On the 15th of June, the DP held the first digital political congress in Luxembourg.
There were continuously over 600 members following us via ‘Zoom’, the Facebook live streams, on Youtube and via our party’s website dp.lu.
76 questions were raised to our ministers during the Live Q&A, 12 party members spoke live.
131 candidates participated in the elections and twice as many members as in the previous year casted their vote.

On June 15th 2020, at 20:39 local time, the Democratic Party wrote history. As the first political party ever in Luxembourg, we organized a successful digital congress. The congress is known to be the most important date of the year for our party. We always enjoy remembering the pictures of a crowded ‘Tramsschapp’. But it is exactly these images that explain why a traditional congress during the Corona pandemic was not an option.
„For the DP, now is not the time to start saving at the expense of our citizens and our businesses”

Alongside the digital aspects and the viewers’ participation, it was of course the political speeches that made this national congress a highlight. Party president Corinne Cahen made a strong plea in her speech for local businesses and the local production chains that would require help and support now more than ever. The DP will therefore continue to keep investments at a high level, to build trust, and to invest into our people and our businesses.
„It is important to reinforce our freedoms and to fight so that our democracy – the way we value it – remains strong.”

Prime Minister Xavier Bettel is of the same opinion, and in his speech took a look at the human aspects of the sanitary crisis. It has been made abundantly clear to us how important social contacts and interaction are, and we have come to learn what it feels like when our freedoms are at stake.
Once the sanitary situation allows for it, we will of course organise a congress in real life, with drinks and interesting conversations. We are looking forward to seeing all of you again!