DP Wiltz – a dynamic team with many challenges ahead for 2023

The DP has two councilors in the commune of Wiltz; Jean Jacquemart and Amel Cosic, who replaced Guy Herbinno in 2020. Both can rely on a dynamic and motivated local DP association, which will compete with a strong team in the municipal elections next year. The association has about 100 members.

The DP Wiltz is primarily committed to expanding public services, e.g. at the level of the post office, the tax administration, the social office, etc. The population of the municipality is growing fast, so it wouldn’t be enough to just build more housing. The population office is chronically understaffed. Progress is also slow regarding the construction of the medical center including an IRM, a scanner, and an X-ray machine. At the same time, there is a shortage of GPs in the commune, which the association committee regrets.

The DP aims for greater social mixing, more attractive commerce, various housing opportunities, and high-performing infrastructures. Large housing projects like Wunne mat der Wooltz and Op Heidert are to be welcomed, but the commune is simply not well enough prepared for the strong population growth.

Amel Cosic from zero to a hundred

  • Amel is 32 years old
  • He studied business administration

  • Amel works at the Centre hospitalier du Nord

  • He is a member of FC Wiltz 71

After Guy Herbin resigned, Amel Cosic took over his position of Counselor in Wiltz on 16 December 2020. Shortly after the death of Henri Roemer, he also took over his term as local association president. From zero to a hundred, that’s how he describes his path in politics. In 2017, Amel ran for the first time in the local elections with the DP.

The young politician wants to be at the service of the people in Wiltz with a focus on the young generations. He wants to offer them the prospect of work, housing, and quality of life.

Amel was a long-time member of FC Wiltz 71, but now he plays in Harel, where he is also a coach.



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