What are the reasons for the long delays in the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility?

It has come to attention of the deputies of the DP Carole Hartmann and Max Hahn that many people wait several months for the payment of the premium for sustainable mobility. This is why they have inquired with the competent minister to find out what are the reasons for this and what is being done to speed up the procedure.

« Il nous revient que beaucoup de personnes ayant introduit une demande pour la prime pour une mobilité durable « clever fueren » doivent attendre plusieurs mois avant de se voir verser la prime en question.

Dans ce contexte nous aimerions poser les questions suivantes à Madame la Ministre de l’Environnement, du Climat et du Développement durable :

– Combien de primes, réparties par catégorie (vélo, pedelec, voiture électrique etc.), ont été accordées depuis son introduction en mars 2020 ? Combien de ces primes ont déjà été versées ?

– Madame la Ministre peut-elle informer sur la durée moyenne entre la réception de la demande pour une prime et le versement effectif de celle-ci ?

– Le cas échéant, de quelle manière ce délai pourrait-il être raccourci ? »


The Minister stated in her reply that since March 2019, 12,200 applications for the premium “Clever fueren” had been approved, the majority of which were for a bicycle (5600) or a pedelec (4900). Due to the huge demand for a soft mobility premium, the normal payment period for the premiums increased from four weeks to six months, a situation which, however, should be improved as soon as possible by internal reassignments and new appointments.

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More parliamentary questions

Should the free sale of anti-cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine be banned?

In Belgium and France, the free sale of anti-cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine was recently banned. Due to potential health risks, these medicines are now only available on prescription.

DP MPs Dr Gérard Schockmel and Gilles Baum have asked the Minister of Health what she thinks of this ban in our neighbouring countries, whether she thinks such a ban would also make sense in Luxembourg and whether doctors and patients should be made more aware of the risks of medicines containing pseudoephedrine.


Additional national registries for major diseases?

The national cancer registry makes it easier to follow the development of cancers and evaluate the effectiveness of treatments.
DP MPs Mandy Minella and Dr Gérard Schockmel have asked the Minister of Health whether additional registries should be established for major diseases, particularly cardio-neuro-vascular diseases, which are among the leading causes of death in this country.
CGDIS access to these registers should also be considered in order to improve care in emergency situations.


A new pharmacy in Weiswampach?

A new pharmacy is to be built in Weiswampach. DP MP André Bauler has asked the Minister of Health why a new pharmacy is to be installed, when this pharmacy will open and whether it will help to improve the on-call service in the north.