More freight transport by road because of the pandemic?

It has come to the attention of the DP's MP Max Hahn that apparently CFL Cargo lost at least one major customer during the pandemic, since freight transport by road is currently more interesting than rail transport. This is why he wanted to know from the competent minister if this is the case and what measures the government intends to take to curb this trend.

« Et ass mer zu Ouere komm, dass am Laf vun der Pandemie CFL Cargo op mannst ee gréissere Client verluer hätt, dee säi Wuerentransport nees zréck op d’Strooss verluecht hätt, well dëst méi käschtegënschteg wier, an dass dowéinst souguer Personal vun CFL Cargo reaffektéiert hätt misse ginn.

An deem Kader wollt ech dem Här Minister fir Mobilitéit an ëffentlech Aarbechte folgend Froe stellen:

  • Kann den Här Minister dës Informatioune confirméieren ? Wa jo, kann den Här Minister Prezisiounen dozou ginn ?
  • Wéi vill Mataarbechter sinn innerhalb vum CFL Grupp reaffektéiert ginn ?
  • Huet de Wuerentransport iwwer d’Schinn an der Pandemie un Attraktivitéit par Rapport zum Camion verluer ? Wat wieren d’Grënn dofir ? Wat gedenkt d’Regierung z’ënnerhuele fir dësen Trend eventuell ze bremsen ? »

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More parliamentary questions

How many young people were hospitalised due to alcohol consumption?

According to the latest figures, fewer young people in Germany have had to be hospitalised for alcohol. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health how many young people have been hospitalised for alcohol consumption in recent years, on which days of the year a particularly high number of drunk people are hospitalised and whether the National Action Plan against Alcohol Abuse will be renewed.


Storage and distribution of potassium iodide tablets

The municipalities are responsible for storing and distributing iodine tablets to their citizens. DP MP Mandy Minella asked the responsible ministers about the current stock of iodine tablets, whether every citizen is offered iodine tablets and whether a new awareness campaign should be launched.


New premises for the medical centre in Ettelbrück?

DP MP André Bauler has heard that the medical centre in Ettelbrück is to be given new premises. The liberal MP asked the Minister of Health for details of the new premises and wanted to know whether the doctors currently have the necessary equipment to fulfil all their tasks, including administrative ones.