How is the construction industry responding to the global surge in wood prices?

The extended delivery times for wood and fiberboard, as well as the global price increase of the raw material, are causing many headaches for certain businesses and consumers. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy how the construction industry is dealing with the current situation.

„D‘Präisser fir verschidden Zorte vun Holz sinn zënter enger gewëssener Zäit staark am gaangen ze klammen. Zu Lëtzebuerg ginn et eng sëllege Firmen, déi mat där Matière Première schaffen an vun de globale Präishaussen staark betraff sinn.

Virun deem Hannergrond wollt ech dem Här Wirtschaftsminister folgend Froe stellen:

  • Kann den Här Wirtschaftsminister de Wuesstem vun den Holzpräisser tëscht 2018 an haut retracéieren, andeems tëscht deene verschiddene Etappen an der Wäertschöpfungsketten ënnerscheet gëtt (Präisser, déi Bëschbesëtzer, Seeëreien, Schräinereien a Charpentieren, Holzhändler, etc., bezuelt kréien)? Wat wiere méiglech Ursaache fir dës Entwécklung?
  • Kann den Här Minister aschätzen, wéi sech dës Hausse op d’Präisser an eiser Baubranche auswierkt oder schonn ausgewierkt huet?
  • Ass den Här Minister a Kontakt mam Secteur? Wat ass de Feedback, deen den Här Minister vun de betraffene Betriber zur aktueller Situatioun kritt?“

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More parliamentary questions

Too much mercury in tinned tuna?

Tinned tuna throughout Europe appears to be contaminated with too much mercury. DP MP Gusty Graas has asked the responsible ministers whether tinned fish in Luxembourg is also affected and whether the maximum levels for mercury in tuna should be lowered at EU level.


What does the future hold for the Wiltz clinic?

DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum have heard that there will be hardly any surgical operations at the Wiltz clinic in the future. The two MPs have asked the Minister of Health whether doctors at the Wiltz clinic who are retiring will no longer be replaced, how the number of systematic analyses has developed and what is being done to relieve the burden on the Ettelbrück clinic.


The country’s only PET scan out of order again?

The PET scan in Luxembourg is regularly out of order. This makes it more difficult to diagnose cancer and is a psychological burden for patients. In this context, DP MP Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Health how often the PET scan had to be repaired in recent years, when the second PET scan will be installed and what options are available for patients who urgently need to have a PET scan.


Full unemployment for the self-employed

Self-employed people can apply for full unemployment under certain conditions.

DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Labour how many self-employed people have applied for full unemployment in recent years, how many applications have been rejected and how often a self-employed person has appealed against a rejection.