For the second time since the start of the Corona Pandemic, the Democratic Party launched its national congress in digital form on Monday, April 26th. This year again, it was a great success: more than 600 members attended and participated in the congress.
After more than a year of crisis, it was above all time to take stock of recent months. Many people have lost a loved one during the last year and so it was time to think of those who could no longer be present.
It is also these destinies that underline once again how important it was and is that the government, under the leadership of Xavier Bettel, pursued a responsible policy that puts the health of the people first and that makes sure that the ship will get safe through these stormy times.
Luxembourg has gone its own way and survived the pandemic better than other countries, said Xavier Bettel. The DP team in government, with its captain, has made the right decisions in the various areas to get through the crisis as well as possible.
However, it was also the moment to look forward, as the corona pandemic is just one of many challenges that need to be overcome. Whether housing, climate change or economic recovery: there is a lot of work to be done to prepare the country for the future. A task that the DP is ready to tackle full of energy, with new ideas and committed representatives and members.
Statutory Elections
Finally, there were several elections on the agenda: on the one hand for the Comité Directeur and for the four regional district committees, where many motivated members applied. On the other hand, the district presidents in the east and in the south were re-elected. Here, Carole Hartmann in the East could start her own succession. In the South, Dahlia Scholl was able to prevail very narrowly against Lou Linster. To everyone who ran in the elections, thank you for your commitment and to all those who were elected, much success and joy in their new task!

Modification of the statutes
Last but not least, an amendment to the statutes was decided: Article 2.2, in which the Lëtzebuerger Journal is described as the official party newspaper, has been deleted.
Impressions from the congress