A solution for the police museum?

The historic police collection was housed in the former Gendarmerie garage, a building worthy of protection in Verlorenkost, where construction work on the future government garage is expected to start in 2022. Therefore, a permanent or at least a temporary solution for the collection should be found by the end of this year. In this perspective, our MP André Bauler has submitted some questions to the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Police.

Zanter 2006 verfüügt déi groussherzoglech Police iwwer eng historesch Sammlung. Déi Sammlung ass am Gebai vun der fréierer Garage vun der Gendarmerie ënner Daach komm, e schützenswäert Gebai aus dem Ufank vun de 1950er Joren. D’Deeg fir dës Expo vun dëser Sammlung am Gebai um Verluerekascht sinn awer mëttlerweil gezielt, well op dës Plaz bekanntlech de Regirungsgarage komme soll.

Dëst bedeit also, dass nach 2021 eng Léisung um Dësch muss leien, well bis de Summer 2022 d’Sammlung fachgerecht agepaakt muss ginn – zu deem Moment fänken nämlech d’Bauaarbechten um Site un.

Als Tëscheléisung fir déi nächst 5-6 Joer bis zum Fanne vun enger definitiver Léisung huet d’asbl “Policemusée” menges Wëssens de „Musée international d’Effets de Gendarmerie et de Police“ zu Capellen an d’Spill bruecht.

De Faktor Zäit spillt evidenterweis eng ganz wichteg Roll. Och wann ee Site fonnt gëtt, brauch ee mindestens 6-7 Joer fir ze plangen an ze bauen.

An deem Kontext wollt ech der Madamm Kulturminister an dem Här Policeminister folgend Froe stellen:  

  1. Weess den Här Minister, dass den aktuelle Site eng aner Destinatioun kritt, respektiv ass den Zäitpunkt scho bekannt?
  2. Gouf schonn eng Alternativ fonnt, fir d´Sammlung vum Policemusée op eng aner a sécher Plaz ze bréngen?
  3. Ass d‘Regierung gewëllt de Policemusée ze ënnerstëtzen an domat och de Patrimoine ze erhalen?
  4. Ass gewosst, dass déi Responsabel vum Policemusée eng Alternativ oder Tëscheléisung proposéiert hunn?
  5. Ass d‘Regierung gewëllt fir dës provisoresch Léisung bis zu enger definitiver Solutioun finanziell ze ënnerstëtzen?
  6. Gouf et scho Gespréicher tëschent alle betraffene Partner? Wa nee, ass deemnächst eng Entrevue zu deem Thema geplangt?
  7. Wéi gesäit d’Zesummenaarbecht tëscht der Policeschoul an dem Policemusée de Moment aus?“


The Minister of Internal Security is aware of the issue with the current location of the police museum. Alternative buildings on the police site are being sought for a long term solution. Unfortunately, there is currently no conceivable alternative. The Ministry of Culture will financially support the museum through its “NEISTART Luxembourg – Culture” program at a cost of 37,124.10 euros. On September 8, 2020, a visit took place with representatives of the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Internal Security, the Police Museum and owners of private collections. The two ministries have decided not to buy any collections or cultural goods. However, the two ministries have decided to support the museum through a participatory sponsorship campaign and a call for donations from the police. Financial support from both ministries will only be guaranteed if the management concept concentrating on the museum, inventories of the police and private purchased collections, will be expanded. Unfortunately, cooperation with the police academy and the non-profit museum organisation has not yet taken place.

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More parliamentary questions

How many patients suffer from thyroid cancer?

More and more young people are apparently developing thyroid cancer. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how the figures have developed over the last 10 years and what differences there are depending on age and gender.


How can children’s health be improved?

Children’s health problems are increasing and access to paediatricians is becoming more and more difficult. DP MPs Mandy Minella and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health what measures are planned to improve the situation, whether a national strategy for child health is planned and whether a national coordinator for child health should be appointed.


Crushing of materials in the green zone

DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.