21 November 2024
The ITM sees supporting businesses and prevention as its priorities. In the gastronomy sector, however, the direct application of sanctions following an inspection appears to be the rule rather than the exception. In this context, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how many inspections have been carried out in the gastronomy sector...
07 March 2024
The Democratic Party is entering the European elections on 9 June with a competent, diverse and highly motivated list. Charles Goerens and Amela Skenderović lead the list as lead candidates.
11 December 2023
In the “Tribune Libre”, radio broadcast, our Member of Parliament (MP), Mandy Minella, highlighted the new government’s intensified efforts towards fostering a better work-life balance in Luxembourg.
27 November 2023
In his “Tribune Libre” this week, DP MP Luc Emering talks about modern nature conservation that does not work with enemy images and does not get bogged down by unimportant details.
21 November 2023
Le Groupe parlementaire du Parti démocratique informe que M. Gilles BAUM assumera la fonction de président du groupe parlementaire pour la période de législature 2023-2028.
13 November 2023
The financial expert and city councillo of Schifflange, Jeffrey Drui, talked this week on the radio in an edition of the “tribune libre” about the role that the financial sector will play in the Luxembourgish economy.
23 October 2023
This week, Michael Agostini speaks on the radio in the DP's Free Tribune. The chairman of the Young Democrats discusses the interest of young people in the coalition negotiations between the CSV and the DP.
09 October 2023
Die Demokratesch Partei (DP) gewinnt bei der Chamber-Wahl 2023 zwei Sitze hinzu und wird zukünftig mit 14 Abgeordneten im Parlament vertreten sein. Mit einem Stimmenanteil von 18,7 Prozent gewinnt die DP rund 1,8 Prozent hinzu. Das Comité Directeur der DP beschließt einstimmig Koalitionsgespräche mit der CSV aufzunehmen
08 October 2023
D'DP ass e klore Gewënner vun de Chamberwalen, mat engem Plus vun 2 Sëtz a prozentualem Zouwuess an alle Bezierker.
15 July 2023
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, the government has safely guided our country through the pandemic as well as through the energy and inflation crises. Particularly in times of crisis, the DP has demonstrated that no one is left on their own.
15 July 2023
Today, we officially introduced our candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023.
13 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee Centre proposed its 21 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee.
12 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee South proposed its 23 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee. The regional lead candidates are Claude Meisch and Max Hahn.
11 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee North proposed its 9 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee. The regional lead candidates are Fernand Etgen and Marc Hansen.
10 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee East proposed its 7 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee.
08 July 2023
The Democratic Party (DP) unveiled a comprehensive election program for the upcoming parliamentary elections in October at its National Congress in 2023. More than 400 members gathered at the Syrkus Cultural Center in Roodt-sur-Syre to show their support for Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, party president Lex Delles, and the regional lead candidates in the upcoming election campaign.
12 June 2023
In his Opinion Piece, Lou Linster - our DP Leudelange alderman and VP of the Young Democrats - advocates for a long overdue reform of the cab sector in Luxembourg.
28 April 2023
Keeping in dialogue with you is the essence of my policy. I truly stand for that, which is why I come to meet you.
29 March 2023
In his Tribune Libre, our president of the DP fraction, Gilles Baum talks this week about the measures the government has taken to help the citizens through the times of crisis.
20 February 2023
Our municipal candidate from Clervaux Angèle Mersch spoke in a 'Tribune Libre' this week about the responsibility of municipalities in the fight against climate change and the energy crisis.
30 January 2023
The minister of finance, Yuriko Backes, has announced further tax relief worth 500 million euros. The current budgetary situation enables the purchasing power of the people to be strengthened up to the middle class.
30 January 2023
On the 'Tribune Libre' radio programme this week, our Deputy Secretary Anne Daems spoke about the general guidelines with which the DP will go into the municipal elections on 11 June.
16 January 2023
On the Tribune Libre programme on the radio this week, our MP André Bauler spoke about how important it is for Luxembourg to remain attractive to highly qualified and innovative talent also from abroad, especially in the financial sector.
19 December 2022
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, Gusty Graas spoke about the latest salary agreement in the civil service. For our MP, this is a reasonable agreement, which shows that the responsible minister Marc Hansen and the CGFP have led a constructive dialogue, which will also ensure social peace in the public service in the future.
14 November 2022
On the 'Tribune Libre' programme this week, our DP MP Guy Arendt spoke about the importance of digital inclusion in Luxembourg. This refers to the efforts being made nationwide to include everyone in the new, digital age.
10 October 2022
On this week’s Tribune Libre programme on the radio, our MP and future budget rapporteur, Max Hahn talked about the historic draft bill on the state budget 2023.
19 September 2022
In the DP's Tribune Libre, our MP and vice-president Claude Lamberty talks about the new measures in terms of non-formal education, which the Minister of National Education Claude Meisch has put in place for the start of this school year.
21 July 2022
The so-called maison relais, foyers de jour, mini-crèches and parental assistants play an important role in implementing Minister Claude Meisch’s education policy to provide every child with equal starting chances and educational prospects.
21 July 2022
The annual press conference of the DP parliamentary group pertaining the last parliamentary session was dominated by the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the direct consequences of the war in Ukraine.
21 July 2022
If someone asks mewhere I live, I’d rather say Hamiville than Heesdref, which many confuse with Heeschdref near Walfer, chuckles Agny Durdu in front of her office on the main street. She grew up on the farm nearby. Today she lives there with her mother and brother.
21 July 2022
Since the beginning of March, Monique Smit-Thijs has succeeded Frank Colabianchi as mayor of Bertrange.
21 July 2022
The closure of the Ettelbrück maternity hospital has shown us that the shortage of doctors is already having serious consequences for citizens.
21 July 2022
The war in Ukraine and our solidarity with the Ukrainian people comeat a price. Livelihoods and jobs are at stake because ofthe current energy crisis and high inflation. The DP takes these concerns seriously.
21 July 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
04 July 2022
Speaking on RTL’s Tribune Libre, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to repeal the right to abortion in the U.S.. As stated by our secretary-general, this is terrible news regarding women's self-determination over their bodies. And a warning that women must continue to fight for their rights.
13 June 2022
At the first in-person National Congress in three years, DP members elected a new party leadership at the national and district level in the very well attended Centre Atert in Bertrange. Confidence in the candidates was particularly high.
30 May 2022
On the RTL programme ‘Tribune Libre’, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the need for a decentralised, modern and liberal healthcare system in Luxembourg.
02 May 2022
In the ‘Tribune Libre’ programme on the radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty talks about the Solidarity Package of €830 million which the Tripartite agreed on to help people and businesses get through the current crisis.
07 March 2022
In his "Tribune libre" on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin's regime.
02 March 2022
As Minister of Finance, a natural priority is to ensure that our public finances remain sound. This is because we want to prepare our country for the future by focusing on sustainable development and investing in digital development.
02 March 2022
Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the formation of a Citizens’ Assembly on the Climate last autumn. It all started at the end of January: In the first of around 15 meetings, the members were first informed about the current state of affairs in climate policy.
02 March 2022
In his state of the nation address, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel highlighted the social-liberal aims of the government by announcing new social measures.
02 March 2022
Gilles Baum recently requested a debate on viticulture in the Chamber of Deputies. In his eyes, viticulture is not only an important economic sector of our country, but also an essential part of our national heritage. The DP therefore insists on a regular discussion of the topic in Parliament.
02 March 2022
Sheila Schmit has definitely found her way. Two years ago she started her own business as a freelance midwife. Before that, she had worked for 15 years at the Esch hospital, among other places. But she was tired of shift work, the organisational structure in the hospital and the working conditions.
02 March 2022
I firmly believe that our working world needs to become more flexible. It neither corresponds to today’s realities nor to the needs of many families.
01 March 2022
Lex Krieps was born in Guildford, England in 1946. Why in England? Because his mother - a native of Ireland - felt comfortable giving birth to her three children there. Even though a year earlier she had gone to live with her husband - the Resistance member, officer and later minister Emile Krieps - to Luxembourg. That is why Lex’s passport says AlexandER and not AlexandRE.
01 March 2022
Born in Olesno, Poland, Artur speaks seven languages. Nine years ago he founded the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce. At Maison Moderne he is in charge of the Paperjam + Delano Club. He enjoys spending time with his two children, reading, running, and discovering new countries and cultures.
01 March 2022
Patrick Krecké is 47 years old, father of two daughters and has been working in a bank for 23 years. Patrick is the president of the S.I. Nospelt, a member of the Kehlen school committee and of the parent council.
On June 11, 2021, Patrick succeeded the former council member Tom Hansen.
31 January 2022
On the Tribune Libre on the radio, our parliamentary group leader Gilles Baum has presented the arguments on a proposed mandatory vaccination against the Corona virus.
10 January 2022
In order to get people more involved in climate policy discussions, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the creation of a Citizens' Climate Council in October - he recently presented the details. In his ‘Tribune libre’, the Secretary General of the DP, Claude Lamberty, addresses this unique project in Luxembourg, and emphasizes the importance of an ambitious climate policy, which is also supported...
03 December 2021
Following the unanimous decision of the DP board, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel will propose to the Grand Duke Yuriko Backes as the new Minister of Finance.
30 November 2021
Le Parti démocratique informe que Pierre Gramegna, ministre des Finances et du Budget, a annoncé sa volonté de démissionner de ses fonctions ministérielles pour des raisons personnelles.
25 October 2021
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, Max Hahn spoke about the government's additional measures against the lack of affordable housing.
27 September 2021
The municipality of Mertzig, with its mayor Mike Poiré, has joined the local government of Redange and the merger section Atert-Wark has been formed. Until 2020 the municipality of Mertzig was part of the "Nordstad" local section.
The former Redange section has been working together with the Rambrouch section for a very long time. For this reason, the Rambrouch section with its new president will...
27 September 2021
During his ‘Tribune Libre’ on the radio, our parliamentary group leader Gilles Baum talked in detail about the big cornerstones of the 2021/2022 beginning of the school year.
25 September 2021
With the Rentrée, the DP launches an important internal innovation - the FutureLab. Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty were asked what this promising concept is all about.
24 September 2021
For the most part, the residents are doing well. However, I get told every day by older people that they never want to be imprisoned again. I can understand that very well. We will therefore do everything in our power to ensure that everyone can live their lives independently, including in retirement and care homes.
24 September 2021
In line with the DP's election programme, children and teenagers will be able to access free music classes, starting from the school year 2022/2023.
24 September 2021
The floods of the summer have hit our country unexpectedly. In comparison to neighboring countries, Luxembourg had the chance that no one was injured. However, dramatic scenes unfolded here as well, and the water caused enormous damage. All of this in addition to a corona crisis which, on its own, is already affecting many people and companies.
24 September 2021
“Before the rentrée, I met with the Luxembourgish media to discuss how EU foreign policy could be better financed in the coming years.
24 September 2021
René Hübsch was born on January 13, 1937 in the rue de Warker in Ettelbruck. Only 7 months later, his father died, who had a business as a plasterer. In fact, René was supposed to learn the craftsmanship of painter. But the boy is so good in school that the teacher insists on sending him to high school.
24 September 2021
Following the departure of Tanja de Jager, 42-year-old Mathis Prost took over her function as City Councilor.
24 September 2021
Would it be fair to increase taxes on exactly those people who tried to find solutions for the greater good without ever complaining about the many business risks this might entail?
24 September 2021
Thirteen years after the first Housing Pact, the Chamber of Deputies recently voted in favour of Housing Pact 2.0
24 September 2021
Continuing to diversify the school offer, preparing young people for a digital world and continuing to support students intensively - these are the three priorities presented by the Minister of Education Claude Meisch at his traditional press conference before the start of school.
24 September 2021
Vaccines are the best weapon against the Corona-virus. They are the most effective solution to avoid a harsh fall and winter.
12 July 2021
The “Luxembourgish way” – the mixture between vaccination and sanitary measures – is the right way in the fight against the pandemic. This was our parliamentary group’s leaders’ message at the concluding press conference of the DP parliamentary group.
12 July 2021
This week in his Open Stage contribution on the radio, our parliamentary group leader Gilles Baum speaks about the political priorities of the country, besides the ones linked to the Covid crisis.
05 July 2021
This week our MP Pim Knaff spoke in the 'Tribune Libre' on the radio about the rights of homosexual and transgender people in Hungary and Europe.
14 June 2021
This week, in his Tribune Libre on the radio, Paul Engel, Mayor of Grosbous, talks about municipal mergers and more specifically about the planned merger of Grosbous and Wahl.
02 June 2021
The new salary agreement with the CGFP will allow the government in the future to focus on the working conditions of civil servants.
02 June 2021
“Minimum chances for the virus, maximum chances for education”: this was the motto of the Minister of Education, Claude Meisch, from the very beginning.
02 June 2021
Since October 2020, the last commune of the Alzette valley also has a DP section. In 2023, the municipal council will be elected according to the proportional representation system for the first time in Lintgen. It is therefore important for the DP to position itself well now.
02 June 2021
Promoting soft mobility, giving people more space in public areas, making the city more attractive. Even before the pandemic, a lot of work had been done at the Knuedler, but the crisis certainly helped to speed up the process.
02 June 2021
Our environment has a direct impact on our health in many ways. The Covid pandemic has clearly shown this. Therefore, the DP wants to strengthen the role of environmental medicine and the health policy.
02 June 2021
We want a world in which everyone has access everywhere - not just physically, but also access to information. During the corona pandemic, the government did everything in its power to provide information to everyone: the leaflets were translated into several languages and the press conferences could be followed in sign language.
02 June 2021
This time in the Spotlight: Daliah Scholl, the newly elected president of the DP South. With the learned flutist, a woman stands for the first time at the head of the district south of the DP. Since 2011 President of the Esch Section, Daliah Scholl has also been a member of the City Council for the DP since the last election.
02 June 2021
The financial planning of the EU covers a period of 7 years. The European Council decided in July 2020 to invest 1211 billion euros into the budget for the new period. Of this, 79.5 billion euros will flow into international relations, with the main share being used for third-country development cooperation.
02 June 2021
Dali Zhu, 32, is a trained statistician and econometrician. He worked as a risk manager in the banking industry for 4 years. Last year, he took over the family business at home. He is a member of the Cercle Amicale des Oeuvres du Rotary, Vice-President of the International Association of Story-Telling and Story-Singing Arts, an organisation that organises cultural exchanges an events between China...
02 June 2021
A high-quality healthcare sector distinguishes itself above all through competent staff - the cornerstone of any healthcare sector. It just wouldn’t work without the doctors, nurses, midwives and all the other important health professionals.
01 June 2021
At the end of April, there was a major orientation debate in Parliament on the Cultural Development Plan 1.0. A plan that has occupied the work of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture for several years, and which today - in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic - has a very different meaning than in 2018.
10 May 2021
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, the chairman of the Parliamentary Finance and Budget Commission, André Bauler, drew a rather positive assessment of the economic and financial situation of the country.
27 April 2021
For the second time since the start of the Corona Pandemic, the Democratic Party launched its national congress in digital form on Monday, April 26th. This year again, it was a great success: more than 600 members attended and participated in the congress.
26 April 2021
In the Tribune Libre on radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty spoke about the light at the end of the Corona Tunnel and the political future of the country after the crisis.
17 April 2021
With Paul Helminger, Luxembourg loses a politician who has strongly shaped the country and the city of Luxembourg. Paul Helminger was a politician who moved things. A man for whom modernization was not a slogan, but a task for which he committed himself wholeheartedly: as a diplomat, as chief of staff, as secretary of state, as deputy, as member of parliament, as mayor of Luxembourg-city, and as e...
29 March 2021
On 28 February 2021, the Minister of Finance, Pierre Gramegna, presented the situation of public finances to the deputies of the Finance and Budget Committee and the Committee for the Control of Budget Execution of the Chamber of Deputies.
18 March 2021
"The first role of the state and the municipalities is to guarantee the safety and security of their citizens. There is a huge lack of security at the railway station, in its neighbourhood and in Bonnevoie, but this is not a new phenomenon", said the mayor of the City of Luxembourg, Lydie Polfer, in the Chamber of Deputies during a news hour on public security.
18 March 2021
In 2015, Luxembourg's creative industries created a value-added of around 400 million euros and employed more than 7,000 people. In an extended question to the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, our MP André Bauler addressed the evolution of the sector and its future prospects.
17 March 2021
The 'Comité directeur' of the Democratic Party decided unanimously in its meeting on March 17th to propose Mr Marc Meyers to the government for the vacant post in the Council of State.
16 March 2021
Especially now, during the pandemic, young people need perspectives to deal with the psychological strain. In an extended question, DP MP Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Education what the effects of the crisis are on the mental health of young people, and what is being done about youth violence prevention.
15 March 2021
In his ‘Tribune libre‘, alderman Patrick Goldschmidt talks about the fight against the felt lack of safety in the ‘Gare’ and Bonnevoie areas.
15 March 2021
The DP wants to use the opportunities digitalisation offers for the whole of society, from the economy and education, to the civil service. What's most important though in all projects: people should be at the center of attention.
12 March 2021
A sustainable finance policy is important in the fight against climate change. Therefore, our strategy in this area is clear: Luxembourg is gearing its financial sector to meet the obligations arising from the Paris Agreements while taking advantage of the opportunities that green and sustainable finance opens up for the diversification of our financial centre.
12 March 2021
Thanks to the prudent budgetary policy of recent years, Luxembourg was in a good financial position when the crisis hit.
12 March 2021
The Luxembourgish language is at the core of our identity and the guarantor of a successful integration. This is why the government wants to further promote our language and also promote scientific research.
12 March 2021
In order to cope with digital change and the demands of the labour market, our children and teenagers must learn how to use the latest technologies.
12 March 2021
The pandemic presented the school with major challenges. While some countries heavily relied on home schooling during the crisis, Luxembourg preferred a more balanced approach.
12 March 2021
During the last year, many people have spent their holidays at home during the corona pandemic.
12 March 2021
In order to meet the needs of consumers and at the same time to support local trade, the Letzshop.lu platform was launched.
12 March 2021
The government is helping businesses to get through this difficult time. With help that has been regularly adapted and extended to adapt to the situation.
12 March 2021
New technologies play an increasingly important role in the public service. This goes from a digital administration that enables an improved service to the citizens, to internal workflows, which become quicker and more efficient through digitalisation.
12 March 2021
Bringing working and living closer together to achieve a better quality of life is one of the DP's main priorities.
12 March 2021
Better service to citizens, more efficient internal workflow, simplified procedures for businesses: the digitalization offers great potential to make the state and the civil service even more efficient.
12 March 2021
"Living together concerns us all. Together we are strong to plan an even stronger Luxembourg," said Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family Affairs and Integration, during the parliamentary debate on integration policy in Luxembourg.
12 March 2021
In order to keep pace with the development of the media landscape, and to further promote quality journalism in the future, a reform of the press assistance is currently being worked on.
11 March 2021
The Corona pandemic with its more or less severe lockdowns has slowed down our economy and made it difficult to restart its activities. The government has therefore adopted a series of financial aids and measures to counteract the economic uncertainty and secure jobs.
11 March 2021
The pandemic is affecting many people mentally. It's about time to talk more about mental health.
11 March 2021
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our health and our health care system have once again moved to the forefront of interest: healthcare professionals in particular. For this reason, the subject was discussed in Parliament in an interpellation.
11 March 2021
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation between France and Luxembourg is an initiative of the European Parliament to strengthen cooperation in the border regions.
11 March 2021
The COVID crisis has shown how important a well-functioning health system — including hospitals – is.
11 March 2021
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
02 March 2021
The DP is convinced that every employee knows how to work best. Both employees and employers want more flexibility - for a better work-life balance or to be able to better adapt work to the economic environment.
14 January 2021
Vaccinations are the best way to get back to normal. They help us protect our health care system and regain our freedoms.
14 January 2021
The Federation of Liberal Community Representatives FCCD is also working on coherent and innovative solutions to the important municipal dossiers during the Covid crisis, according to its President Martine Dieschburg-Nickels.
14 January 2021
Before the summer, the inhabitants of Grosbous and Wahl will decide on the merger of the two municipalities. For the mayor of Grosbous, Paul Engel, a merger allows many things that would not be possible on their own.
13 January 2021
Together with MP Simone Beissel we talk about the Luxembourgish constitution: its history, its importance for our society and the work that is currently being done to adapt the text to the realities of a 21st century.
13 January 2021
For Charles Goerens, the deal between the EU and Great Britain concluded in December is better than no deal at all. However, the liberal MEP would have preferred the Brits to remain in the EU.
13 January 2021
A new media law will soon be passed in the Chamber of Deputies. On this occasion, we had a conversation with Guy Arendt, the chairman of the parliamentary commission in charge of the issue.
20 November 2020
The liberal MP Gusty Graas has been President of the Benelux Parliament for the last two years. The Parliament submits reports and recommendations to the governments of Brussels, The Hague and Luxembourg on issues affecting the three partner countries.
20 November 2020
What was launched last year by the Minister of Tourism Lex Delles as a campaign to strengthen the attractiveness of the Grand Duchy as a holiday destination, was a year later more relevant than ever. Out of necessity, we suddenly rediscovered our country.
To advertise our beautiful north, the local DP sections and I, using the hashtag #vakanzdoheem, drove from Vianden, across the Nordstad, through...
20 November 2020
Luxembourg is one of the few countries in the world to enjoy the highest possible Triple A rating. The triple A is awarded by independent rating agencies and relates to a country's creditworthiness. The rating guarantees the good reputation of the Luxembourg financial center.
20 November 2020
On 4th of November, Mathis Ast, aged 36, was sworn in as the new mayor of the municipality of Wormeldange. Below, you can find out more about his political priorities.
16 November 2020
Good afternoon,
On 3rd November, a historic election took place: The United States of America elected a new president. Historic because for the last four years the USA has had a president who has been known above all for his strong polarisation and destruction of multilateral relations. Hopes were high in many places that Donald Trump would be replaced. Fortunately, this hope has been fulfilled.
15 September 2020
Over the past few months, the DP have more than lived up to their reputation as a responsible party. Our members of parliament have taken the right decisions for the well-being of our country. Every single one has proven in their department that in times of a crisis they can be counted on.
The crisis manager
Luxembourg is well looked after under the lead of prime minister Xavier Bettel. “If the country...
21 November 2024
The ITM sees supporting businesses and prevention as its priorities. In the gastronomy sector, however, the direct application of sanctions following an inspection appears to be the rule rather than the exception. In this context, DP MPs Corinne Cahen and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the Minister of Labour, among other things, how many inspections have been carried out in the gastronomy sector...
07 March 2024
The Democratic Party is entering the European elections on 9 June with a competent, diverse and highly motivated list. Charles Goerens and Amela Skenderović lead the list as lead candidates.
11 December 2023
In the “Tribune Libre”, radio broadcast, our Member of Parliament (MP), Mandy Minella, highlighted the new government’s intensified efforts towards fostering a better work-life balance in Luxembourg.
27 November 2023
In his “Tribune Libre” this week, DP MP Luc Emering talks about modern nature conservation that does not work with enemy images and does not get bogged down by unimportant details.
21 November 2023
Le Groupe parlementaire du Parti démocratique informe que M. Gilles BAUM assumera la fonction de président du groupe parlementaire pour la période de législature 2023-2028.
13 November 2023
The financial expert and city councillo of Schifflange, Jeffrey Drui, talked this week on the radio in an edition of the “tribune libre” about the role that the financial sector will play in the Luxembourgish economy.
23 October 2023
This week, Michael Agostini speaks on the radio in the DP's Free Tribune. The chairman of the Young Democrats discusses the interest of young people in the coalition negotiations between the CSV and the DP.
09 October 2023
Die Demokratesch Partei (DP) gewinnt bei der Chamber-Wahl 2023 zwei Sitze hinzu und wird zukünftig mit 14 Abgeordneten im Parlament vertreten sein. Mit einem Stimmenanteil von 18,7 Prozent gewinnt die DP rund 1,8 Prozent hinzu. Das Comité Directeur der DP beschließt einstimmig Koalitionsgespräche mit der CSV aufzunehmen
08 October 2023
D'DP ass e klore Gewënner vun de Chamberwalen, mat engem Plus vun 2 Sëtz a prozentualem Zouwuess an alle Bezierker.
15 July 2023
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, the government has safely guided our country through the pandemic as well as through the energy and inflation crises. Particularly in times of crisis, the DP has demonstrated that no one is left on their own.
15 July 2023
Today, we officially introduced our candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023.
13 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee Centre proposed its 21 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee.
12 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee South proposed its 23 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee. The regional lead candidates are Claude Meisch and Max Hahn.
11 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee North proposed its 9 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee. The regional lead candidates are Fernand Etgen and Marc Hansen.
10 July 2023
Tonight, the Regional Committee East proposed its 7 candidates for the parliamentary elections on October 8, 2023, to the DP Steering Committee.
08 July 2023
The Democratic Party (DP) unveiled a comprehensive election program for the upcoming parliamentary elections in October at its National Congress in 2023. More than 400 members gathered at the Syrkus Cultural Center in Roodt-sur-Syre to show their support for Prime Minister Xavier Bettel, party president Lex Delles, and the regional lead candidates in the upcoming election campaign.
12 June 2023
In his Opinion Piece, Lou Linster - our DP Leudelange alderman and VP of the Young Democrats - advocates for a long overdue reform of the cab sector in Luxembourg.
28 April 2023
Keeping in dialogue with you is the essence of my policy. I truly stand for that, which is why I come to meet you.
29 March 2023
In his Tribune Libre, our president of the DP fraction, Gilles Baum talks this week about the measures the government has taken to help the citizens through the times of crisis.
20 February 2023
Our municipal candidate from Clervaux Angèle Mersch spoke in a 'Tribune Libre' this week about the responsibility of municipalities in the fight against climate change and the energy crisis.
30 January 2023
The minister of finance, Yuriko Backes, has announced further tax relief worth 500 million euros. The current budgetary situation enables the purchasing power of the people to be strengthened up to the middle class.
30 January 2023
On the 'Tribune Libre' radio programme this week, our Deputy Secretary Anne Daems spoke about the general guidelines with which the DP will go into the municipal elections on 11 June.
16 January 2023
On the Tribune Libre programme on the radio this week, our MP André Bauler spoke about how important it is for Luxembourg to remain attractive to highly qualified and innovative talent also from abroad, especially in the financial sector.
19 December 2022
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, Gusty Graas spoke about the latest salary agreement in the civil service. For our MP, this is a reasonable agreement, which shows that the responsible minister Marc Hansen and the CGFP have led a constructive dialogue, which will also ensure social peace in the public service in the future.
14 November 2022
On the 'Tribune Libre' programme this week, our DP MP Guy Arendt spoke about the importance of digital inclusion in Luxembourg. This refers to the efforts being made nationwide to include everyone in the new, digital age.
10 October 2022
On this week’s Tribune Libre programme on the radio, our MP and future budget rapporteur, Max Hahn talked about the historic draft bill on the state budget 2023.
19 September 2022
In the DP's Tribune Libre, our MP and vice-president Claude Lamberty talks about the new measures in terms of non-formal education, which the Minister of National Education Claude Meisch has put in place for the start of this school year.
21 July 2022
The so-called maison relais, foyers de jour, mini-crèches and parental assistants play an important role in implementing Minister Claude Meisch’s education policy to provide every child with equal starting chances and educational prospects.
21 July 2022
The annual press conference of the DP parliamentary group pertaining the last parliamentary session was dominated by the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the direct consequences of the war in Ukraine.
21 July 2022
If someone asks mewhere I live, I’d rather say Hamiville than Heesdref, which many confuse with Heeschdref near Walfer, chuckles Agny Durdu in front of her office on the main street. She grew up on the farm nearby. Today she lives there with her mother and brother.
21 July 2022
Since the beginning of March, Monique Smit-Thijs has succeeded Frank Colabianchi as mayor of Bertrange.
21 July 2022
The closure of the Ettelbrück maternity hospital has shown us that the shortage of doctors is already having serious consequences for citizens.
21 July 2022
The war in Ukraine and our solidarity with the Ukrainian people comeat a price. Livelihoods and jobs are at stake because ofthe current energy crisis and high inflation. The DP takes these concerns seriously.
21 July 2022
At the first national congress since the Covid pandemic where physcial presence was again possible, our party elected a new leadership.
04 July 2022
Speaking on RTL’s Tribune Libre, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to repeal the right to abortion in the U.S.. As stated by our secretary-general, this is terrible news regarding women's self-determination over their bodies. And a warning that women must continue to fight for their rights.
13 June 2022
At the first in-person National Congress in three years, DP members elected a new party leadership at the national and district level in the very well attended Centre Atert in Bertrange. Confidence in the candidates was particularly high.
30 May 2022
On the RTL programme ‘Tribune Libre’, our Eastern MP Carole Hartmann talked about the need for a decentralised, modern and liberal healthcare system in Luxembourg.
02 May 2022
In the ‘Tribune Libre’ programme on the radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty talks about the Solidarity Package of €830 million which the Tripartite agreed on to help people and businesses get through the current crisis.
07 March 2022
In his "Tribune libre" on the radio, our MP Gusty Graas talks about the Russian attacks against Ukraine and the measures available to freedom-loving countries against Vladimir Putin's regime.
02 March 2022
As Minister of Finance, a natural priority is to ensure that our public finances remain sound. This is because we want to prepare our country for the future by focusing on sustainable development and investing in digital development.
02 March 2022
Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the formation of a Citizens’ Assembly on the Climate last autumn. It all started at the end of January: In the first of around 15 meetings, the members were first informed about the current state of affairs in climate policy.
02 March 2022
In his state of the nation address, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel highlighted the social-liberal aims of the government by announcing new social measures.
02 March 2022
Gilles Baum recently requested a debate on viticulture in the Chamber of Deputies. In his eyes, viticulture is not only an important economic sector of our country, but also an essential part of our national heritage. The DP therefore insists on a regular discussion of the topic in Parliament.
02 March 2022
Sheila Schmit has definitely found her way. Two years ago she started her own business as a freelance midwife. Before that, she had worked for 15 years at the Esch hospital, among other places. But she was tired of shift work, the organisational structure in the hospital and the working conditions.
02 March 2022
I firmly believe that our working world needs to become more flexible. It neither corresponds to today’s realities nor to the needs of many families.
01 March 2022
Lex Krieps was born in Guildford, England in 1946. Why in England? Because his mother - a native of Ireland - felt comfortable giving birth to her three children there. Even though a year earlier she had gone to live with her husband - the Resistance member, officer and later minister Emile Krieps - to Luxembourg. That is why Lex’s passport says AlexandER and not AlexandRE.
01 March 2022
Born in Olesno, Poland, Artur speaks seven languages. Nine years ago he founded the Luxembourg-Poland Chamber of Commerce. At Maison Moderne he is in charge of the Paperjam + Delano Club. He enjoys spending time with his two children, reading, running, and discovering new countries and cultures.
01 March 2022
Patrick Krecké is 47 years old, father of two daughters and has been working in a bank for 23 years. Patrick is the president of the S.I. Nospelt, a member of the Kehlen school committee and of the parent council.
On June 11, 2021, Patrick succeeded the former council member Tom Hansen.
31 January 2022
On the Tribune Libre on the radio, our parliamentary group leader Gilles Baum has presented the arguments on a proposed mandatory vaccination against the Corona virus.
10 January 2022
In order to get people more involved in climate policy discussions, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel announced the creation of a Citizens' Climate Council in October - he recently presented the details. In his ‘Tribune libre’, the Secretary General of the DP, Claude Lamberty, addresses this unique project in Luxembourg, and emphasizes the importance of an ambitious climate policy, which is also supported...
03 December 2021
Following the unanimous decision of the DP board, Prime Minister Xavier Bettel will propose to the Grand Duke Yuriko Backes as the new Minister of Finance.
30 November 2021
Le Parti démocratique informe que Pierre Gramegna, ministre des Finances et du Budget, a annoncé sa volonté de démissionner de ses fonctions ministérielles pour des raisons personnelles.
25 October 2021
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, Max Hahn spoke about the government's additional measures against the lack of affordable housing.
27 September 2021
The municipality of Mertzig, with its mayor Mike Poiré, has joined the local government of Redange and the merger section Atert-Wark has been formed. Until 2020 the municipality of Mertzig was part of the "Nordstad" local section.
The former Redange section has been working together with the Rambrouch section for a very long time. For this reason, the Rambrouch section with its new president will...
27 September 2021
During his ‘Tribune Libre’ on the radio, our parliamentary group leader Gilles Baum talked in detail about the big cornerstones of the 2021/2022 beginning of the school year.
25 September 2021
With the Rentrée, the DP launches an important internal innovation - the FutureLab. Corinne Cahen and Claude Lamberty were asked what this promising concept is all about.
24 September 2021
For the most part, the residents are doing well. However, I get told every day by older people that they never want to be imprisoned again. I can understand that very well. We will therefore do everything in our power to ensure that everyone can live their lives independently, including in retirement and care homes.
24 September 2021
In line with the DP's election programme, children and teenagers will be able to access free music classes, starting from the school year 2022/2023.
24 September 2021
The floods of the summer have hit our country unexpectedly. In comparison to neighboring countries, Luxembourg had the chance that no one was injured. However, dramatic scenes unfolded here as well, and the water caused enormous damage. All of this in addition to a corona crisis which, on its own, is already affecting many people and companies.
24 September 2021
“Before the rentrée, I met with the Luxembourgish media to discuss how EU foreign policy could be better financed in the coming years.
24 September 2021
René Hübsch was born on January 13, 1937 in the rue de Warker in Ettelbruck. Only 7 months later, his father died, who had a business as a plasterer. In fact, René was supposed to learn the craftsmanship of painter. But the boy is so good in school that the teacher insists on sending him to high school.
24 September 2021
Following the departure of Tanja de Jager, 42-year-old Mathis Prost took over her function as City Councilor.
24 September 2021
Would it be fair to increase taxes on exactly those people who tried to find solutions for the greater good without ever complaining about the many business risks this might entail?
24 September 2021
Thirteen years after the first Housing Pact, the Chamber of Deputies recently voted in favour of Housing Pact 2.0
24 September 2021
Continuing to diversify the school offer, preparing young people for a digital world and continuing to support students intensively - these are the three priorities presented by the Minister of Education Claude Meisch at his traditional press conference before the start of school.
24 September 2021
Vaccines are the best weapon against the Corona-virus. They are the most effective solution to avoid a harsh fall and winter.
12 July 2021
The “Luxembourgish way” – the mixture between vaccination and sanitary measures – is the right way in the fight against the pandemic. This was our parliamentary group’s leaders’ message at the concluding press conference of the DP parliamentary group.
12 July 2021
This week in his Open Stage contribution on the radio, our parliamentary group leader Gilles Baum speaks about the political priorities of the country, besides the ones linked to the Covid crisis.
05 July 2021
This week our MP Pim Knaff spoke in the 'Tribune Libre' on the radio about the rights of homosexual and transgender people in Hungary and Europe.
14 June 2021
This week, in his Tribune Libre on the radio, Paul Engel, Mayor of Grosbous, talks about municipal mergers and more specifically about the planned merger of Grosbous and Wahl.
02 June 2021
The new salary agreement with the CGFP will allow the government in the future to focus on the working conditions of civil servants.
02 June 2021
“Minimum chances for the virus, maximum chances for education”: this was the motto of the Minister of Education, Claude Meisch, from the very beginning.
02 June 2021
Since October 2020, the last commune of the Alzette valley also has a DP section. In 2023, the municipal council will be elected according to the proportional representation system for the first time in Lintgen. It is therefore important for the DP to position itself well now.
02 June 2021
Promoting soft mobility, giving people more space in public areas, making the city more attractive. Even before the pandemic, a lot of work had been done at the Knuedler, but the crisis certainly helped to speed up the process.
02 June 2021
Our environment has a direct impact on our health in many ways. The Covid pandemic has clearly shown this. Therefore, the DP wants to strengthen the role of environmental medicine and the health policy.
02 June 2021
We want a world in which everyone has access everywhere - not just physically, but also access to information. During the corona pandemic, the government did everything in its power to provide information to everyone: the leaflets were translated into several languages and the press conferences could be followed in sign language.
02 June 2021
This time in the Spotlight: Daliah Scholl, the newly elected president of the DP South. With the learned flutist, a woman stands for the first time at the head of the district south of the DP. Since 2011 President of the Esch Section, Daliah Scholl has also been a member of the City Council for the DP since the last election.
02 June 2021
The financial planning of the EU covers a period of 7 years. The European Council decided in July 2020 to invest 1211 billion euros into the budget for the new period. Of this, 79.5 billion euros will flow into international relations, with the main share being used for third-country development cooperation.
02 June 2021
Dali Zhu, 32, is a trained statistician and econometrician. He worked as a risk manager in the banking industry for 4 years. Last year, he took over the family business at home. He is a member of the Cercle Amicale des Oeuvres du Rotary, Vice-President of the International Association of Story-Telling and Story-Singing Arts, an organisation that organises cultural exchanges an events between China...
02 June 2021
A high-quality healthcare sector distinguishes itself above all through competent staff - the cornerstone of any healthcare sector. It just wouldn’t work without the doctors, nurses, midwives and all the other important health professionals.
01 June 2021
At the end of April, there was a major orientation debate in Parliament on the Cultural Development Plan 1.0. A plan that has occupied the work of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture for several years, and which today - in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic - has a very different meaning than in 2018.
10 May 2021
In his Tribune Libre on the radio this week, the chairman of the Parliamentary Finance and Budget Commission, André Bauler, drew a rather positive assessment of the economic and financial situation of the country.
27 April 2021
For the second time since the start of the Corona Pandemic, the Democratic Party launched its national congress in digital form on Monday, April 26th. This year again, it was a great success: more than 600 members attended and participated in the congress.
26 April 2021
In the Tribune Libre on radio this week, our Secretary General Claude Lamberty spoke about the light at the end of the Corona Tunnel and the political future of the country after the crisis.
17 April 2021
With Paul Helminger, Luxembourg loses a politician who has strongly shaped the country and the city of Luxembourg. Paul Helminger was a politician who moved things. A man for whom modernization was not a slogan, but a task for which he committed himself wholeheartedly: as a diplomat, as chief of staff, as secretary of state, as deputy, as member of parliament, as mayor of Luxembourg-city, and as e...
29 March 2021
On 28 February 2021, the Minister of Finance, Pierre Gramegna, presented the situation of public finances to the deputies of the Finance and Budget Committee and the Committee for the Control of Budget Execution of the Chamber of Deputies.
18 March 2021
"The first role of the state and the municipalities is to guarantee the safety and security of their citizens. There is a huge lack of security at the railway station, in its neighbourhood and in Bonnevoie, but this is not a new phenomenon", said the mayor of the City of Luxembourg, Lydie Polfer, in the Chamber of Deputies during a news hour on public security.
18 March 2021
In 2015, Luxembourg's creative industries created a value-added of around 400 million euros and employed more than 7,000 people. In an extended question to the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, our MP André Bauler addressed the evolution of the sector and its future prospects.
17 March 2021
The 'Comité directeur' of the Democratic Party decided unanimously in its meeting on March 17th to propose Mr Marc Meyers to the government for the vacant post in the Council of State.
16 March 2021
Especially now, during the pandemic, young people need perspectives to deal with the psychological strain. In an extended question, DP MP Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Education what the effects of the crisis are on the mental health of young people, and what is being done about youth violence prevention.
15 March 2021
In his ‘Tribune libre‘, alderman Patrick Goldschmidt talks about the fight against the felt lack of safety in the ‘Gare’ and Bonnevoie areas.
15 March 2021
The DP wants to use the opportunities digitalisation offers for the whole of society, from the economy and education, to the civil service. What's most important though in all projects: people should be at the center of attention.
12 March 2021
A sustainable finance policy is important in the fight against climate change. Therefore, our strategy in this area is clear: Luxembourg is gearing its financial sector to meet the obligations arising from the Paris Agreements while taking advantage of the opportunities that green and sustainable finance opens up for the diversification of our financial centre.
12 March 2021
Thanks to the prudent budgetary policy of recent years, Luxembourg was in a good financial position when the crisis hit.
12 March 2021
The Luxembourgish language is at the core of our identity and the guarantor of a successful integration. This is why the government wants to further promote our language and also promote scientific research.
12 March 2021
In order to cope with digital change and the demands of the labour market, our children and teenagers must learn how to use the latest technologies.
12 March 2021
The pandemic presented the school with major challenges. While some countries heavily relied on home schooling during the crisis, Luxembourg preferred a more balanced approach.
12 March 2021
During the last year, many people have spent their holidays at home during the corona pandemic.
12 March 2021
In order to meet the needs of consumers and at the same time to support local trade, the Letzshop.lu platform was launched.
12 March 2021
The government is helping businesses to get through this difficult time. With help that has been regularly adapted and extended to adapt to the situation.
12 March 2021
New technologies play an increasingly important role in the public service. This goes from a digital administration that enables an improved service to the citizens, to internal workflows, which become quicker and more efficient through digitalisation.
12 March 2021
Bringing working and living closer together to achieve a better quality of life is one of the DP's main priorities.
12 March 2021
Better service to citizens, more efficient internal workflow, simplified procedures for businesses: the digitalization offers great potential to make the state and the civil service even more efficient.
12 March 2021
"Living together concerns us all. Together we are strong to plan an even stronger Luxembourg," said Corinne Cahen, Minister of Family Affairs and Integration, during the parliamentary debate on integration policy in Luxembourg.
12 March 2021
In order to keep pace with the development of the media landscape, and to further promote quality journalism in the future, a reform of the press assistance is currently being worked on.
11 March 2021
The Corona pandemic with its more or less severe lockdowns has slowed down our economy and made it difficult to restart its activities. The government has therefore adopted a series of financial aids and measures to counteract the economic uncertainty and secure jobs.
11 March 2021
The pandemic is affecting many people mentally. It's about time to talk more about mental health.
11 March 2021
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our health and our health care system have once again moved to the forefront of interest: healthcare professionals in particular. For this reason, the subject was discussed in Parliament in an interpellation.
11 March 2021
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation between France and Luxembourg is an initiative of the European Parliament to strengthen cooperation in the border regions.
11 March 2021
The COVID crisis has shown how important a well-functioning health system — including hospitals – is.
11 March 2021
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
02 March 2021
The DP is convinced that every employee knows how to work best. Both employees and employers want more flexibility - for a better work-life balance or to be able to better adapt work to the economic environment.
14 January 2021
Vaccinations are the best way to get back to normal. They help us protect our health care system and regain our freedoms.
14 January 2021
The Federation of Liberal Community Representatives FCCD is also working on coherent and innovative solutions to the important municipal dossiers during the Covid crisis, according to its President Martine Dieschburg-Nickels.
14 January 2021
Before the summer, the inhabitants of Grosbous and Wahl will decide on the merger of the two municipalities. For the mayor of Grosbous, Paul Engel, a merger allows many things that would not be possible on their own.
13 January 2021
Together with MP Simone Beissel we talk about the Luxembourgish constitution: its history, its importance for our society and the work that is currently being done to adapt the text to the realities of a 21st century.
13 January 2021
For Charles Goerens, the deal between the EU and Great Britain concluded in December is better than no deal at all. However, the liberal MEP would have preferred the Brits to remain in the EU.
13 January 2021
A new media law will soon be passed in the Chamber of Deputies. On this occasion, we had a conversation with Guy Arendt, the chairman of the parliamentary commission in charge of the issue.
20 November 2020
The liberal MP Gusty Graas has been President of the Benelux Parliament for the last two years. The Parliament submits reports and recommendations to the governments of Brussels, The Hague and Luxembourg on issues affecting the three partner countries.
20 November 2020
What was launched last year by the Minister of Tourism Lex Delles as a campaign to strengthen the attractiveness of the Grand Duchy as a holiday destination, was a year later more relevant than ever. Out of necessity, we suddenly rediscovered our country.
To advertise our beautiful north, the local DP sections and I, using the hashtag #vakanzdoheem, drove from Vianden, across the Nordstad, through...
20 November 2020
Luxembourg is one of the few countries in the world to enjoy the highest possible Triple A rating. The triple A is awarded by independent rating agencies and relates to a country's creditworthiness. The rating guarantees the good reputation of the Luxembourg financial center.
20 November 2020
On 4th of November, Mathis Ast, aged 36, was sworn in as the new mayor of the municipality of Wormeldange. Below, you can find out more about his political priorities.
16 November 2020
Good afternoon,
On 3rd November, a historic election took place: The United States of America elected a new president. Historic because for the last four years the USA has had a president who has been known above all for his strong polarisation and destruction of multilateral relations. Hopes were high in many places that Donald Trump would be replaced. Fortunately, this hope has been fulfilled.
15 September 2020
Over the past few months, the DP have more than lived up to their reputation as a responsible party. Our members of parliament have taken the right decisions for the well-being of our country. Every single one has proven in their department that in times of a crisis they can be counted on.
The crisis manager
Luxembourg is well looked after under the lead of prime minister Xavier Bettel. “If the country...