What about the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination?

Some countries restrict the validity of the Covid-19 vaccination for entry into their country. For people who were vaccinated at the beginning of the year, the validity of the vaccination will therefore expire soon. The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers whether Luxembourg also plans to introduce such a validity limit and what can be done at EU level.

« Les premières personnes au Luxembourg ont été vaccinées contre la Covid-19 à la fin du mois de décembre 2020. Actuellement, certains pays s’apprêtent à renforcer les conditions d’entrée en limitant la durée de validité de la vaccination Covid-19. En Croatie, la première vaccination ne doit pas avoir été effectuée depuis plus de 270 jours. En Autriche, la limite est de 360 jours depuis la deuxième dose du vaccin.

Cela signifie que bientôt, pour les premières personnes, le certificat de vaccination contre la Covid-19 ne sera plus suffisant pour entrer dans certains pays.

Dans ce contexte, nous aimerions poser les questions suivantes à Madame la Ministre de la Santé et à Monsieur le Ministre des Affaires étrangères et européennes :

  • Madame la Ministre, le Luxembourg envisage-t-il de limiter la validité de la vaccination contre la Covid-19 ?
  • Madame et Monsieur les Ministres, sont-ils informés sur les faits que d’autres pays européens vont introduire de telles restrictions d’entrée ?
  • Le Luxembourg préconisera-t-il des conditions d’entrée uniformes au sein de l’Union européenne ? »

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More parliamentary questions

How can children’s health be improved?

Children’s health problems are increasing and access to paediatricians is becoming more and more difficult. DP MPs Mandy Minella and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health what measures are planned to improve the situation, whether a national strategy for child health is planned and whether a national coordinator for child health should be appointed.


Crushing of materials in the green zone

DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.


Will a second PET-CT be purchased ?

The former Minister of Health had announced that a second PET-CT could possibly be purchased in order to shorten the waiting time for patients. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the current Minister of Health where the preparations for the purchase of this second PET-CT are at, whether this machine could possibly come to the hospital in Ettelbrück and how the number of treatments in this area has developed over the last 10 years.