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Reusing the heat from data centers ?
With the development of AI, the demand for computing capacity continues to increase. In several regions of the EU, the heat generated by data centers is already being used to heat public or private buildings. Our MPs Corinne Cahen and Luc Emering have asked the concerned ministers whether there are any similar projects or plans in Luxembourg to sustainably reuse the heat from existing data centers,...
Have no subsidies for a heat pump been paid out yet?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have heard that no subsidy for a heat pump has been paid out by the ministry yet, because there is almost no heat pump on the market that meets the set noise limit values. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister whether this is true and according to which criteria the limit values were defined.
Are there plans to further develop the Cattenom nuclear plant?
As it was recently reported in the press, the mayor of Cattenom submitted his municipality's candidacy for new reactors to be built there. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on this matter is, and whether there are projects in the field of renewable energies with France to encourage our neighbors to close Cattenom.
What is planned to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty wanted to know how the government plans to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects.
Climate change and energy crisis - we are all in the same boat
Our municipal candidate from Clervaux Angèle Mersch spoke in a 'Tribune Libre' this week about the responsibility of municipalities in the fight against climate change and the energy crisis.
Are EDF's controls of the Cattenom power plant trustworthy?
The French agency for nuclear safety ASN recently found that EDF's controls of the spare parts for the nuclear power plant in Cattenom were not thorough enough. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether other controls of EDF would not have to be repeated now.
Less primary wood for energy production: What are the effects on pellet production?
According to a decision of the EU Parliament, the proportion of primary wood used for energy production should gradually decrease. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the impact on the production and price of wood pellets will be.
How is the work on the "Plan de délestage" in case of a gas cut progressing?
The DP MP Max Hahn asked the relevant minister where the work on the "Plan de délestage", which should define which actors must reduce their activity how much and in what order in the event of a gas cut, is progressing and by when it should be completed.
How far is the development of the IT platform for national energy consumption?
In France, there is an IT platform that shows the current consumption on the electricity network, so that people can adjust their consumption accordingly. In Luxembourg, the law provides for the creation of a "platforme informatique nationale de données énergétiques". DP MP Max Hahn asked how the work on that platform is going and what it should look like.
A discount for people who live next to a wind farm?
In Ireland, people who live next to wind turbines will receive compensation, and a similar system is planned in France. In this way, the resistance to such projects should be reduced and the development of renewable energies should be promoted. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if such a model would not also be an idea in Luxembourg.
Large offshore wind farms at the cost of Groenland to cover Europe's energy needs?
According to studies by the University of Liège, large offshore wind farms in front of Greenland could cover a large part of European energy consumption. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether there are already concrete projects and whether Luxembourg intends to invest in them.
Does the Cypriot gas help in becoming more independent from Russian Gas?
Recently, further gas reserves have been found off the Cypriot coast. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the relevant minister whether these reserves could contribute to becoming more independent of Russian imports.
Soaring prices in the construction sector
With a view to the rising energy prices in the fall and winter of 2022/2023, what is next for construction? Our DP MP André Bauler addressed a series of questions to the Minister of Economy on this subject.
Consumption and distribution of gas in the context of the Ukrainian war
How much gas did the individual categories of consumers expend over the last few years in Luxembourg? How does the Minister for Energy intend to determine the distribution of gas in the event of a gas bottleneck? Our MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked the Minister for Energy these questions.
Can you install small wind turbines at home?
In addition to solar panels, small wind turbines are a good way to produce your own electricity at home. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked whether this is allowed and whether the state also provides subsidies for smaller wind turbines.
How does the government plan to accelerate the development of wind energy?
The government announced last autumn that it would simplify the procedures to speed up the development of renewable energy, and especially wind turbines. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty therefore asked how this should happen.
What is the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the Environment Minister what the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021 is.
What is the government's position on the planned geological storage of nuclear waste in Belgium?
In Belgium, the debate over the disposal of nuclear waste is entering a new phase. The geological storage seems to be decided thing. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible what the position of the Luxembourg government was and how it was involved in the decision-making process.
Citizens’ Assembly
Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the formation of a Citizens’ Assembly on the Climate last autumn. It all started at the end of January: In the first of around 15 meetings, the members were first informed about the current state of affairs in climate policy.
How to reduce digitalisation's impact on climate change?
In France, a number of laws have recently come into force to help reduce the impact of digitalisation on climate change. DP MP Gusty Graas asked what was planned in Luxembourg in this regard.
Street lights as charging station for electric vehicles?
Work is underway in Dortmund, among others, on a system for charging electric cars at streetlights. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if this was not an idea to implement in Luxembourg as well.
Solar pannels along the highways?
The coalition agreement provides that vacant areas along the motorways and railway tracks could be used to install solar pannels. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn have asked what concrete projects there are so far.
Carbon capture and stockage in the industry?
A new EU regulation allows Member States to use carbon capture, use and storage technologies to meet their climate goals, particularly in industrial processes where emissions are difficult to avoid. In concrete terms this means that companies can capture their emissions and e.g. storage them geologically. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what was the position of Luxembourg, which Member States...
How are the negotiations progressing in view of COP26?
In preparation for the COP26 at the end of this year in Glasgow, negotiations are currently ongoing at the international level to prepare a possible agreement. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know more about the content and progress of these negotiations from the responsible ministre.
More heatwaves because of climate change: what is the impact in Luxembourg?
Due to climate change, heat waves are becoming more frequent. This also increases the risk of dehydration and heat deaths, especially among the elderly and sick. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health a series of questions on this issue, including how many heat deaths and dehydrations there have been in this country in recent years.
Authorization of gigaliner in Luxembourg for less CO2 emissions in the transport sector?
According to the director of the Luxembourg logistics cluster, 25-meter trucks would be an option to reduce the sector's emissions. In general, however, the transport sector risks not reaching its climate goals. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas have asked the relevant ministers if Gigaliner could be allowed in Luxembourg in the future and what considerations are there to help the sector in the climate...
Towards an international ban on geo-engineering?
Large mirrors in space, the scattering of particles in the atmosphere or the creation of artificial clouds to reflect the sun: these are just a few examples of the so-called "geo-engineering" that some scientists want to focus on in order to stop global warming. However, as the consequences of such far-reaching interventions in nature can be unpredictable and even potentially dramatic, DP MPs Gusty...
Where is the procedure of the planned windmill in Burden?
DP MP André Bauler asked the ministers concerned what has happened in the case of the controversial windmill at Burden in the past months and where the procedure is currently underway.
Adaptation of forests to climate change
Forests play an important role in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the dry spells and the high temperatures take an important toll on them. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned minister about the number of applications for subsidies under the "Climate Bonus" program, the extent of the work on the reform of the Aid Catalog and several other measures that...
Solar collectors on the ground
In a recent statement, the Ecological Movement and the Luxembourg young farmers and rural youth demand that PV plants be installed as a priority on buildings or other already used areas, and as little as possible on the ground, so as to limit further soil sealing. DP members Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the relevant ministers how they feel about this and how big the area is in Luxembourg that is...
Green and sustainable finance
A sustainable finance policy is important in the fight against climate change. Therefore, our strategy in this area is clear: Luxembourg is gearing its financial sector to meet the obligations arising from the Paris Agreements while taking advantage of the opportunities that green and sustainable finance opens up for the diversification of our financial centre.
Climate protection debate: Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
Nuclear waste repository in Bure: regular exchanges between France and Luxembourg?
The French environmental authority raised many criticisms in its opinion from January 13th on the proposed nuclear waste storage center in Bure. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the competent ministers, whether they were aware of what action the French authorities intend to take on this opinion, and whether there are regular exchanges between France and Luxembourg on this topic.
Photovoltaic installations on large parking lots?
In a recent press article, the Minister of Energy raised the enormous energy potential that the some 100 hectares of parking areas in Luxembourg would represent if they were covered with structures and solar panels were installed on top. This is why the deputy of the DP Max Hahn wanted to know from the minister how he intends to mobilize this potential.
100% renewable energy: What does the national strategy for energy storage look like?
Due to the volatility of solar and wind energy energy storage is a central element of the energy transition towards 100% renewable energy. Max Hahn, DP MP, has therefore asked the responsible minister what Luxembourg's strategy is in this regard in order to guarantee security of supply in the future.
Reusing the heat from data centers ?
With the development of AI, the demand for computing capacity continues to increase. In several regions of the EU, the heat generated by data centers is already being used to heat public or private buildings. Our MPs Corinne Cahen and Luc Emering have asked the concerned ministers whether there are any similar projects or plans in Luxembourg to sustainably reuse the heat from existing data centers,...
Have no subsidies for a heat pump been paid out yet?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have heard that no subsidy for a heat pump has been paid out by the ministry yet, because there is almost no heat pump on the market that meets the set noise limit values. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister whether this is true and according to which criteria the limit values were defined.
Are there plans to further develop the Cattenom nuclear plant?
As it was recently reported in the press, the mayor of Cattenom submitted his municipality's candidacy for new reactors to be built there. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the government's position on this matter is, and whether there are projects in the field of renewable energies with France to encourage our neighbors to close Cattenom.
What is planned to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty wanted to know how the government plans to accelerate procedures regarding renewable energies projects.
Climate change and energy crisis - we are all in the same boat
Our municipal candidate from Clervaux Angèle Mersch spoke in a 'Tribune Libre' this week about the responsibility of municipalities in the fight against climate change and the energy crisis.
Are EDF's controls of the Cattenom power plant trustworthy?
The French agency for nuclear safety ASN recently found that EDF's controls of the spare parts for the nuclear power plant in Cattenom were not thorough enough. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether other controls of EDF would not have to be repeated now.
Less primary wood for energy production: What are the effects on pellet production?
According to a decision of the EU Parliament, the proportion of primary wood used for energy production should gradually decrease. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what the impact on the production and price of wood pellets will be.
How is the work on the "Plan de délestage" in case of a gas cut progressing?
The DP MP Max Hahn asked the relevant minister where the work on the "Plan de délestage", which should define which actors must reduce their activity how much and in what order in the event of a gas cut, is progressing and by when it should be completed.
How far is the development of the IT platform for national energy consumption?
In France, there is an IT platform that shows the current consumption on the electricity network, so that people can adjust their consumption accordingly. In Luxembourg, the law provides for the creation of a "platforme informatique nationale de données énergétiques". DP MP Max Hahn asked how the work on that platform is going and what it should look like.
A discount for people who live next to a wind farm?
In Ireland, people who live next to wind turbines will receive compensation, and a similar system is planned in France. In this way, the resistance to such projects should be reduced and the development of renewable energies should be promoted. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if such a model would not also be an idea in Luxembourg.
Large offshore wind farms at the cost of Groenland to cover Europe's energy needs?
According to studies by the University of Liège, large offshore wind farms in front of Greenland could cover a large part of European energy consumption. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked whether there are already concrete projects and whether Luxembourg intends to invest in them.
Does the Cypriot gas help in becoming more independent from Russian Gas?
Recently, further gas reserves have been found off the Cypriot coast. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know from the relevant minister whether these reserves could contribute to becoming more independent of Russian imports.
Soaring prices in the construction sector
With a view to the rising energy prices in the fall and winter of 2022/2023, what is next for construction? Our DP MP André Bauler addressed a series of questions to the Minister of Economy on this subject.
Consumption and distribution of gas in the context of the Ukrainian war
How much gas did the individual categories of consumers expend over the last few years in Luxembourg? How does the Minister for Energy intend to determine the distribution of gas in the event of a gas bottleneck? Our MPs Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn asked the Minister for Energy these questions.
Can you install small wind turbines at home?
In addition to solar panels, small wind turbines are a good way to produce your own electricity at home. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty have therefore asked whether this is allowed and whether the state also provides subsidies for smaller wind turbines.
How does the government plan to accelerate the development of wind energy?
The government announced last autumn that it would simplify the procedures to speed up the development of renewable energy, and especially wind turbines. The DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty therefore asked how this should happen.
What is the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021?
DP MPs Max Hahn and Claude Lamberty asked the Environment Minister what the provisional balance of the sectoral climate targets for 2021 is.
What is the government's position on the planned geological storage of nuclear waste in Belgium?
In Belgium, the debate over the disposal of nuclear waste is entering a new phase. The geological storage seems to be decided thing. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible what the position of the Luxembourg government was and how it was involved in the decision-making process.
Citizens’ Assembly
Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the formation of a Citizens’ Assembly on the Climate last autumn. It all started at the end of January: In the first of around 15 meetings, the members were first informed about the current state of affairs in climate policy.
How to reduce digitalisation's impact on climate change?
In France, a number of laws have recently come into force to help reduce the impact of digitalisation on climate change. DP MP Gusty Graas asked what was planned in Luxembourg in this regard.
Street lights as charging station for electric vehicles?
Work is underway in Dortmund, among others, on a system for charging electric cars at streetlights. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked if this was not an idea to implement in Luxembourg as well.
Solar pannels along the highways?
The coalition agreement provides that vacant areas along the motorways and railway tracks could be used to install solar pannels. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn have asked what concrete projects there are so far.
Carbon capture and stockage in the industry?
A new EU regulation allows Member States to use carbon capture, use and storage technologies to meet their climate goals, particularly in industrial processes where emissions are difficult to avoid. In concrete terms this means that companies can capture their emissions and e.g. storage them geologically. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn asked what was the position of Luxembourg, which Member States...
How are the negotiations progressing in view of COP26?
In preparation for the COP26 at the end of this year in Glasgow, negotiations are currently ongoing at the international level to prepare a possible agreement. DP MPs Gusty Graas and Max Hahn wanted to know more about the content and progress of these negotiations from the responsible ministre.
More heatwaves because of climate change: what is the impact in Luxembourg?
Due to climate change, heat waves are becoming more frequent. This also increases the risk of dehydration and heat deaths, especially among the elderly and sick. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health a series of questions on this issue, including how many heat deaths and dehydrations there have been in this country in recent years.
Authorization of gigaliner in Luxembourg for less CO2 emissions in the transport sector?
According to the director of the Luxembourg logistics cluster, 25-meter trucks would be an option to reduce the sector's emissions. In general, however, the transport sector risks not reaching its climate goals. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas have asked the relevant ministers if Gigaliner could be allowed in Luxembourg in the future and what considerations are there to help the sector in the climate...
Towards an international ban on geo-engineering?
Large mirrors in space, the scattering of particles in the atmosphere or the creation of artificial clouds to reflect the sun: these are just a few examples of the so-called "geo-engineering" that some scientists want to focus on in order to stop global warming. However, as the consequences of such far-reaching interventions in nature can be unpredictable and even potentially dramatic, DP MPs Gusty...
Where is the procedure of the planned windmill in Burden?
DP MP André Bauler asked the ministers concerned what has happened in the case of the controversial windmill at Burden in the past months and where the procedure is currently underway.
Adaptation of forests to climate change
Forests play an important role in the fight against climate change. At the same time, the dry spells and the high temperatures take an important toll on them. DP MPs Gilles Baum and Max Hahn wanted to know from the concerned minister about the number of applications for subsidies under the "Climate Bonus" program, the extent of the work on the reform of the Aid Catalog and several other measures that...
Solar collectors on the ground
In a recent statement, the Ecological Movement and the Luxembourg young farmers and rural youth demand that PV plants be installed as a priority on buildings or other already used areas, and as little as possible on the ground, so as to limit further soil sealing. DP members Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the relevant ministers how they feel about this and how big the area is in Luxembourg that is...
Green and sustainable finance
A sustainable finance policy is important in the fight against climate change. Therefore, our strategy in this area is clear: Luxembourg is gearing its financial sector to meet the obligations arising from the Paris Agreements while taking advantage of the opportunities that green and sustainable finance opens up for the diversification of our financial centre.
Climate protection debate: Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
Nuclear waste repository in Bure: regular exchanges between France and Luxembourg?
The French environmental authority raised many criticisms in its opinion from January 13th on the proposed nuclear waste storage center in Bure. DP MPs Max Hahn and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the competent ministers, whether they were aware of what action the French authorities intend to take on this opinion, and whether there are regular exchanges between France and Luxembourg on this topic.
Photovoltaic installations on large parking lots?
In a recent press article, the Minister of Energy raised the enormous energy potential that the some 100 hectares of parking areas in Luxembourg would represent if they were covered with structures and solar panels were installed on top. This is why the deputy of the DP Max Hahn wanted to know from the minister how he intends to mobilize this potential.
100% renewable energy: What does the national strategy for energy storage look like?
Due to the volatility of solar and wind energy energy storage is a central element of the energy transition towards 100% renewable energy. Max Hahn, DP MP, has therefore asked the responsible minister what Luxembourg's strategy is in this regard in order to guarantee security of supply in the future.
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