21 November 2023
Le Groupe parlementaire du Parti démocratique informe que M. Gilles BAUM assumera la fonction de président du groupe parlementaire pour la période de législature 2023-2028.
21 July 2022
The annual press conference of the DP parliamentary group pertaining the last parliamentary session was dominated by the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the direct consequences of the war in Ukraine.
02 March 2022
Gilles Baum recently requested a debate on viticulture in the Chamber of Deputies. In his eyes, viticulture is not only an important economic sector of our country, but also an essential part of our national heritage. The DP therefore insists on a regular discussion of the topic in Parliament.
01 March 2022
Lex Krieps was born in Guildford, England in 1946. Why in England? Because his mother - a native of Ireland - felt comfortable giving birth to her three children there. Even though a year earlier she had gone to live with her husband - the Resistance member, officer and later minister Emile Krieps - to Luxembourg. That is why Lex’s passport says AlexandER and not AlexandRE.
12 July 2021
The “Luxembourgish way” – the mixture between vaccination and sanitary measures – is the right way in the fight against the pandemic. This was our parliamentary group’s leaders’ message at the concluding press conference of the DP parliamentary group.
01 June 2021
At the end of April, there was a major orientation debate in Parliament on the Cultural Development Plan 1.0. A plan that has occupied the work of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture for several years, and which today - in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic - has a very different meaning than in 2018.
17 April 2021
With Paul Helminger, Luxembourg loses a politician who has strongly shaped the country and the city of Luxembourg. Paul Helminger was a politician who moved things. A man for whom modernization was not a slogan, but a task for which he committed himself wholeheartedly: as a diplomat, as chief of staff, as secretary of state, as deputy, as member of parliament, as mayor of Luxembourg-city, and as e...
18 March 2021
"The first role of the state and the municipalities is to guarantee the safety and security of their citizens. There is a huge lack of security at the railway station, in its neighbourhood and in Bonnevoie, but this is not a new phenomenon", said the mayor of the City of Luxembourg, Lydie Polfer, in the Chamber of Deputies during a news hour on public security.
18 March 2021
In 2015, Luxembourg's creative industries created a value-added of around 400 million euros and employed more than 7,000 people. In an extended question to the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, our MP André Bauler addressed the evolution of the sector and its future prospects.
16 March 2021
Especially now, during the pandemic, young people need perspectives to deal with the psychological strain. In an extended question, DP MP Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Education what the effects of the crisis are on the mental health of young people, and what is being done about youth violence prevention.
11 March 2021
The Corona pandemic with its more or less severe lockdowns has slowed down our economy and made it difficult to restart its activities. The government has therefore adopted a series of financial aids and measures to counteract the economic uncertainty and secure jobs.
11 March 2021
The pandemic is affecting many people mentally. It's about time to talk more about mental health.
11 March 2021
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our health and our health care system have once again moved to the forefront of interest: healthcare professionals in particular. For this reason, the subject was discussed in Parliament in an interpellation.
11 March 2021
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation between France and Luxembourg is an initiative of the European Parliament to strengthen cooperation in the border regions.
11 March 2021
The COVID crisis has shown how important a well-functioning health system — including hospitals – is.
11 March 2021
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
02 March 2021
The DP is convinced that every employee knows how to work best. Both employees and employers want more flexibility - for a better work-life balance or to be able to better adapt work to the economic environment.
14 January 2021
Vaccinations are the best way to get back to normal. They help us protect our health care system and regain our freedoms.
13 January 2021
Together with MP Simone Beissel we talk about the Luxembourgish constitution: its history, its importance for our society and the work that is currently being done to adapt the text to the realities of a 21st century.
13 January 2021
A new media law will soon be passed in the Chamber of Deputies. On this occasion, we had a conversation with Guy Arendt, the chairman of the parliamentary commission in charge of the issue.
20 November 2020
The liberal MP Gusty Graas has been President of the Benelux Parliament for the last two years. The Parliament submits reports and recommendations to the governments of Brussels, The Hague and Luxembourg on issues affecting the three partner countries.
21 November 2023
Le Groupe parlementaire du Parti démocratique informe que M. Gilles BAUM assumera la fonction de président du groupe parlementaire pour la période de législature 2023-2028.
21 July 2022
The annual press conference of the DP parliamentary group pertaining the last parliamentary session was dominated by the long-term consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and the direct consequences of the war in Ukraine.
02 March 2022
Gilles Baum recently requested a debate on viticulture in the Chamber of Deputies. In his eyes, viticulture is not only an important economic sector of our country, but also an essential part of our national heritage. The DP therefore insists on a regular discussion of the topic in Parliament.
01 March 2022
Lex Krieps was born in Guildford, England in 1946. Why in England? Because his mother - a native of Ireland - felt comfortable giving birth to her three children there. Even though a year earlier she had gone to live with her husband - the Resistance member, officer and later minister Emile Krieps - to Luxembourg. That is why Lex’s passport says AlexandER and not AlexandRE.
12 July 2021
The “Luxembourgish way” – the mixture between vaccination and sanitary measures – is the right way in the fight against the pandemic. This was our parliamentary group’s leaders’ message at the concluding press conference of the DP parliamentary group.
01 June 2021
At the end of April, there was a major orientation debate in Parliament on the Cultural Development Plan 1.0. A plan that has occupied the work of the Parliamentary Committee on Culture for several years, and which today - in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic - has a very different meaning than in 2018.
17 April 2021
With Paul Helminger, Luxembourg loses a politician who has strongly shaped the country and the city of Luxembourg. Paul Helminger was a politician who moved things. A man for whom modernization was not a slogan, but a task for which he committed himself wholeheartedly: as a diplomat, as chief of staff, as secretary of state, as deputy, as member of parliament, as mayor of Luxembourg-city, and as e...
18 March 2021
"The first role of the state and the municipalities is to guarantee the safety and security of their citizens. There is a huge lack of security at the railway station, in its neighbourhood and in Bonnevoie, but this is not a new phenomenon", said the mayor of the City of Luxembourg, Lydie Polfer, in the Chamber of Deputies during a news hour on public security.
18 March 2021
In 2015, Luxembourg's creative industries created a value-added of around 400 million euros and employed more than 7,000 people. In an extended question to the Minister of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, our MP André Bauler addressed the evolution of the sector and its future prospects.
16 March 2021
Especially now, during the pandemic, young people need perspectives to deal with the psychological strain. In an extended question, DP MP Claude Lamberty wanted to know from the Minister of Education what the effects of the crisis are on the mental health of young people, and what is being done about youth violence prevention.
11 March 2021
The Corona pandemic with its more or less severe lockdowns has slowed down our economy and made it difficult to restart its activities. The government has therefore adopted a series of financial aids and measures to counteract the economic uncertainty and secure jobs.
11 March 2021
The pandemic is affecting many people mentally. It's about time to talk more about mental health.
11 March 2021
Since the beginning of the pandemic, our health and our health care system have once again moved to the forefront of interest: healthcare professionals in particular. For this reason, the subject was discussed in Parliament in an interpellation.
11 March 2021
The European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation between France and Luxembourg is an initiative of the European Parliament to strengthen cooperation in the border regions.
11 March 2021
The COVID crisis has shown how important a well-functioning health system — including hospitals – is.
11 March 2021
What is the role of technologies that filter carbon dioxide from the air in the context of climate protection? The Chamber of Deputies addressed this question in a debate.
02 March 2021
The DP is convinced that every employee knows how to work best. Both employees and employers want more flexibility - for a better work-life balance or to be able to better adapt work to the economic environment.
14 January 2021
Vaccinations are the best way to get back to normal. They help us protect our health care system and regain our freedoms.
13 January 2021
Together with MP Simone Beissel we talk about the Luxembourgish constitution: its history, its importance for our society and the work that is currently being done to adapt the text to the realities of a 21st century.
13 January 2021
A new media law will soon be passed in the Chamber of Deputies. On this occasion, we had a conversation with Guy Arendt, the chairman of the parliamentary commission in charge of the issue.
20 November 2020
The liberal MP Gusty Graas has been President of the Benelux Parliament for the last two years. The Parliament submits reports and recommendations to the governments of Brussels, The Hague and Luxembourg on issues affecting the three partner countries.