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Short-time work - Too long deadlines for the repayment of wages paid in advance?
According to the Chamber of Trades, the deadlines for reimbursing wages advanced by companies on short-time work are too long. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum have asked the responsible ministers how long these deadlines are and what is being done to improve the situation.
How has correspondence developed in Luxembourg?
At "Deutsche Post", correspondence decreased by 6.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is mainly because of increased digitalisation. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism how correspondence and the number of parcels have developed in Luxembourg since 2020 and how many different companies are active in the letter and parcel business in...
How many social plans have there been in recent years?
Companies in economic difficulties in Luxembourg have the option of negotiating a job protection plan with the social partners to avoid layoffs. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers how many job protection plans have been negotiated in the last ten years and how many social plans have been implemented in the same period.
Closure of a major industrial company in Diekirch?
DP MP André Bauler has learned that an industrial company is planning to cease production in Diekirch. He would like to know from the ministers concerned whether they have been informed of this decision, whether a request for re-employment assistance has been submitted and what is being done to keep the company in the country.
Liberalisation without exploitation of the taxi sector in Luxembourg
In his Opinion Piece, Lou Linster - our DP Leudelange alderman and VP of the Young Democrats - advocates for a long overdue reform of the cab sector in Luxembourg.
Will the post office in Redingen be closed ?
MP André Bauler (DP) asked if and why the post office in Redingen would be closed.
How many ATMs from the Post are left in the country?
Many people use the Post's ATMs. DP MP André Bauler asks the responsible minister how many Post-ATMs are left and how many have been closed since 2015.
Soaring prices in the construction sector
With a view to the rising energy prices in the fall and winter of 2022/2023, what is next for construction? Our DP MP André Bauler addressed a series of questions to the Minister of Economy on this subject.
Transport interruptions on the Rhine
Until when will ships no longer be able to sail on the Moselle and is there a risk of a bottleneck or even a stop in the delivery of petroleum products or other merchandise? Our MP André Bauler asked these and other questions to the Minister of the Economy and the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development.
How has the sector of bus companies in Luxembourg developed in recent years?
In recent years, there have been a number of mergers in the sector of bus companies in Luxembourg, so that today there are several large companies that dominate the sector. For this reason, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the sector has developed in recent years.
How is the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen progressing?
The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and André Bauler asked how the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen is progressing, and what the possible reasons would be, why the project did not have the expected success.
How has undeclared work developed in recent years?
With rising prices, the risk of undeclared work increases, which inevitably has consequences on tax revenues. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers, among other things, whether the Statec has estimates on the development of undeclared work and tax losses and how many controls the ITM has carried out in recent years?
Are fewer organic products sold in Luxembourg?
Is the consumption of organic products decreasing in Luxembourg? And if so, why? The DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler addressed these and other questions about organic farming to the Ministers for Economy and Agriculture.
What is the travel behaviour of Luxembourgers?
It is well known that Luxembourgers like to travel and spend a good part of their annual income on it. The DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy for details on the travel behaviour of Luxembourgers.
Will the ATM at the Post Office in Echternach be closed?
DP MP Carole Hartmann has heard that the ATM at the post office in Echternach is set to close. In this context, she wanted to know from the Minister responsible whether this would be the case and whether the office is also planned be closed.
A solidarity package for the country and the people
In the ‘Tribune Libre’ programme on the radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty talks about the Solidarity Package of €830 million which the Tripartite agreed on to help people and businesses get through the current crisis.
How much grain does Luxembourg import from the East?
The current situation in Ukraine has an influence on the grain market. The DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for details about the import and export of cereals.
Standing united against Russia
In his "Tribune libre" on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin's regime.
Will there be a European supply chain law?
The EU Commission has presented a project for a European supply chain law. DP MP André Bauler asked the Economics Minister how Luxembourg felt about the project and whether we are striving for a harmonization with European planning in this context.
What are the expected results of lowering housing agencies' commission?
After the Minister of economy's recent announcements on housing agencies' commissions, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know further details.
Is the prohibition of gigaliners a competitive disadvantage for Luxembourg's economy?
Ecocombis or gigaliner, long trucks with a length of up to 25 meters, are allowed in many countries, but not in Luxembourg. DP MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler asked if this was not a competitive disadvantage for our economy.
Construction : more bankruptcies during the pandemic?
MP André Bauler asked the responsible ministers about the reasons for the recent insolvencies in the construction sector.
How is the economic blockade between China and Lithuania affecting other EU member states?
Since the opening of the Taiwanese embassy in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, China has been blocking exports from Lithuania, but also from other European member states. Many different industries are affected. Our MP Gusty Graas has asked the responsible ministries whether Luxembourg companies are also affected by the blockade.
Spotlight on property business professionals
Along with the growing demand on the housing market, the number of real estate agencies in Luxembourg has also sharply increased. In this context, our deputy André Bauler has asked the responsible ministers about the average value-added generated by the real estate industry and the number of insolvencies declared in recent years.
Troisvierges - Another closure of a post office branch ?
Over the past five years, many post offices have been closed and replaced by alternative distribution channels, such as ATMs and online services. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the future of the post office in Troisvierges.
A ‘Covid-19 tax’ to cover the costs of the crisis?
Would it be fair to increase taxes on exactly those people who tried to find solutions for the greater good without ever complaining about the many business risks this might entail?
Do growth projections need to be lowered?
According to market economists, Germany has already passed the peak of its economic recovery, so that a slight reduction in its growth rate can be expected in the coming months. Our deputy André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of the Economy whether the growth forecasts in Luxembourg would need to be revised and what consequences the recent supply shortages would have on our gross domestic product.
Carbon capture and stockage in the industry?
A new EU regulation allows Member States to use carbon capture, use and storage technologies to meet their climate goals, particularly in industrial processes where emissions are difficult to avoid. In concrete terms this means that companies can capture their emissions and e.g. storage them geologically. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what was the position of Luxembourg, which Member States...
To what extent does the state control the quality and prices of face masks?
After the state had distributed free masks to each inhabitant, the pharmacies and shops started selling different types of face masks. However, besides their selling price, the quality of these goods was also very variable. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy whether these masks are subject to quality controls and whether their selling prices are regularly checked...
Closure of post offices in Boulaide and Rambrouch
After the initial reduction of their opening hours, the post offices in Boulaide and Rambrouch had to close their doors completely at the beginning of 2021. Our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the reasons for this closure and the consequences for the residents and companies.
Extension of short-time work in the construction sector
Due to the shortage of raw materials and other materials, the government has decided to extend short-time work in the construction sector until June. In this context, DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers, among other things, how many companies are affected by this and which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to apply for short-time work.
Canton Wiltz: future prospects for the local labour market
In line with the national decentralization policy, several new activity zones will be created in Luxembourg. Also the north of the country offers great potential for the development of new economic sites. On this note, our deputy André Bauler wanted to know the next steps towards creating a diverse local industry in the Canton of Wiltz.
How is the construction industry responding to the global surge in wood prices?
The extended delivery times for wood and fiberboard, as well as the global price increase of the raw material, are causing many headaches for certain businesses and consumers. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy how the construction industry is dealing with the current situation.
What does the future of the steelworks in Dudelange look like?
Following the recent revelations by the Financial Times that Liberty Steel's parent group was involved in dubious financial practices, which could potentially deter new investors, DP member of Parliament Gusty Graas is asking the minister responsible how this could have an effect on the Dudelange steelworks and whether he shares the opinion of the unions that the state should intervene financially.
Promoting Luxembourg's creative industries
In 2015, Luxembourg's creative industries created a value-added of around 400 million euros and employed more than 7,000 people. In an extended question to the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, our MP André Bauler addressed the evolution of the sector and its future prospects.
LetzShop - a success story
In order to meet the needs of consumers and at the same time to support local trade, the Letzshop.lu platform was launched.
Helping the middle class through the crisis
The government is helping businesses to get through this difficult time. With help that has been regularly adapted and extended to adapt to the situation.
A scientific committee to consult the Minister of the Economy?
Statistical analysis, together with other scientific methods, can help the government to find the right solutions to many different problems. In Germany, for example, it is common practice that the Minister of the Economy is advised by a scientific committee. In this context, our MP André Bauler wondered whether Luxembourg could also benefit from the creation of such an advisory panel.
Rising of oil prices: an index adaptation for this year?
Just like diesel and gasoline, other natural resources have seen their prices soar in the past few months. Our Deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy about the reasons for this price evolution and the consequences for the next wage indexation.
Short-time work - Too long deadlines for the repayment of wages paid in advance?
According to the Chamber of Trades, the deadlines for reimbursing wages advanced by companies on short-time work are too long. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and Gilles Baum have asked the responsible ministers how long these deadlines are and what is being done to improve the situation.
How has correspondence developed in Luxembourg?
At "Deutsche Post", correspondence decreased by 6.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is mainly because of increased digitalisation. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism how correspondence and the number of parcels have developed in Luxembourg since 2020 and how many different companies are active in the letter and parcel business in...
How many social plans have there been in recent years?
Companies in economic difficulties in Luxembourg have the option of negotiating a job protection plan with the social partners to avoid layoffs. DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers how many job protection plans have been negotiated in the last ten years and how many social plans have been implemented in the same period.
Closure of a major industrial company in Diekirch?
DP MP André Bauler has learned that an industrial company is planning to cease production in Diekirch. He would like to know from the ministers concerned whether they have been informed of this decision, whether a request for re-employment assistance has been submitted and what is being done to keep the company in the country.
Liberalisation without exploitation of the taxi sector in Luxembourg
In his Opinion Piece, Lou Linster - our DP Leudelange alderman and VP of the Young Democrats - advocates for a long overdue reform of the cab sector in Luxembourg.
Will the post office in Redingen be closed ?
MP André Bauler (DP) asked if and why the post office in Redingen would be closed.
How many ATMs from the Post are left in the country?
Many people use the Post's ATMs. DP MP André Bauler asks the responsible minister how many Post-ATMs are left and how many have been closed since 2015.
Soaring prices in the construction sector
With a view to the rising energy prices in the fall and winter of 2022/2023, what is next for construction? Our DP MP André Bauler addressed a series of questions to the Minister of Economy on this subject.
Transport interruptions on the Rhine
Until when will ships no longer be able to sail on the Moselle and is there a risk of a bottleneck or even a stop in the delivery of petroleum products or other merchandise? Our MP André Bauler asked these and other questions to the Minister of the Economy and the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development.
How has the sector of bus companies in Luxembourg developed in recent years?
In recent years, there have been a number of mergers in the sector of bus companies in Luxembourg, so that today there are several large companies that dominate the sector. For this reason, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the sector has developed in recent years.
How is the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen progressing?
The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and André Bauler asked how the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen is progressing, and what the possible reasons would be, why the project did not have the expected success.
How has undeclared work developed in recent years?
With rising prices, the risk of undeclared work increases, which inevitably has consequences on tax revenues. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers, among other things, whether the Statec has estimates on the development of undeclared work and tax losses and how many controls the ITM has carried out in recent years?
Are fewer organic products sold in Luxembourg?
Is the consumption of organic products decreasing in Luxembourg? And if so, why? The DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler addressed these and other questions about organic farming to the Ministers for Economy and Agriculture.
What is the travel behaviour of Luxembourgers?
It is well known that Luxembourgers like to travel and spend a good part of their annual income on it. The DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy for details on the travel behaviour of Luxembourgers.
Will the ATM at the Post Office in Echternach be closed?
DP MP Carole Hartmann has heard that the ATM at the post office in Echternach is set to close. In this context, she wanted to know from the Minister responsible whether this would be the case and whether the office is also planned be closed.
A solidarity package for the country and the people
In the ‘Tribune Libre’ programme on the radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty talks about the Solidarity Package of €830 million which the Tripartite agreed on to help people and businesses get through the current crisis.
How much grain does Luxembourg import from the East?
The current situation in Ukraine has an influence on the grain market. The DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for details about the import and export of cereals.
Standing united against Russia
In his "Tribune libre" on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin's regime.
Will there be a European supply chain law?
The EU Commission has presented a project for a European supply chain law. DP MP André Bauler asked the Economics Minister how Luxembourg felt about the project and whether we are striving for a harmonization with European planning in this context.
What are the expected results of lowering housing agencies' commission?
After the Minister of economy's recent announcements on housing agencies' commissions, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know further details.
Is the prohibition of gigaliners a competitive disadvantage for Luxembourg's economy?
Ecocombis or gigaliner, long trucks with a length of up to 25 meters, are allowed in many countries, but not in Luxembourg. DP MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler asked if this was not a competitive disadvantage for our economy.
Construction : more bankruptcies during the pandemic?
MP André Bauler asked the responsible ministers about the reasons for the recent insolvencies in the construction sector.
How is the economic blockade between China and Lithuania affecting other EU member states?
Since the opening of the Taiwanese embassy in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, China has been blocking exports from Lithuania, but also from other European member states. Many different industries are affected. Our MP Gusty Graas has asked the responsible ministries whether Luxembourg companies are also affected by the blockade.
Spotlight on property business professionals
Along with the growing demand on the housing market, the number of real estate agencies in Luxembourg has also sharply increased. In this context, our deputy André Bauler has asked the responsible ministers about the average value-added generated by the real estate industry and the number of insolvencies declared in recent years.
Troisvierges - Another closure of a post office branch ?
Over the past five years, many post offices have been closed and replaced by alternative distribution channels, such as ATMs and online services. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the future of the post office in Troisvierges.
A ‘Covid-19 tax’ to cover the costs of the crisis?
Would it be fair to increase taxes on exactly those people who tried to find solutions for the greater good without ever complaining about the many business risks this might entail?
Do growth projections need to be lowered?
According to market economists, Germany has already passed the peak of its economic recovery, so that a slight reduction in its growth rate can be expected in the coming months. Our deputy André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of the Economy whether the growth forecasts in Luxembourg would need to be revised and what consequences the recent supply shortages would have on our gross domestic product.
Carbon capture and stockage in the industry?
A new EU regulation allows Member States to use carbon capture, use and storage technologies to meet their climate goals, particularly in industrial processes where emissions are difficult to avoid. In concrete terms this means that companies can capture their emissions and e.g. storage them geologically. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what was the position of Luxembourg, which Member States...
To what extent does the state control the quality and prices of face masks?
After the state had distributed free masks to each inhabitant, the pharmacies and shops started selling different types of face masks. However, besides their selling price, the quality of these goods was also very variable. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy whether these masks are subject to quality controls and whether their selling prices are regularly checked...
Closure of post offices in Boulaide and Rambrouch
After the initial reduction of their opening hours, the post offices in Boulaide and Rambrouch had to close their doors completely at the beginning of 2021. Our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the reasons for this closure and the consequences for the residents and companies.
Extension of short-time work in the construction sector
Due to the shortage of raw materials and other materials, the government has decided to extend short-time work in the construction sector until June. In this context, DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers, among other things, how many companies are affected by this and which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to apply for short-time work.
Canton Wiltz: future prospects for the local labour market
In line with the national decentralization policy, several new activity zones will be created in Luxembourg. Also the north of the country offers great potential for the development of new economic sites. On this note, our deputy André Bauler wanted to know the next steps towards creating a diverse local industry in the Canton of Wiltz.
How is the construction industry responding to the global surge in wood prices?
The extended delivery times for wood and fiberboard, as well as the global price increase of the raw material, are causing many headaches for certain businesses and consumers. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy how the construction industry is dealing with the current situation.
What does the future of the steelworks in Dudelange look like?
Following the recent revelations by the Financial Times that Liberty Steel's parent group was involved in dubious financial practices, which could potentially deter new investors, DP member of Parliament Gusty Graas is asking the minister responsible how this could have an effect on the Dudelange steelworks and whether he shares the opinion of the unions that the state should intervene financially.
Promoting Luxembourg's creative industries
In 2015, Luxembourg's creative industries created a value-added of around 400 million euros and employed more than 7,000 people. In an extended question to the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, our MP André Bauler addressed the evolution of the sector and its future prospects.
LetzShop - a success story
In order to meet the needs of consumers and at the same time to support local trade, the Letzshop.lu platform was launched.
Helping the middle class through the crisis
The government is helping businesses to get through this difficult time. With help that has been regularly adapted and extended to adapt to the situation.
A scientific committee to consult the Minister of the Economy?
Statistical analysis, together with other scientific methods, can help the government to find the right solutions to many different problems. In Germany, for example, it is common practice that the Minister of the Economy is advised by a scientific committee. In this context, our MP André Bauler wondered whether Luxembourg could also benefit from the creation of such an advisory panel.
Rising of oil prices: an index adaptation for this year?
Just like diesel and gasoline, other natural resources have seen their prices soar in the past few months. Our Deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy about the reasons for this price evolution and the consequences for the next wage indexation.
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