Mature Students Sitting At Desks In Adult Education Class

What is the Minister of Labour’s assessment of the training offered in the context of short-time work?

As a means to prevent redundancies during the economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government of Luxembourg introduced a short-time working scheme. Additionally, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy offered vouchers for training. The members of parliament André Bauler and Carole Hartmann are enquiring about the Minister of Labour’s assessment of this training scheme.

« Durant la phase aiguë de la crise pandémique, Monsieur le Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Économie sociale et solidaire avait décidé de soutenir les personnes se trouvant au chômage partiel en leur offrant des formations continues dans les domaines les plus divers.

Voilà pourquoi nous aimerions poser les questions suivantes à Monsieur le Ministre du Travail, de l’Emploi et de l’Économie sociale et solidaire:

  • Monsieur le Ministre peut-il fournir des statistiques en la matière, données qui distinguent selon l’âge, le sexe, la provenance professionnelle, le niveau d’éducation des gens ou encore le lieu de résidence – si faire se peut ?
  • Quel a été le taux de participation parmi toutes les personnes éligibles ?
  • Combien de personnes ont participé à des formations mettant l’accent principal sur l’apprentissage de techniques digitales ?
  • Dans quelle mesure les participants ont-ils changé d’emploi en se dirigeant vers d’autres horizons professionnels »

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More parliamentary questions

How many patients suffer from thyroid cancer?

More and more young people are apparently developing thyroid cancer. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how the figures have developed over the last 10 years and what differences there are depending on age and gender.


How can children’s health be improved?

Children’s health problems are increasing and access to paediatricians is becoming more and more difficult. DP MPs Mandy Minella and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health what measures are planned to improve the situation, whether a national strategy for child health is planned and whether a national coordinator for child health should be appointed.


Crushing of materials in the green zone

DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.