now what?
For years, attempts have been made to find an agreement to reimburse the psychotherapeutic treatment. Again and again the negotiations are broken off because both parties can’t come to an agreement. The patient remain without help. Until when should a solution be found? Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the minister in charge.
Will vaccination against shingles be included in the national vaccination schedule?
People over 50 have the greatest risk of getting shingles. Vaccines can help with treatment and prevention. DP MPs Gilles Baum, Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas have asked the relevant ministers whether the vaccine Shingrix, which is used against shingles, can be included in the national vaccination plan.
How many men suffer from breast cancer in Luxembourg?
Men can also get breast cancer. DP MPs Gilles Baum, Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the Minister of Health how many men are affected in Luxembourg and whether mammograms are performed on men.
How often are candidacies for a state concession for a pharmacy rejected?
To obtain a state licence for a pharmacy, certain criteria must be met in the application process. Democratic Party MPs Gilles Baum, Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health how many candidacies were rejected and how many times a rejection was successfully appealed.
Missing persons in Luxembourg
Every now and then, the news comes that a person, often a minor, is missing. With the latter, it felt like that number had increased recently. How many people have gone missing in recent years? How quickly are these people found generally ? When is an AMBER Alert started? Can public transport help in the search for missing people? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the respective...
Increased risk of skin cancer - how can we protect ourselves in the future?
The sun reaches the earth's surface ever stronger and longer. With climate change, the risk of skin cancer is also increasing. More and more people spend more time outside, and people whose jobs are on the outside are more and more exposed to the sun. How should we counter this danger in the future? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have inquired with the responsible ministries.
Consumption and distribution of gas in the context of the Ukrainian war
How much gas did the individual categories of consumers expend over the last few years in Luxembourg? How does the Minister for Energy intend to determine the distribution of gas in the event of a gas bottleneck? Our MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked the Minister for Energy these questions.
o the delays in pricing have an impact on patients' access to new medicines?
It has come to the attention of DP MPs Gusty Graas, Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum that the Ministry of Social Security has changed the procedure for setting prices for new medicines. This can lead to delays before a new drug is available to patients. Why has the procedure been changed and how often has the 90-day time limit for pricing been exceeded?
How are things going with different road works in Mullerthal?
For months there have been two road works in Mullerthal, which do not seem to be progressing. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked how these are progressing and when they will be finished.
What is being done so that doctors from third countries get a work permit in Luxembourg faster?
Doctors from third countries must first have their diplomas recognized in another member state before they are allowed to work in Luxembourg. Since this brings difficulties in practice, especially in the case of Ukrainian refugees, the DP MP Carole Hartmann asked how the procedure could be simplified.
Away from a hospital- centred health system
The closure of the Ettelbrück maternity hospital has shown us that the shortage of doctors is already having serious consequences for citizens.
National congress 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
One year after the floods of July 14th and 15th, 2021: What is the current state of affairs in the municipalities?
A year after the floods of July 14 and 15, DP Member of Parliament Carole Hartmann asked the Interior Minister, among other things, how high the total damage was at municipal level and how much money had already been paid to the respective municipalities.
How has undeclared work developed in recent years?
With rising prices, the risk of undeclared work increases, which inevitably has consequences on tax revenues. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers, among other things, whether the Statec has estimates on the development of undeclared work and tax losses and how many controls the ITM has carried out in recent years?
The fight for women's rights must continue
Speaking on RTL’s Tribune Libre, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to repeal the right to abortion in the U.S.. As stated by our secretary-general, this is terrible news regarding women's self-determination over their bodies. And a warning that women must continue to fight for their rights.
How often are the various special leaves used in this country?
In Luxembourg, workers are entitled to a whole range of leaves. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn wanted to know from the Minister of Labour for how many days on average the different leaves were applied for in the last five years and whether women and men apply for the leaves differently.
Follow-up of the work in the Echternach Park
A sign in the Echternach park indicates that a historical study is being conducted by the Ministry of Culture and that as long as it is not completed, no flood damage of July 2022 can be repaired. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Culture in a parliamentary question for some details.
Where is the "accelerated reimbursement" at?
In October 2021, the then Minister of Social Security announced an "accelerated reimbursement" for medical bills. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked how many doctors offer this faster reimbursement, how long the delays are for these reimbursements and what steps are being taken to get more doctors to implement the "accelerated reimbursement".
Will the ATM at the Post Office in Echternach be closed?
DP MP Carole Hartmann has heard that the ATM at the post office in Echternach is set to close. In this context, she wanted to know from the Minister responsible whether this would be the case and whether the office is also planned be closed.
Should the use of medical cannabis be expanded?
Since 2018, the use of medicinal cannabis is allowed in Luxembourg and helps, among others, patients with chronic pain. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether medical cannabis should also be used to treat other diseases and whether medical cannabis could also be sold in pharmacies outside the hospital in the future.
How big is the problem of " puffs " in Luxembourg?
In France, puffs, disposable electronic cigarettes, are becoming increasingly popular among young people. The French Ministry of Health is concerned about the emergence of a new generation of smokers. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether "puffs" were a problem in Luxembourg and whether it would be useful to inform the population about the...
How can the attractiveness of the Centre Hospitalier du Nord be improved?
At its two sites in Wiltz and Ettelbruck, the ChdN ensures healthcare for the north and partly for the east of the country. What will be done to make the two sites also attractive in the future? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether cooperation with the University of Luxembourg was planned, whether specialisation in a medical field was envisaged...
When will the Supreme Council for Health and Safety at Work be reconvened?
The CSSST, which reports to the Directorate of Health, has not met since 2018. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health why no more meetings have taken place and whether the Minister will convene a meeting in the near future.
Shouldn't midwives play a more important role in childbirth in the future?
Following the closure of the maternity clinic at the Ettelbruck site of the Centre Hospitalier du Nord, DP MP Carole Hartmann will put an extended parliamentary question to the Minister of Health in the Chamber. How does the Minister see the promotion of home births, the establishment of a birth centre, as they have existed in Germany for a long time, or the establishment of a midwife ambulance?
How are things going with the P&R in Wasserbillig near the station?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn have heard that the project of the new P&R in Wasserbillig near the CFL train station, due to, among others, the price explosion of the material, has temporarily been stopped, and will be re-planned. For this reason, they asked the Minister responsible for further details.
When will outpatient radiology receive nomenclature tariffs?
Up to now, there are no tariffs in the nomenclature for out-of-hospital radiology. This means that, for example, an MRI scan is only fully covered by health insurance if it is performed in hospital. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the ministers concerned when the subject will be discussed again in the nomenclature commission and whether they do not think that the absence of such tariffs...
What is being done about endometriosis in Luxembourg ?
In France, a national strategy to fight endometriosis was announced this month. A disease that affects 180 million women worldwide. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the ministers responsible how many women suffer from this disease in this country and what is being done about endometriosis.
How many people in Luxembourg have changed their name ?
The law of December 2020 made it easier to request a change of name or surname. How many people have changed their names in 2021 and what are general reasons for these requests? Our MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann inquired at the ministry.
Why is there a Patiente Vertriedung form on vaccination side effects?
Since 26 January 2022, a form has been available on the website of the Patients' Association (Patiente Vertriedung asbl), which allows people to report adverse reactions to vaccinations. The MPs Gusty Graas and Carole Hartmann wonder why such a form exists and whether it complies with the legislation.
Where does the work on a compensation fund for "aléa thérapeutique" stand?
The coalition agreement provides for the introduction of a compensation fund for "aléa thérapeutique". If accidents occur during treatment without any fault on the part of the healthcare provider, this fund is to compensate patients. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the responsible ministers where the work stands and whether this fund will be introduced during this legislative peri...
What is the participation rate in the early detection programme "Bilan 30"?
The audiophonological service provides early detection of language deficits in children aged 30 months. DP MPs Max Hahn, Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health questions about participation and current problems in making appointments.
How many applications for subsidies for flood protection measures have already been processed?
Following the floods of last July, many people and municipalities have decided to invest in flood protection measures, which are also financially supported by the Water fund. DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked, among other things, how many applications had already been received and how many of them had already been processed.
Pediatrics in Luxembourg
If the child is sick but the pediatrician is not available at the moment, parents can take their child to the children's clinic, the Bohler Clinic or the children's outpatient clinic in the North Hospital. In addition to long waiting times, parents from the north and east of the country in particular often have to travel long distances. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann therefore wanted to know...
What is the Minister doing about the long delays in the orders for a PCR test or for isolation?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas have asked what the reasons are for the delays in issuing the isolation, quarantine and PCR test orders and what is being done to solve these problems.
Allowance for doctors in the process of specialisation
The law of 31 July 2020 has adapted the allowances for doctors in the process of specialisation. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health whether doctors in the process of specialisation already receive this adapted allowance and, if not, whether a retroactive reimbursement of the difference is planned.
Minister's reaction to the call for the Covid demonstration in front of Robert Schuman hospital next week?
Deputies Claude LAMBERTY and Carole HARTMANN want to know how the responsible minister responds to the call to demonstrate in front of the Robert-Schuman hospital next week, especially in view of the development of demonstrations in recent weeks.
Why were several pregnant women denied the booster vaccination ?
Despite being invited for a booster vaccination, several pregnant women were refused the vaccination at the vaccination centre. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the Minister of Health why this is the case and what is being done to enable these women to access their booster vaccination.
Flood damage in Echternach : why are the repairs in the park still on hold ?
Flood damages in the park of Echternach have still not been repaired. The MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of Culture about the reasons for the delay and the expected finalization of the repair work.
New P&R in the Remich Canton?
According to the minister, no new P&R are planned in the Remich Canton. DP MP Carole Hartmann wanted to know the reasons for this.
When will the bypass road in Echternach be realised?
The works on the Echternach bypass road could start at the end of 2021, according to a statement from the ministre from 2020. Therefore the DP MP Carole Hartmann asked what the current status of the project is and when the works will be able to start.
Concrete information on financial support for the affected communities in the context of the flood in mid-July
After the floods in mid-July, the government provided a financial support of 100 million for affected households, businesses and municipalities. DP member Carole Hartmann asked the Interior Minister for concrete information on the financial support for the concerned municipalities.
Will youth protection staff be strengthened?
We are increasingly hearing about cases of abuse and mistreatment of children and young people. As Luxembourg is certainly not an isolated country and the figures tend to increase, our MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked some questions to the ministers in charge.
What is the Minister of Labour's assessment of the training offered in the context of short-time work?
As a means to prevent redundancies during the economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government of Luxembourg introduced a short-time working scheme. Additionally, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy offered vouchers for training. The members of parliament André Bauler and Carole Hartmann are enquiring about the Minister of Labour’s assessment of...
Why is the road between Bäerdref an Vugelsmillen still closed?
The floodings of July 2021 gravely damaged the road between Bäerdref and Vugelsmillen. Member of parliament Carole Hartmann requests further information from the Minister for Mobility and Public Works regarding the rehabilitation of the road.
What about the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination?
Some countries restrict the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination for entry into their country. For people who were vaccinated at the beginning of the year, the validity of the vaccination will therefore expire soon. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether Luxembourg also plans to introduce such a validity limit and what can be done at EU level.
RGTR reform: What is the ministry doing to make the bus lines 110 and 111 more attractive again?
The new bus lines 110 and 111, as modified by the RGTR reform, are for many people no longer interesting enough to leave their car. DP MP Carole Hartmann therefore asked the minister responsible for the plans to make these lines more attractive.
How soon can flood-affected businesses expect to receive assistance?
Many businesses, hotels, restaurants, cafes and campsites, which have already suffered greatly from the containment, have now suffered enormous damage from the flooding. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked Minister for the Middle Class Lex Delles if these companies can receive advances and when they can expect to receive the requested assistance.
Less flood risk due to additional retention measures along rivers?
Could the installation of polders that capture water masses during floods reduce the risk of flooding in rivers? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister.
Risk of a 4th wave of Covid-19 infections
The delta variant of Covid-19 is spreading more and more in Europe. This raises concerns that a fourth wave of infections could hit us in the autumn. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how she assesses the risk of a 4th wave here in the country and whether preparations are already being made for this eventuality.
Mandatory defibrillators in public buildings?
Defibrillators and first aid kits can save lives, as the recent case of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen has shown once again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann, Claude Lamberty, and Max Hahn wanted to know from the respective Ministries what is the plan to install more defibrillators in public areas.
Discrimination against homosexuals when donating blood
Currently, homosexual men are not allowed to have sexual relations for 12 months if they want to give blood in Luxembourg. In other countries, such as the UK, the principle of individual risk is applied to sexual behaviour, so homosexuals are not discriminated against. Democratic Party MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the minister responsible whether discrimination against homosexuals...
Combination of different vaccines against Covid-19
A recent study by the University of Saarland indicates that a combination of vaccines from AstraZeneca and Biontech/Pfizer leads to a higher immunisation. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether such a combination, once the results are confirmed, will also be considered in Luxembourg?
More heatwaves because of climate change: what is the impact in Luxembourg?
Due to climate change, heat waves are becoming more frequent. This also increases the risk of dehydration and heat deaths, especially among the elderly and sick. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health a series of questions on this issue, including how many heat deaths and dehydrations there have been in this country in recent years.
Environment and health go hand in hand
Our environment has a direct impact on our health in many ways. The Covid pandemic has clearly shown this. Therefore, the DP wants to strengthen the role of environmental medicine and the health policy.
No permission for a sculpture in Echternach?
On Whit Tuesday, a bronze sculpture will be inaugurated in front of the Basilica as a tribute to the Dancing Procession. As the site is classified as a national monument, the Ministry of Culture must have authorised this sculpture. In this context, our MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have submitted an urgent parliamentary question.
“Stealthing” - Does the definition of rape in criminal law need to be readjusted?
If the sexual partner takes off the condom during intercourse without telling the partner about it, this is known as 'stealthing'. Not only is this a serious breach of trust, it can also have health consequences for both partners. How is this phenomenon dealt with here in Luxembourg? What does criminal law foreseefor such cases? Does the criminal law need to be adapted to take this practice into account?...
How many people have changed their name so far?
In December, the new law was passed that should simplify the process of changing the name or first name. How many people have used this opportunity so far, how long does the process take and are all applications successful? Our deputy Carole Hartmann asked the Ministry of Justice.
Introduction of a third gender
Recent discussions have revived the issue of gender and its significance in a society. Legislative texts should be more inclusive in the future and adapt to a changing society. The 2018-2023 coalition agreement plans for a third gender, ie a third option in the civil status. How is the work on this project coming and what exactly is planned? Our Member of Parliament Carole Hartmann asked these questions...
Work incapacity certificates during the Covid pandemic
The National Health Fund seized more than 1.1 million certificates of incapacity for work in 2020, a significant increase compared to 2019. Democratic Party MP Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister for Social Security, among other things, which sectors were most affected, how long the certificates of incapacity for work lasted on average and how often they were extended.
Extension of short-time work in the construction sector
Due to the shortage of raw materials and other materials, the government has decided to extend short-time work in the construction sector until June. In this context, DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers, among other things, how many companies are affected by this and which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to apply for short-time work.
What happens if joint custody agreements are breached or if children are kidnapped by a partner?
In case of a divorce, shared custody is often a compromise used to help determine who has custody of the children, when and for how long. However, what is agreed upon is not always respected by the ex-partners. More and more frequently, cases become known where partners keep the children with them for longer than agreed or doesn’t allow them to return to the other partner. It also happens that children...
Have organ transplants gone down due to the pandemic?
Due to the Covid crisis, many other medical procedures and treatments had to be cancelled or postponed. This also applies to organ transplants, especially kidney transplants. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health, among other things, how many kidney transplants had to be cancelled during the pandemic, how many patients are waiting for a kidney in this country and what conditions have to...
Postpartum depression
The birth of a child is one of the most beautiful moments in the life of every parent. In some cases, however, it happens that the mother or father develops a "postnatal depression". Constant fatigue, deep sadness and increased irritability are common symptoms. In this context, our deputy Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health about the existing treatment options in Luxembourg.
What is the situation of sexually transmitted diseases in Luxembourg?
Sexually transmitted diseases are still a real threat to our health. Antibiotic resistance is also contributing to certain diseases becoming more dangerous again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the ministers responsible how many cases of sexually transmitted diseases there are in Luxembourg and what measures are being taken to curb their spread.
How much have the grapevines in Luxembourg suffered from the recent frost?
After the severe frostbite that had an considerable impact all over France, the DP MPs André Bauler, Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann asked the minister responsible what the situation looks like in Luxembourg.
National capacities of waste disposal: Where do we stand?
The constant growth of our population goes hand in hand with an increase of waste that local authorities need to dispose of. In this context, the DP deputies Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development if the capacity of the incinerator in Leudelingen and the landfill Muertendall are to be expanded any time soon.
Operations on intersex children – will they also be banned in Luxembourg?
Operations on intersex children are not uncommon. Intersexuality is often seen as a medical problem that needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether these children are healthy, they are being refused a choice that they should have been able to make a later date. In Germany, a law is currently being discussed prohibiting this practice and aiming to strengthen intersex children in their self-determination....
A special leave in case of a miscarriage?
A miscarriage is a horrible moment for any parent. An end to a new life, before it even began. In New Zealand, a law has been passed to allow parents to take extra leave in this case. They should be given time to mourn their loss. Deputies Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked if such an extra leave is also planned in Luxembourg.
Use of rapid tests in hospitals
Although hospitals follow strict hygiene measures, patients can still get infected with Covid-19 in a hospital. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health for statistics and how often rapid tests are used in hospitals to protect patients.
How can we protect young people in particular from hate speech on the Internet?
The phenomenon of 'hate speech' is becoming more and more widespread in society. Not only, but especially children and young people are exposed to these comments with all their consequences. How has this problem evolved over the years, what can be done to counteract it, and how can young people in particular protect themselves from, and take action against hate speech online? MPs Carole Hartmann and...
How many controls were there in the Horeca sector during the crisis?
During the crisis, the ITM also carried out inspections in the area of catering. Of course, these controls are important, but some companies now need to do major work in a short period of time. They are afraid that because of the pandemic they will not hiccup in the imposed time and in some cases even lack the liquidity. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Guy Arendt ask the minister how many inspections were...
Spotlight: Carole Hartmann
After the last legislative elections, the president of the eastern electoral district has made her entrance to the Chamber of Deputies and is now one of the youngest MPs. We spoke with the attorney about her political priorities, her concerns about local enterprises, and the challenges of her native town Echternach.
Midwives without an invitation for the Covid-19 vaccination
It has come to our attention that some liberal midwives have not yet received an invitation to the Covid-19 vaccination. DP MP Carole Hartmann has asked the Minister of Health whether this problem is known and whether other health professionals are affected.
Helping the most vulnerable
The Corona pandemic with its more or less severe lockdowns has slowed down our economy and made it difficult to restart its activities. The government has therefore adopted a series of financial aids and measures to counteract the economic uncertainty and secure jobs.
Vaccination center in Ettelbruck
The DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann were informed that there were no more free appointments at the vaccination center in Ettelbruck for some elderly people from the northern tip of the country who were invited to the Covid-19 vaccination. They were told by phone that they had to make an appointment in Mondorf. The MPs asked the Minister of Health whether these were individual cases and what...
Additional noise abatement measures along motorways?
The action plan against noise on major highways does not a priori provide for strengthening protection against noise along the A1. However, it has come to the DP MP Carole Hartmann's attention that many people living near the motorway would like additional measures. Therefore, Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister if other measures were possible.
Where are the works on the future Moselle Center in Ehnen?
On September 26, 2018, the foundation stone for the renovation of the Ehnen Wine Museum was laid. Not much has happened since. Carole Hartmann, member of the DP, asks the responsible ministers in what phase the construction is and when the new museum will open.
When can family doctors start vaccinating against Covid-19?
In addition to the vaccination centers, it should also be possible in future to vaccinate against Covid-19 in family doctors' practices. The Democratic Party MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, when this will be possible and whether everyone will be able to be vaccinated by their general practitioner.
The interests of working people should be at the centre of attention
The DP is convinced that every employee knows how to work best. Both employees and employers want more flexibility - for a better work-life balance or to be able to better adapt work to the economic environment.
Promotion of Luxembourgish products by state-owned companies?
As it was reported to the DP MPs Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann, Luxair would no longer serve Luxembourgish crémant, but French champagne on their flights. For this reason, the two Eastern MPs wanted to know from the responsible ministers what the reasons are and whether it would not be appropriate to promote Luxembourgish products through Luxembourg state-owned companies.
Nosocomial infections in Luxembourg
Even in hospitals, patients can develop an infection. DP members Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health, among other things, about the current figures and how many specialised staff are working in this field in Luxembourg.
Vaccination of certain professional categories as a priority?
At the beginning of February, the Minister of Health unveiled the details of the second phase of the vaccination campaign in Luxembourg. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked whether it would not be appropriate to also give people from other socio-professional categories the benefit of a vaccination priority.
Reimbursement for lipedema surgery from the earliest stage
In Luxembourg, surgical procedures for lipedema are reimbursed from the 3rd stage onwards by the national health insurance fund. Democratic Party deputy Carole Hartmann asked the minister in charge why surgical procedures are not reimbursed from the first stage.
What is the average participation rate in the "Large Scale Testing" screening programme?
As the second phase of the large-scale screening programme expires on March 24, 2021, the government has just announced that a third phase will be launched by March 15, 2021 and will end on July 15, 2021. In this context, MNA Carole Hartmann would like to know from the Minister of Health, what is the average response rate to invitations sent out as part of the "Large Scale Testing" screening progr...
Pneumococcal vaccine
In an agreement from 2018, between the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the national health insurance fund, it was agreed that the pneumococcal vaccine will not be fully reimbursed to people over 85 years of age. Democratic Party deputy Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for Social Security for the reasons for this age limit.
Two new health centres in the north and east of the country
The south and the centre of the country will receive two new health centres. The Ministry of Health is also investigating where new health centres could be built in the north and east of the country. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health which cantons are being considered as locations.
The State does not leave any business out in the rain
The Minister for the Middle Classes Lex Delles has launched three additional aids, which are particularly helpful to those sectors most affected by the Corona crisis: hospitality, tourism, culture and events.
What are the reasons for the long delays in the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility?
It has come to attention of the deputies of the DP Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn that many people wait several months for the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility. This is why they have inquired with the competent minister to find out what are the reasons for this and what is being done to speed up the procedure.
Is it possible that CBD products will be prohibited in the EU
The European Commission announced this November that cannabidiol (CBD) could be classified as a narcotic. As a consequence, products containing natural CBD would be banned within the EU. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Health some questions about this topic.
A new rapid PCR test for Luxemourg?
A medical technology start-up has developed a new rapid PCR test. This test can be used in hospitals and doctors' surgeries. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health if this test will also be available in Luxembourg.
Is there currently any legal uncertainty regarding various dismissals?
The law of 20th June 2020 suspended the 26-week period of protection against dismissal in the event of incapacity for work during the period of the state of crisis and modified the legal framework. DP MP Carole Hartmann has asked the Minister of Labour whether legal uncertainty has arisen for employers in the event of dismissals after the 26-week period.
What is the current status of the Echternach bypass road?
A bypass near Echternach has been planned since 2013 to divert transit traffic. According to the coalition agreement, the works should have started before the end of 2020. Carole Hartmann, a DP MP, asked the minister in charge about the state of play of this project and when the works are expected to start. She also wanted to know how far another project to calm the traffic situation around Echternach...
What financial aid for the sports sector?
Despite the new sanitary measures introduced at the end of October, no part-time unemployment benefit can be requested in the sports sector. In this context, DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Sports whether other financial aid is foreseen for the sports sector.
New Director General of HUT
The former director general of the police is to become the new director general of Hëllef um Terrain. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether they had been consulted in advance in this case, how many civil servants move to the private sector after their career with the state and whether there are special rules for secondary employment of retired...
ITM controls in the gastronomy sector
The ITM sees supporting businesses and prevention as its priorities. In the gastronomy sector, however, the direct application of sanctions following an inspection appears to be the rule rather than the exception. In this context, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how many inspections have been carried out in the gastronomy sector...
Is the state's financial contribution to blood donation too low?
The Red Cross is once again making a deficit in the organisation of blood donations this year. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health whether the state should not increase its financial contribution, whether Luxembourg always has sufficient blood reserves and whether the Red Cross should continue to organise blood donations in the country on its own.
How high is the absenteeism rate here in Luxembourg?
The absenteeism rate is rising in many European countries. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers how absenteeism has developed in Luxembourg over the last 10 years, what the explanations for absenteeism are and what is currently being done about it.
The country's only PET scan out of order again?
The PET scan in Luxembourg is regularly out of order. This makes it more difficult to diagnose cancer and is a psychological burden for patients. In this context, DP MP Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Health how often the PET scan had to be repaired in recent years, when the second PET scan will be installed and what options are available for patients who urgently need to have a...
Full unemployment for the self-employed
Self-employed people can apply for full unemployment under certain conditions. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour how many self-employed people have applied for full unemployment in recent years, how many applications have been rejected and how often a self-employed person has appealed against a rejection.
How long do patients wait for authorisation for a dental prosthesis?
When a patient needs a dental prosthesis, the dentist must first send a cost estimate to the Medical Control of the Social Security (CMSS). Without the authorisation of the CMSS, the patient will not be reimbursed for the dental prosthesis. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the minister responsible how many estimates have been received this year, how long the waiting times currently...
Short-time work - Too long deadlines for the repayment of wages paid in advance?
According to the Chamber of Trades, the deadlines for reimbursing wages advanced by companies on short-time work are too long. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum have asked the responsible ministers how long these deadlines are and what is being done to improve the situation.
Strengthening the rights of pregnant self-employed workers
Pregnant employees can apply for dispensation from work before their maternity leave, for example if they are unable to work for health reasons. The self-employed do not have this option, which can have a negative impact on the recalculation of their maternity benefits. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Mandy Minella have asked the relevant ministers whether paid dispensation from work or an equivalent mechanism...
How has correspondence developed in Luxembourg?
At "Deutsche Post", correspondence decreased by 6.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is mainly because of increased digitalisation. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism how correspondence and the number of parcels have developed in Luxembourg since 2020 and how many different companies are active in the letter and parcel business in...
How many patients suffer from thyroid cancer?
More and more young people are apparently developing thyroid cancer. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how the figures have developed over the last 10 years and what differences there are depending on age and gender.
Should the emergency departments for children in the north be expanded?
Even children with minor injuries are often sent from the north to the capital's paediatric clinic. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Health why the CHdN's emergency departments cannot be guaranteed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and how many children from the north are sent to the Kannerklinik.
How can children's health be improved?
Children's health problems are increasing and access to paediatricians is becoming more and more difficult. DP MPs Mandy Minella and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health what measures are planned to improve the situation, whether a national strategy for child health is planned and whether a national coordinator for child health should be appointed.
Will a second PET-CT be purchased ?
The former Minister of Health had announced that a second PET-CT could possibly be purchased in order to shorten the waiting time for patients. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the current Minister of Health where the preparations for the purchase of this second PET-CT are at, whether this machine could possibly come to the hospital in Ettelbrück and how the number of treatments in...
Why is it not possible to do an apprenticeship as a disabled worker?
Young people with a disability do not seem to be able to do an apprenticeship in Luxembourg and at the same time have the status of a disabled worker. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the relevant ministers why this is not possible and whether there are plans to remedy this situation?
Would an awareness campaign against allergies be useful?
More and more people are developing allergies to food, pollen or mites. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister how the number of allergy sufferers has developed over the last ten years, whether an awareness campaign should be launched and when the announced pollen app will be available for those affected.
How often have the carers' leave and the leave for reasons of force majeure been taken so far?
Since last year, two new types of leave can be applied for if you have to look after your family. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Corinne Cahen wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often these leaves have been requested so far and how long it takes for an employer to receive the intended financial support from the state.
Modernising occupational medicine
There is a shortage of occupational physicians in our country. The coalition programme therefore provides for the modernisation of occupational medicine. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how many occupational physicians are currently working in our country, what the age structure of the profession looks like and what the modernisation of occupational medicine could...
How many social plans have there been in recent years?
Companies in economic difficulties in Luxembourg have the option of negotiating a job protection plan with the social partners to avoid layoffs. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers how many job protection plans have been negotiated in the last ten years and how many social plans have been implemented in the same period.
Does the procedure for inheritance in a non-direct line have to be adjusted?
In the case of an inheritance that is not in a direct line, a declaration of inheritance must be made. If this is not submitted within the deadline, a fee is charged. Such delays occur on a regular basis. Our MP Carole Hartmann has inquired with the relevant ministries whether the procedure might need to be adjusted.
When will the pollen app arrive?
The Ministry of Health had announced that a free app would be offered at the beginning of 2020 that would provide citizens with information about pollen concentrations in the air. After more than three years, this app still does not exist. DP MP Carole Hartmann therefore asked the Minister of Health where the work on this app is at and who has been entrusted with its development?
A PET scan for Ettelbruck hospital?
Luxembourg is to get a second PET scan. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health whether it would not make sense to install this device at Ettelbruck Hospital.
What is being done about the shortage of medicines?
Time and again, there is a shortage of important medicines throughout Europe. Since the Covid 19 crisis, this seems to be an increasingly common occurrence. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health what measures are being taken at national and European level in the short term to address the shortage of medicines.
How often after a divorce was a decision made for a dual-household living arrangement for children since 2018?
When parents separate or divorce, the question often remains with whom the child should live in the future. In 2018, the secondary residence was introduced. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the Ministry of Justice how many decisions have been made in this matter since then and how they turned out.
Where is the study on the “Plan d'Organisation du Travail”?
The study on the reduction of working time refers to the results of the study on the “Plan d'Organisation du Travail” - POT for short - which was introduced by law in December 2016. However, the results of the POT study have not yet been published. The DP MP Carole Hartmann has therefore asked the Minister of Labour, who commissioned this study, when the results will be presented.
How many people work part-time?
Part-time work is being requested more and more often. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Public Service how many part-time contracts have been signed in the last 10 years. The MP also wanted to know from the Minister of Labour whether the regulation of the 40-hour limit for part-time work should not be relaxed to allow for more flexibility.
Why is the Holy Ghost parking still closed to the public?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty have heard that still no tender has been made to find an operator of the Holy Ghost parking. That is why they asked the relevant minister if this is true and what the reasons are for this.
Will the on-call service of paediatrics at Kirchberg continue to be guaranteed?
The Ministry of Health and the Hospital Association have recently signed an agreement on the compensation of on-call and stand-by duty of doctors in hospitals. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann have heard that only one on-call service is planned for paediatrics at Kirchberg. No on-call service was planned for paediatric surgery. Therefore, they wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether...
How often was labour law violated?
In recent years, the Labour Inspectorate has hired new inspectors to carry out checks on construction sites and workplaces. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often labour law was violated, which sectors were affected and what sanctions were imposed.
Was there a tender for the "Schlasskéier" project in Wiltz?
A preliminary draft of the "Schlasskéier" project is to be presented in Wiltz this year. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether there was a tender for the project, which company was contracted and what the estimated costs are.
Recognition of the german "Notfallsanitäter" qualification to address staff shortage in the health sector?
Against the background of the staff shortage in the health professions, the DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked if it would not be an idea to recognize the German qualification of "emergency paramedics" in Luxembourg, whereby more people from the border area would be available for employment. In addition, they wanted to know where the work on SAP3 was.
Should heart attacks in women be made more of an issue?
The symptoms of a heart attack can be different in women and men. As female symptoms are often less well known, it can take longer for women to be diagnosed, increasing the risk to life. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the responsible ministers whether the population should be made more aware of this issue and whether first aid courses could be improved on this point.
What does the "Schlasskéier" project in Wiltz involve?
The "Schlasskéier" project is being realised near the St Joseph Clinic in Wiltz. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers, among other things, whether a medical centre will be part of this project, how many people will work there later and what the cooperation with the clinic will look like.
What happens to the hangar at the exit of Echternach?
At the exit of Echternach there is a hangar of the National Roads Association, which does not seem to be in use at the moment. This area could potentially be used for other projects such as housing. Our MP Carole Hartmann has asked the ministry in charge what the plans are for this place in the future.
Infrastructure problems in Echternach?
The DP deputies Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Culture about the infrastructure problems in Echternach. In this context, besides the municipality and the private actors, the state also has an important responsibility.
Are further accesses planned for the ‘Cité Manertchen’?
The residential area 'Cité Manertchen' is to be considerably expanded via a project of the ‘Fonds du logement’. At the moment there is an access that leads over the national road CR 139. There is no footpath, not to the industrial zone, and not to the Cité Manertchen. Bicycle paths are also planned. Our MP Carole Hartmann contacted the ministry for further details.
Are additional measures being taken to cope with the many cases of bronchiolitis?
The high numbers of bronchiolitis are leading to an overload of pediatric units. In France, the "White Plan" has been announced at national level, a sanitary emergency and crisis plan to improve the functioning of hospitals in the event of an epidemic. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether additional measures are being taken in our country to continue...
What is the status of the new MRI for the Wiltz site?
In mid-May of this year, it was announced that the Wiltz site of the Northern Hospital was to be equipped with an MRI. Democratic Party deputies André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the ministers concerned about the status of the project and how many patients could be examined daily with this MRI.
AMMD resigns from the board of the agency eSanté
The members of the AMMD have resigned from the board of the agency eSanté. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the responsible ministers how they react to this resignation, what effects this would have on the functioning of the board and whether dialogue with the AMMD was sought.
How is the work going on the bypass road in Echternach?
The work on the bypass road in Echternach was to start in October 2022. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the respective ministry whether the works are proceeding as planned, and what the impact will be on road traffic in the region.
Domestic violence - how can we help the victims?
Domestic violence is also a widespread problem in Luxembourg. Over 30% of people in this country have already experienced violence. Campaigns should draw attention to the subject and provide prevention. But where can victims find help? What means are available to them? And what is being done to stop the perpetrators from using violence? Our MP Carole Hartmann has asked the ministries in charge.
What are the consequences of the resignation of six cardiologists from the North Hospital?
Six cardiologists from the North Hospital want to resign. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers what impact these resignations will have on patient healthcare and whether unpaid on-call duties might have played a role in the doctors' decision.
What is the impact of the kerosene leak in Echternacherbrück on the environment?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know what the impact of the kerosene leak in Echternacherbrück on the environment is.
How can patient service be improved in the future regarding mammography tests?
The European Commission has issued a recommendation to do the mammography for women between the ages of 45 and 74. Currently, in Luxembourg, the obligatory screening is only done for women over the age of 50. It often takes too long to get an appointment for an ad-hoc check-up. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the Ministry of Health whether this will change in the future.
When will there be a uniform digital solution in Luxembourg’s health care system?
With the GesondheetsApp, the Digital Health Network in cooperation with the AMMD has developed an application that would allow the patients to carry out all their medical operations digitally. Despite a political agreement, the app is currently being used conditionally and in a limited way? Why is the app not being used to its full extent, and when will there be uniform solutions in this regard? Our...
Delays in tuberculosis tests for Ukrainian refugees
People who have fled Ukraine and want to work or go to school in Luxembourg, must first undergo a medical check-up and a tuberculosis test to complete their file. Due to delays in the appointments, many of these people are currently blocked in the process. When are these people allowed to start looking for a job, and are these children not allowed to go to school? Our MP Carole Hartmann has queried...
Equality between women and men in Luxembourg sport
In the last decades, gender equality policy in Luxembourg has continuously improved. Sport in particular can play an important role in this issue. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible ministers about the situation regarding gender equality in Luxembourg sports.
No agreement between CNS and FAPSYLUX – now what?
For years, attempts have been made to find an agreement to reimburse the psychotherapeutic treatment. Again and again the negotiations are broken off because both parties can’t come to an agreement. The patient remain without help. Until when should a solution be found? Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the minister in charge.
Will vaccination against shingles be included in the national vaccination schedule?
People over 50 have the greatest risk of getting shingles. Vaccines can help with treatment and prevention. DP MPs Gilles Baum, Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas have asked the relevant ministers whether the vaccine Shingrix, which is used against shingles, can be included in the national vaccination plan.
How many men suffer from breast cancer in Luxembourg?
Men can also get breast cancer. DP MPs Gilles Baum, Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the Minister of Health how many men are affected in Luxembourg and whether mammograms are performed on men.
How often are candidacies for a state concession for a pharmacy rejected?
To obtain a state licence for a pharmacy, certain criteria must be met in the application process. Democratic Party MPs Gilles Baum, Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health how many candidacies were rejected and how many times a rejection was successfully appealed.
Missing persons in Luxembourg
Every now and then, the news comes that a person, often a minor, is missing. With the latter, it felt like that number had increased recently. How many people have gone missing in recent years? How quickly are these people found generally ? When is an AMBER Alert started? Can public transport help in the search for missing people? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the respective...
Increased risk of skin cancer - how can we protect ourselves in the future?
The sun reaches the earth's surface ever stronger and longer. With climate change, the risk of skin cancer is also increasing. More and more people spend more time outside, and people whose jobs are on the outside are more and more exposed to the sun. How should we counter this danger in the future? Our MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have inquired with the responsible ministries.
Consumption and distribution of gas in the context of the Ukrainian war
How much gas did the individual categories of consumers expend over the last few years in Luxembourg? How does the Minister for Energy intend to determine the distribution of gas in the event of a gas bottleneck? Our MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked the Minister for Energy these questions.
o the delays in pricing have an impact on patients' access to new medicines?
It has come to the attention of DP MPs Gusty Graas, Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum that the Ministry of Social Security has changed the procedure for setting prices for new medicines. This can lead to delays before a new drug is available to patients. Why has the procedure been changed and how often has the 90-day time limit for pricing been exceeded?
How are things going with different road works in Mullerthal?
For months there have been two road works in Mullerthal, which do not seem to be progressing. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked how these are progressing and when they will be finished.
What is being done so that doctors from third countries get a work permit in Luxembourg faster?
Doctors from third countries must first have their diplomas recognized in another member state before they are allowed to work in Luxembourg. Since this brings difficulties in practice, especially in the case of Ukrainian refugees, the DP MP Carole Hartmann asked how the procedure could be simplified.
Away from a hospital- centred health system
The closure of the Ettelbrück maternity hospital has shown us that the shortage of doctors is already having serious consequences for citizens.
National congress 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
One year after the floods of July 14th and 15th, 2021: What is the current state of affairs in the municipalities?
A year after the floods of July 14 and 15, DP Member of Parliament Carole Hartmann asked the Interior Minister, among other things, how high the total damage was at municipal level and how much money had already been paid to the respective municipalities.
How has undeclared work developed in recent years?
With rising prices, the risk of undeclared work increases, which inevitably has consequences on tax revenues. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers, among other things, whether the Statec has estimates on the development of undeclared work and tax losses and how many controls the ITM has carried out in recent years?
The fight for women's rights must continue
Speaking on RTL’s Tribune Libre, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to repeal the right to abortion in the U.S.. As stated by our secretary-general, this is terrible news regarding women's self-determination over their bodies. And a warning that women must continue to fight for their rights.
How often are the various special leaves used in this country?
In Luxembourg, workers are entitled to a whole range of leaves. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn wanted to know from the Minister of Labour for how many days on average the different leaves were applied for in the last five years and whether women and men apply for the leaves differently.
Follow-up of the work in the Echternach Park
A sign in the Echternach park indicates that a historical study is being conducted by the Ministry of Culture and that as long as it is not completed, no flood damage of July 2022 can be repaired. Our MP Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Culture in a parliamentary question for some details.
Where is the "accelerated reimbursement" at?
In October 2021, the then Minister of Social Security announced an "accelerated reimbursement" for medical bills. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked how many doctors offer this faster reimbursement, how long the delays are for these reimbursements and what steps are being taken to get more doctors to implement the "accelerated reimbursement".
Will the ATM at the Post Office in Echternach be closed?
DP MP Carole Hartmann has heard that the ATM at the post office in Echternach is set to close. In this context, she wanted to know from the Minister responsible whether this would be the case and whether the office is also planned be closed.
Should the use of medical cannabis be expanded?
Since 2018, the use of medicinal cannabis is allowed in Luxembourg and helps, among others, patients with chronic pain. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether medical cannabis should also be used to treat other diseases and whether medical cannabis could also be sold in pharmacies outside the hospital in the future.
How big is the problem of " puffs " in Luxembourg?
In France, puffs, disposable electronic cigarettes, are becoming increasingly popular among young people. The French Ministry of Health is concerned about the emergence of a new generation of smokers. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether "puffs" were a problem in Luxembourg and whether it would be useful to inform the population about the...
How can the attractiveness of the Centre Hospitalier du Nord be improved?
At its two sites in Wiltz and Ettelbruck, the ChdN ensures healthcare for the north and partly for the east of the country. What will be done to make the two sites also attractive in the future? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether cooperation with the University of Luxembourg was planned, whether specialisation in a medical field was envisaged...
When will the Supreme Council for Health and Safety at Work be reconvened?
The CSSST, which reports to the Directorate of Health, has not met since 2018. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health why no more meetings have taken place and whether the Minister will convene a meeting in the near future.
Shouldn't midwives play a more important role in childbirth in the future?
Following the closure of the maternity clinic at the Ettelbruck site of the Centre Hospitalier du Nord, DP MP Carole Hartmann will put an extended parliamentary question to the Minister of Health in the Chamber. How does the Minister see the promotion of home births, the establishment of a birth centre, as they have existed in Germany for a long time, or the establishment of a midwife ambulance?
How are things going with the P&R in Wasserbillig near the station?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn have heard that the project of the new P&R in Wasserbillig near the CFL train station, due to, among others, the price explosion of the material, has temporarily been stopped, and will be re-planned. For this reason, they asked the Minister responsible for further details.
When will outpatient radiology receive nomenclature tariffs?
Up to now, there are no tariffs in the nomenclature for out-of-hospital radiology. This means that, for example, an MRI scan is only fully covered by health insurance if it is performed in hospital. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the ministers concerned when the subject will be discussed again in the nomenclature commission and whether they do not think that the absence of such tariffs...
What is being done about endometriosis in Luxembourg ?
In France, a national strategy to fight endometriosis was announced this month. A disease that affects 180 million women worldwide. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the ministers responsible how many women suffer from this disease in this country and what is being done about endometriosis.
How many people in Luxembourg have changed their name ?
The law of December 2020 made it easier to request a change of name or surname. How many people have changed their names in 2021 and what are general reasons for these requests? Our MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann inquired at the ministry.
Why is there a Patiente Vertriedung form on vaccination side effects?
Since 26 January 2022, a form has been available on the website of the Patients' Association (Patiente Vertriedung asbl), which allows people to report adverse reactions to vaccinations. The MPs Gusty Graas and Carole Hartmann wonder why such a form exists and whether it complies with the legislation.
Where does the work on a compensation fund for "aléa thérapeutique" stand?
The coalition agreement provides for the introduction of a compensation fund for "aléa thérapeutique". If accidents occur during treatment without any fault on the part of the healthcare provider, this fund is to compensate patients. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the responsible ministers where the work stands and whether this fund will be introduced during this legislative peri...
What is the participation rate in the early detection programme "Bilan 30"?
The audiophonological service provides early detection of language deficits in children aged 30 months. DP MPs Max Hahn, Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health questions about participation and current problems in making appointments.
How many applications for subsidies for flood protection measures have already been processed?
Following the floods of last July, many people and municipalities have decided to invest in flood protection measures, which are also financially supported by the Water fund. DP MPs Max Hahn and Carole Hartmann asked, among other things, how many applications had already been received and how many of them had already been processed.
Pediatrics in Luxembourg
If the child is sick but the pediatrician is not available at the moment, parents can take their child to the children's clinic, the Bohler Clinic or the children's outpatient clinic in the North Hospital. In addition to long waiting times, parents from the north and east of the country in particular often have to travel long distances. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann therefore wanted to know...
What is the Minister doing about the long delays in the orders for a PCR test or for isolation?
DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas have asked what the reasons are for the delays in issuing the isolation, quarantine and PCR test orders and what is being done to solve these problems.
Allowance for doctors in the process of specialisation
The law of 31 July 2020 has adapted the allowances for doctors in the process of specialisation. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health whether doctors in the process of specialisation already receive this adapted allowance and, if not, whether a retroactive reimbursement of the difference is planned.
Minister's reaction to the call for the Covid demonstration in front of Robert Schuman hospital next week?
Deputies Claude LAMBERTY and Carole HARTMANN want to know how the responsible minister responds to the call to demonstrate in front of the Robert-Schuman hospital next week, especially in view of the development of demonstrations in recent weeks.
Why were several pregnant women denied the booster vaccination ?
Despite being invited for a booster vaccination, several pregnant women were refused the vaccination at the vaccination centre. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the Minister of Health why this is the case and what is being done to enable these women to access their booster vaccination.
Flood damage in Echternach : why are the repairs in the park still on hold ?
Flood damages in the park of Echternach have still not been repaired. The MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of Culture about the reasons for the delay and the expected finalization of the repair work.
New P&R in the Remich Canton?
According to the minister, no new P&R are planned in the Remich Canton. DP MP Carole Hartmann wanted to know the reasons for this.
When will the bypass road in Echternach be realised?
The works on the Echternach bypass road could start at the end of 2021, according to a statement from the ministre from 2020. Therefore the DP MP Carole Hartmann asked what the current status of the project is and when the works will be able to start.
Concrete information on financial support for the affected communities in the context of the flood in mid-July
After the floods in mid-July, the government provided a financial support of 100 million for affected households, businesses and municipalities. DP member Carole Hartmann asked the Interior Minister for concrete information on the financial support for the concerned municipalities.
Will youth protection staff be strengthened?
We are increasingly hearing about cases of abuse and mistreatment of children and young people. As Luxembourg is certainly not an isolated country and the figures tend to increase, our MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked some questions to the ministers in charge.
What is the Minister of Labour's assessment of the training offered in the context of short-time work?
As a means to prevent redundancies during the economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government of Luxembourg introduced a short-time working scheme. Additionally, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy offered vouchers for training. The members of parliament André Bauler and Carole Hartmann are enquiring about the Minister of Labour’s assessment of...
Why is the road between Bäerdref an Vugelsmillen still closed?
The floodings of July 2021 gravely damaged the road between Bäerdref and Vugelsmillen. Member of parliament Carole Hartmann requests further information from the Minister for Mobility and Public Works regarding the rehabilitation of the road.
What about the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination?
Some countries restrict the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination for entry into their country. For people who were vaccinated at the beginning of the year, the validity of the vaccination will therefore expire soon. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether Luxembourg also plans to introduce such a validity limit and what can be done at EU level.
RGTR reform: What is the ministry doing to make the bus lines 110 and 111 more attractive again?
The new bus lines 110 and 111, as modified by the RGTR reform, are for many people no longer interesting enough to leave their car. DP MP Carole Hartmann therefore asked the minister responsible for the plans to make these lines more attractive.
How soon can flood-affected businesses expect to receive assistance?
Many businesses, hotels, restaurants, cafes and campsites, which have already suffered greatly from the containment, have now suffered enormous damage from the flooding. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked Minister for the Middle Class Lex Delles if these companies can receive advances and when they can expect to receive the requested assistance.
Less flood risk due to additional retention measures along rivers?
Could the installation of polders that capture water masses during floods reduce the risk of flooding in rivers? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister.
Risk of a 4th wave of Covid-19 infections
The delta variant of Covid-19 is spreading more and more in Europe. This raises concerns that a fourth wave of infections could hit us in the autumn. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how she assesses the risk of a 4th wave here in the country and whether preparations are already being made for this eventuality.
Mandatory defibrillators in public buildings?
Defibrillators and first aid kits can save lives, as the recent case of Danish footballer Christian Eriksen has shown once again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann, Claude Lamberty, and Max Hahn wanted to know from the respective Ministries what is the plan to install more defibrillators in public areas.
Discrimination against homosexuals when donating blood
Currently, homosexual men are not allowed to have sexual relations for 12 months if they want to give blood in Luxembourg. In other countries, such as the UK, the principle of individual risk is applied to sexual behaviour, so homosexuals are not discriminated against. Democratic Party MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the minister responsible whether discrimination against homosexuals...
Combination of different vaccines against Covid-19
A recent study by the University of Saarland indicates that a combination of vaccines from AstraZeneca and Biontech/Pfizer leads to a higher immunisation. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether such a combination, once the results are confirmed, will also be considered in Luxembourg?
More heatwaves because of climate change: what is the impact in Luxembourg?
Due to climate change, heat waves are becoming more frequent. This also increases the risk of dehydration and heat deaths, especially among the elderly and sick. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health a series of questions on this issue, including how many heat deaths and dehydrations there have been in this country in recent years.
Environment and health go hand in hand
Our environment has a direct impact on our health in many ways. The Covid pandemic has clearly shown this. Therefore, the DP wants to strengthen the role of environmental medicine and the health policy.
No permission for a sculpture in Echternach?
On Whit Tuesday, a bronze sculpture will be inaugurated in front of the Basilica as a tribute to the Dancing Procession. As the site is classified as a national monument, the Ministry of Culture must have authorised this sculpture. In this context, our MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have submitted an urgent parliamentary question.
“Stealthing” - Does the definition of rape in criminal law need to be readjusted?
If the sexual partner takes off the condom during intercourse without telling the partner about it, this is known as 'stealthing'. Not only is this a serious breach of trust, it can also have health consequences for both partners. How is this phenomenon dealt with here in Luxembourg? What does criminal law foreseefor such cases? Does the criminal law need to be adapted to take this practice into account?...
How many people have changed their name so far?
In December, the new law was passed that should simplify the process of changing the name or first name. How many people have used this opportunity so far, how long does the process take and are all applications successful? Our deputy Carole Hartmann asked the Ministry of Justice.
Introduction of a third gender
Recent discussions have revived the issue of gender and its significance in a society. Legislative texts should be more inclusive in the future and adapt to a changing society. The 2018-2023 coalition agreement plans for a third gender, ie a third option in the civil status. How is the work on this project coming and what exactly is planned? Our Member of Parliament Carole Hartmann asked these questions...
Work incapacity certificates during the Covid pandemic
The National Health Fund seized more than 1.1 million certificates of incapacity for work in 2020, a significant increase compared to 2019. Democratic Party MP Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister for Social Security, among other things, which sectors were most affected, how long the certificates of incapacity for work lasted on average and how often they were extended.
Extension of short-time work in the construction sector
Due to the shortage of raw materials and other materials, the government has decided to extend short-time work in the construction sector until June. In this context, DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers, among other things, how many companies are affected by this and which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to apply for short-time work.
What happens if joint custody agreements are breached or if children are kidnapped by a partner?
In case of a divorce, shared custody is often a compromise used to help determine who has custody of the children, when and for how long. However, what is agreed upon is not always respected by the ex-partners. More and more frequently, cases become known where partners keep the children with them for longer than agreed or doesn’t allow them to return to the other partner. It also happens that children...
Have organ transplants gone down due to the pandemic?
Due to the Covid crisis, many other medical procedures and treatments had to be cancelled or postponed. This also applies to organ transplants, especially kidney transplants. DP MP Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health, among other things, how many kidney transplants had to be cancelled during the pandemic, how many patients are waiting for a kidney in this country and what conditions have to...
Postpartum depression
The birth of a child is one of the most beautiful moments in the life of every parent. In some cases, however, it happens that the mother or father develops a "postnatal depression". Constant fatigue, deep sadness and increased irritability are common symptoms. In this context, our deputy Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health about the existing treatment options in Luxembourg.
What is the situation of sexually transmitted diseases in Luxembourg?
Sexually transmitted diseases are still a real threat to our health. Antibiotic resistance is also contributing to certain diseases becoming more dangerous again. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Claude Lamberty asked the ministers responsible how many cases of sexually transmitted diseases there are in Luxembourg and what measures are being taken to curb their spread.
How much have the grapevines in Luxembourg suffered from the recent frost?
After the severe frostbite that had an considerable impact all over France, the DP MPs André Bauler, Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann asked the minister responsible what the situation looks like in Luxembourg.
National capacities of waste disposal: Where do we stand?
The constant growth of our population goes hand in hand with an increase of waste that local authorities need to dispose of. In this context, the DP deputies Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development if the capacity of the incinerator in Leudelingen and the landfill Muertendall are to be expanded any time soon.
Operations on intersex children – will they also be banned in Luxembourg?
Operations on intersex children are not uncommon. Intersexuality is often seen as a medical problem that needs to be addressed. Regardless of whether these children are healthy, they are being refused a choice that they should have been able to make a later date. In Germany, a law is currently being discussed prohibiting this practice and aiming to strengthen intersex children in their self-determination....
A special leave in case of a miscarriage?
A miscarriage is a horrible moment for any parent. An end to a new life, before it even began. In New Zealand, a law has been passed to allow parents to take extra leave in this case. They should be given time to mourn their loss. Deputies Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked if such an extra leave is also planned in Luxembourg.
Use of rapid tests in hospitals
Although hospitals follow strict hygiene measures, patients can still get infected with Covid-19 in a hospital. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health for statistics and how often rapid tests are used in hospitals to protect patients.
How can we protect young people in particular from hate speech on the Internet?
The phenomenon of 'hate speech' is becoming more and more widespread in society. Not only, but especially children and young people are exposed to these comments with all their consequences. How has this problem evolved over the years, what can be done to counteract it, and how can young people in particular protect themselves from, and take action against hate speech online? MPs Carole Hartmann and...
How many controls were there in the Horeca sector during the crisis?
During the crisis, the ITM also carried out inspections in the area of catering. Of course, these controls are important, but some companies now need to do major work in a short period of time. They are afraid that because of the pandemic they will not hiccup in the imposed time and in some cases even lack the liquidity. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Guy Arendt ask the minister how many inspections were...
Spotlight: Carole Hartmann
After the last legislative elections, the president of the eastern electoral district has made her entrance to the Chamber of Deputies and is now one of the youngest MPs. We spoke with the attorney about her political priorities, her concerns about local enterprises, and the challenges of her native town Echternach.
Midwives without an invitation for the Covid-19 vaccination
It has come to our attention that some liberal midwives have not yet received an invitation to the Covid-19 vaccination. DP MP Carole Hartmann has asked the Minister of Health whether this problem is known and whether other health professionals are affected.
Helping the most vulnerable
The Corona pandemic with its more or less severe lockdowns has slowed down our economy and made it difficult to restart its activities. The government has therefore adopted a series of financial aids and measures to counteract the economic uncertainty and secure jobs.
Vaccination center in Ettelbruck
The DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann were informed that there were no more free appointments at the vaccination center in Ettelbruck for some elderly people from the northern tip of the country who were invited to the Covid-19 vaccination. They were told by phone that they had to make an appointment in Mondorf. The MPs asked the Minister of Health whether these were individual cases and what...
Additional noise abatement measures along motorways?
The action plan against noise on major highways does not a priori provide for strengthening protection against noise along the A1. However, it has come to the DP MP Carole Hartmann's attention that many people living near the motorway would like additional measures. Therefore, Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister if other measures were possible.
Where are the works on the future Moselle Center in Ehnen?
On September 26, 2018, the foundation stone for the renovation of the Ehnen Wine Museum was laid. Not much has happened since. Carole Hartmann, member of the DP, asks the responsible ministers in what phase the construction is and when the new museum will open.
When can family doctors start vaccinating against Covid-19?
In addition to the vaccination centers, it should also be possible in future to vaccinate against Covid-19 in family doctors' practices. The Democratic Party MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, when this will be possible and whether everyone will be able to be vaccinated by their general practitioner.
The interests of working people should be at the centre of attention
The DP is convinced that every employee knows how to work best. Both employees and employers want more flexibility - for a better work-life balance or to be able to better adapt work to the economic environment.
Promotion of Luxembourgish products by state-owned companies?
As it was reported to the DP MPs Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann, Luxair would no longer serve Luxembourgish crémant, but French champagne on their flights. For this reason, the two Eastern MPs wanted to know from the responsible ministers what the reasons are and whether it would not be appropriate to promote Luxembourgish products through Luxembourg state-owned companies.
Nosocomial infections in Luxembourg
Even in hospitals, patients can develop an infection. DP members Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health, among other things, about the current figures and how many specialised staff are working in this field in Luxembourg.
Vaccination of certain professional categories as a priority?
At the beginning of February, the Minister of Health unveiled the details of the second phase of the vaccination campaign in Luxembourg. In their parliamentary question, the deputies Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked whether it would not be appropriate to also give people from other socio-professional categories the benefit of a vaccination priority.
Reimbursement for lipedema surgery from the earliest stage
In Luxembourg, surgical procedures for lipedema are reimbursed from the 3rd stage onwards by the national health insurance fund. Democratic Party deputy Carole Hartmann asked the minister in charge why surgical procedures are not reimbursed from the first stage.
What is the average participation rate in the "Large Scale Testing" screening programme?
As the second phase of the large-scale screening programme expires on March 24, 2021, the government has just announced that a third phase will be launched by March 15, 2021 and will end on July 15, 2021. In this context, MNA Carole Hartmann would like to know from the Minister of Health, what is the average response rate to invitations sent out as part of the "Large Scale Testing" screening progr...
Pneumococcal vaccine
In an agreement from 2018, between the State of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the national health insurance fund, it was agreed that the pneumococcal vaccine will not be fully reimbursed to people over 85 years of age. Democratic Party deputy Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for Social Security for the reasons for this age limit.
Two new health centres in the north and east of the country
The south and the centre of the country will receive two new health centres. The Ministry of Health is also investigating where new health centres could be built in the north and east of the country. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health which cantons are being considered as locations.
The State does not leave any business out in the rain
The Minister for the Middle Classes Lex Delles has launched three additional aids, which are particularly helpful to those sectors most affected by the Corona crisis: hospitality, tourism, culture and events.
What are the reasons for the long delays in the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility?
It has come to attention of the deputies of the DP Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn that many people wait several months for the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility. This is why they have inquired with the competent minister to find out what are the reasons for this and what is being done to speed up the procedure.
Is it possible that CBD products will be prohibited in the EU
The European Commission announced this November that cannabidiol (CBD) could be classified as a narcotic. As a consequence, products containing natural CBD would be banned within the EU. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Health some questions about this topic.
A new rapid PCR test for Luxemourg?
A medical technology start-up has developed a new rapid PCR test. This test can be used in hospitals and doctors' surgeries. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Health if this test will also be available in Luxembourg.
Is there currently any legal uncertainty regarding various dismissals?
The law of 20th June 2020 suspended the 26-week period of protection against dismissal in the event of incapacity for work during the period of the state of crisis and modified the legal framework. DP MP Carole Hartmann has asked the Minister of Labour whether legal uncertainty has arisen for employers in the event of dismissals after the 26-week period.
What is the current status of the Echternach bypass road?
A bypass near Echternach has been planned since 2013 to divert transit traffic. According to the coalition agreement, the works should have started before the end of 2020. Carole Hartmann, a DP MP, asked the minister in charge about the state of play of this project and when the works are expected to start. She also wanted to know how far another project to calm the traffic situation around Echternach...
What financial aid for the sports sector?
Despite the new sanitary measures introduced at the end of October, no part-time unemployment benefit can be requested in the sports sector. In this context, DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour and the Minister of Sports whether other financial aid is foreseen for the sports sector.
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