27 February 2025
More and more people are affected by dementia. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister of Health how dementia cases are developing here in the country, how many people are taking part in the Dementia Prevention Programme (pdp) and whether the newly introduced app by pdp is being used a lot.
20 February 2025
In France, more people have been infected with meningococcal disease since the pandemic. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health how infections have developed in Luxembourg, how many people have been vaccinated and whether the vaccination rate is high enough to protect citizens' health.
13 February 2025
According to the latest figures, fewer young people in Germany have had to be hospitalised for alcohol. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health how many young people have been hospitalised for alcohol consumption in recent years, on which days of the year a particularly high number of drunk people are hospitalised and whether the National Action Plan against Alcohol Abuse will...
24 January 2025
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the medical centre in Ettelbrück is to be given new premises. The liberal MP asked the Minister of Health for details of the new premises and wanted to know whether the doctors currently have the necessary equipment to fulfil all their tasks, including administrative ones.
06 January 2025
Five years ago, the pandemic severely impacted large parts of our economy, and shortly after, the energy crisis followed. The state made significant expenditures to alleviate the consequences and provide support to both households and businesses. DP Member of Parliament André Bauler has asked the Finance Minister to provide a breakdown of the total costs, direct aid, and the debt incurred as a result...
19 December 2024
Ozempic may only be prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes. DP MPs André Bauler and Dr Gérard Schockmel asked the Minister of Health whether checks are carried out to ensure that doctors comply with the rules and whether the Collège médical has already been involved in cases of abuse?
27 November 2024
A new pharmacy is to be built in Weiswampach. DP MP André Bauler has asked the Minister of Health why a new pharmacy is to be installed, when this pharmacy will open and whether it will help to improve the on-call service in the north.
05 November 2024
The absenteeism rate is rising in many European countries. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers how absenteeism has developed in Luxembourg over the last 10 years, what the explanations for absenteeism are and what is currently being done about it.
09 October 2024
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum have heard that there will be hardly any surgical operations at the Wiltz clinic in the future. The two MPs have asked the Minister of Health whether doctors at the Wiltz clinic who are retiring will no longer be replaced, how the number of systematic analyses has developed and what is being done to relieve the burden on the Ettelbrück clinic.
26 June 2024
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Culture about the state of the construction works at Minett-Park and whether a train museum would be built in the future. Question „De Minett-Park „Fonds de Gras“ ass ee Fräiliichtmusée, deen iwwer ee puer Hektar verschidde Sitte matenee verbënnt an de Visiteuren eng eenzegaarteg kulturell an touristesch Offer bitt. Attraktioune si nieft der...
19 June 2024
In 2023, the then Minister of Health rejected the installation of a pharmacy in Bettendorf. As the population in the region around Bettendorf continues to grow, DP MP André Bauler has asked the new Minister of Health whether she would reconsider her predecessor's decision. Has the Minister of Health possibly already been contacted by the municipality of Bettendorf and could other municipalities get...
19 June 2024
Since 2008, skin cancer screening has been available in Germany for all policyholders aged 35 and over. As a result, many cases of skin cancer are detected earlier. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister for Health how skin cancer figures have developed here in the country since 2013, whether such screening would also be useful in Luxembourg and why only figures for melanoma...
06 June 2024
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior questions about the rescue helicopters that have been frequently deployed at the North Hospital in recent years. Among other things, they wanted to know how the funding is organised, how often they have been deployed beyond the country's borders and whether there are plans to find a new location for...
05 June 2024
Loneliness is becoming a growing social problem. According to a study, millions of people are affected in Germany alone. DP MPs André Bauler and Mandy Minella asked the Minister for Family Affairs how he sees the problem of loneliness in Luxembourg and what measures the Ministry is taking to combat it.
31 May 2024
Considering the new recommendations from the German Minister of Health to better prepare hospitals and nursing homes for heatwaves, DP MPs André Bauler and Dr Gérard Schockmel have asked the Minister of Health whether the ‘Plan Canicule’ should also be adapted here in Luxembourg.
22 May 2024
In the event of torrential rains, or when it rains for a long time without interruption, the “Tirelbaach” quickly emerges from its bed, where many basements are often flooded. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority had already carried out studies to find out whether there are possibilities for retention...
16 May 2024
Forest fires have risen sharply in recent years as a result of climate change. DP Members of Parliament André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity and the Minister for Home Affairs how the number of forest fires has changed over the last 10 years, which areas are most affected, how often the CGDIS has had to intervene and what preventive measures have...
13 May 2024
A squatter hotspot appears to have formed in Ettelbruck, which could pose a health risk. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior whether the Sanitary Inspectorate has already been called in, what tools the Inspectorate has at its disposal to act in such cases and whether drug use at Ettelbruck station has increased since January 2024.
08 May 2024
At "Deutsche Post", correspondence decreased by 6.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is mainly because of increased digitalisation. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism how correspondence and the number of parcels have developed in Luxembourg since 2020 and how many different companies are active in the letter and parcel business in...
03 May 2024
More and more young people are apparently developing thyroid cancer. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how the figures have developed over the last 10 years and what differences there are depending on age and gender.
25 April 2024
While the annual consumption of meat in Germany decreased by 430 grams in 2023, an increase was observed in the category of poultry. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture whether the statistics for Luxembourg are similar, what developments have been noticed with regards to the meat production in Luxembourg, from where and how much meat we import...
23 April 2024
Invasive plants and animals are a threat to our ecosystem because they can spread massively and cause great damage. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity which plants and animals have been classified as invasive here in Luxembourg, which are the most aggressive ones and where they spread, what risk this poses to human health and whether...
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler have asked the Minister of the Environment how many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been applied for in the last 5 years, how many applications have been rejected and when the principle of "silence is consent" will be introduced in the authorisation procedure.
12 April 2024
The former Minister of Health had announced that a second PET-CT could possibly be purchased in order to shorten the waiting time for patients. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the current Minister of Health where the preparations for the purchase of this second PET-CT are at, whether this machine could possibly come to the hospital in Ettelbrück and how the number of treatments in...
21 March 2024
The “Asian hornet” has been destroying bee colonies in the Western Palatinate and eating their honey for a few years now. Many bee colonies in Rhineland-Palatinate are also affected by the “Varroa mite”. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture how many bee colonies have fallen victim to the “varroa mite” in the last five years, whether the “Asian...
21 March 2024
There is a shortage of occupational physicians in our country. The coalition programme therefore provides for the modernisation of occupational medicine. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how many occupational physicians are currently working in our country, what the age structure of the profession looks like and what the modernisation of occupational medicine could...
13 March 2024
The tetanus vaccination needs to be renewed at regular intervals to remain effective, but not everyone thinks about this important booster.
DP MP André Bauler has therefore asked the Minister of Health how many people are currently effectively vaccinated, how many deaths have occurred due to tetanus in the last 10 years and how many electronic vaccination cards have been activated so far.
26 February 2024
The methods for car theft are becoming increasingly sophisticated over time. Often it is especially larger cars or expensive brands that become targets. Are there particular brands that are more targeted than others? Our MP André Bauler has inquired with the Ministry for Home Affairs
20 February 2024
The European Commission decided to loosen an environmental regulation which concerns the 4% of their arable land EU farmers need to keep fallow or unproductive. Instead of maintaining fallow or unproductive land on, there are two alternatives, with EU farmers growing nitrogen-fixing crops (such as lentils, peas or broad beans) and/or catch crops on 7% of their arable land. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc...
01 February 2024
The crisis in the property sector means that more and more companies are having to make employees redundant. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Labour whether there are any figures on the development of unemployment, how many employees have found new jobs and how many people are benefiting from Adem's further training measures.
25 January 2024
In Luxembourg, no subsidies are to be cut, and administrative simplification must be a priority. DP deputies André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture what administrative simplifications are involved, what resources are being used in this context, whether the current administrative burden on agricultural players has already been quantified by professional...
02 January 2024
The Adem was reformed more than 10 years ago. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Labour whether an evaluation of this reform has been carried out, how many job profiles there are at the agency and how many job seekers are enrolled in further training courses at Adem.
21 December 2023
In his parliamentary question to the Minister of Finance, André Bauler asks whether there are any plans to buy Bellevue Castle in Limpertsberg in order to open it to the public.
20 December 2023
To ensure the digital inclusion of each citizen, the Ministry of Digitalisation organises trainings in the field of digital education. MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister about the success of this offer.
01 August 2023
Work on the Rue Clairefontaine in Diekirch should have started in 2021. Since this did not happen, DP MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister where the process is currently at and when work on the road could start.
28 July 2023
DP MP André Bauler has heard that fewer pacemakers are being placed at the Ettelbrück Hospital since the new team of cardiologists has been working there. André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of Health if this is indeed the case, what the reason for this development is and whether there are plans to increase the placement of pacemakers in Ettelbruck again.
21 July 2023
DP MP André Bauler has learned that an industrial company is planning to cease production in Diekirch. He would like to know from the ministers concerned whether they have been informed of this decision, whether a request for re-employment assistance has been submitted and what is being done to keep the company in the country.
20 July 2023
After the repair of the B7 between Schieren and Ingeldorf, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister whether there were no plans to renew the road surface of the B7 bridge as well?
06 July 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know form the competent minister, how the road works on the Transversale de Clervaux are progressing.
28 June 2023
Between Grosbous and Grevels, the road to Bastogne was provisionally repaired. DP MP André Bauler has asked the responsible minister whether a renewal of this road section is planned and if so, what the costs would be.
27 June 2023
Route radars have been in use in the tunnels of the A7 for several months. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister, among other things, how many vehicles have been flashed so far and what maximum speed was measured.
13 June 2023
MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister about the status of the K45 bus line. How can punctuality be improved? Can pupils from the Nordstad Lycée also benefit from this line?
22 May 2023
Luxembourg is to get a second PET scan. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health whether it would not make sense to install this device at Ettelbruck Hospital.
10 May 2023
The Health Department and the " Collège médical " have spoken out against a new pharmacy in the commune of Tandel. In this context, DP MP André Bauler wants to know from the Minister of Health whether the geographical location of the commune of Bettendorf would not be more favourable for the establishment of a new pharmacy.
28 April 2023
DP MP André Bauler has heard, that the school transport bus line K45 should be abolished, although it would be well used. For this reason, he wanted to know from the Minister of Mobility whether this is actually the case.
24 April 2023
Easy access to student housing plays an important role for the attractiveness of a university.
Our deputies André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers about the current and future supply of student housing in Luxembourg.
03 April 2023
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the driver's license exam in the northern district should only be held in the Nordstad. That is why he wanted to know from the minister in charge if this was actually intended to be so.
29 March 2023
MP André Bauler asked the Minister of the Interior how exactly the names should appear on the candidate lists.
29 March 2023
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know how the groundwater levels have evolved in recent months.
16 March 2023
After rocks were loosened over the Bürden train tunnel, DP MP André Bauler asked what stabilization measures had been carried out in the last years.
24 February 2023
Recently, a section of the CR359 between Erpeldange-Sûre and Ettelbruck has been closed on one side, in order to use this route as a bus parking lot. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons are for this and how long this should last.
23 February 2023
Since there have been problems with the correspondence between the train from Luxembourg city and the bus 134 to Eschdorf for a long time, and the situation has still not improved, the DP MP André Bauler asked what the minister plans to do in this matter.
20 February 2023
In recent years, the Labour Inspectorate has hired new inspectors to carry out checks on construction sites and workplaces. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often labour law was violated, which sectors were affected and what sanctions were imposed.
14 February 2023
A preliminary draft of the "Schlasskéier" project is to be presented in Wiltz this year. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether there was a tender for the project, which company was contracted and what the estimated costs are.
03 February 2023
Because the CR334 between Clervaux and Boxhorn is currently closed due to road works, the school buses to the LESC have to take a detour, with the result that many students arrive late every day. DP MP André Bauler asked what was planned to improve the situation.
31 January 2023
As the buses on line 136 are completely overcrowded during the morning, DP MP André Bauler asked if it isn't possible to use bigger buses.
30 January 2023
As there are frequent accidents on the N12 between Grosbous and Hierheck, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is being done to improve road safety.
30 January 2023
Two years after parliament voted the financing bill for the new Nordstad-Lycée building, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know when construction will finally start.
26 January 2023
An investigation by the Competition Council into the pharmaceutical sector shows that Luxembourg has a low number of pharmacies compared to the OECD. The Council is therefore proposing the creation of new pharmacies to fill the geographical gaps. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Health whether there are already considerations to create new pharmacies in the north of the country and which criteria...
24 January 2023
The drug Ozempic is used to treat type 2 diabetes. However, it also helps people lose weight and is increasingly being bought for this purpose as well. Since there is already talk of a shortage of this diabetes drug in many countries, DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers what the drug is mainly used for in this country, whether there could also be a shortage here, and...
17 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know, whether a bus stop for line 170 in the ZANO activity zone in Fridhaff is planned or not.
17 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what will happen to the plaque in the former main building of the LTA in Ettelbruck, which commemorates 29 students that died in the Second World War.
09 January 2023
Representatives of the agricultural sector complain more or less regularly that they face unfair competition from overseas countries and others that do not respect the same obligations in terms of environmental protection and animal welfare as the sector in Luxembourg does. Our MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development several questions on...
05 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the works on the Schieburg tunnel are progressing and whether they would be finished in time.
03 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what was planned to improve road safety of the Reichlange intersection.
16 December 2022
MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Mobility and Public Works about the projected construction of a boarding school in Clervaux.
15 December 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked the relevant minister when the tunnel radars on the A7 would go definitely into operation and how many drivers have been flashed during the test phase so far.
14 December 2022
The "Schlasskéier" project is being realised near the St Joseph Clinic in Wiltz. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers, among other things, whether a medical centre will be part of this project, how many people will work there later and what the cooperation with the clinic will look like.
08 December 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the roadworks on the bridge near Goebelsmühle are progressing.
05 December 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is being done to improve road safety on the N7 in Marnach.
23 November 2022
DP MP André Bauler heard that recently the buses on line 146 were so overcrowded in the morning that students had to be left standing. For this reason, he asked what was planned to improve the situation.
18 November 2022
The DP deputies Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Culture about the infrastructure problems in Echternach. In this context, besides the municipality and the private actors, the state also has an important responsibility.
16 November 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is planned to improve the bus connections between the Nordstad and Holzthum and Consthum.
09 November 2022
Since the condition of the Erpeldange castle has progressively deteriorated over the last few years, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know if there are plans to restore the building.
09 November 2022
After the recent announcement that a new P&R is to be built in Stegen, DP MP André Bauler asked for further details on this project.
09 November 2022
As the main road in Boxhorn is currently in a bad condition, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know if it is planned to renew the road.
09 November 2022
Since a side arm of the Sauer is currently being cleaned in Steenem, and it would also be appropriate to carry out such work in other places, the DP MP André Bauler asked if it is planned to clean the Sauer in other places.
03 November 2022
In mid-May of this year, it was announced that the Wiltz site of the Northern Hospital was to be equipped with an MRI. Democratic Party deputies André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the ministers concerned about the status of the project and how many patients could be examined daily with this MRI.
25 October 2022
What is the justification for the speed limit on the bypass bridge of the B7? DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Mobility this question and other ones.
25 October 2022
Is the plan to build the new site of the Public Building Administration next to the new address of CGDIS in Marnach? DP MP André Bauler addressed this and other questions to the Minister of Public Works.
25 October 2022
On the N7 between the ‚Lëpschterdellt‘ and the ‘Closdellt’ there are currently two radars at a short distance, one fixed and one mobile. How many motorists were flashed there and how much did the repairs on the fixed radar cost. Our MP André Bauler inquired with the ministries in charge.
20 October 2022
What do the forecasts for this winter indicate regarding the stock of animal feed and how badly will the supply shortages impact the situation? DP MP André Bauler asked these and other questions to the Minister of Agriculture.
26 September 2022
Due to the bad condition of the bridge in Ell, it has been planned for a long time to renovate or completely renew this bridge. Since the matter does not seem to be progressing properly, the DP MP André Bauler asked what the current status of the planification is.
22 September 2022
Since recently some trains have been cancelled on line 10, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what the reason was.
14 September 2022
Contrary to the official schedule, a train runs between Kautenbach and Luxembourg city at the moment only every hour, instead of every half hour. Since this causes difficulties for people from the area to get to school and to work, the DP MP André Bauler asked what is the reason for this and what is planned to improve the situation .
12 September 2022
Since the old N7 between Këppenhaff and Fridhaff is currently in a bad state, DP MP André Bauler asked when this road will be renewed.
09 September 2022
Since the reform of the bus network, students from Bourscheid have trouble getting to school in Diekirch on time. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is being done to improve the situation.
08 September 2022
Many people use the Post's ATMs. DP MP André Bauler asks the responsible minister how many Post-ATMs are left and how many have been closed since 2015.
31 August 2022
After the Kautebach tunnel collapsed, the passengers who rely on the train to go to work are faced with certain difficulties. DP MP André Bauler asked what was planned to keep the impact of this incident on mobility in the north as small as possible.
24 August 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked when the N25 between Kautenbach and Wiltz, which is currently in a bad condition, will be renovated.
17 August 2022
Why do certain villages of the municipality of Rammerech no longer have a direct connection to Rambrouch to guarantee correspondence to Wiltz, Ettelbruck and Luxembourg city, and this since the introduction of a new timetable on 17 July 2022? And why does line 141 no longer drive through Holtz and Perlé? Our MP André Bauler has posed these questions to the Minister for Mobility and Public Works.
17 August 2022
Several ‘café rooms’ have recently had to close due to a lack of hygiene and safety observed in those facilities. How many units of housing of that type have been lost in the northern canton and what measures are being taken to improve the situation? These and other questions were asked by our MP André Bauler to the Minister of Housing.
17 August 2022
A vaccination bus in Ettelbruck had to spontaneously replace a vaccination bus in the centre. This despite the fact that citizens were queuing for their vaccination in Ettelbrück. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Health how the vaccination bus service is organised in this country, why the vaccination bus from Ettelbrück had to stand in at the centre and whether it is true that vaccination buses...
12 August 2022
With a view to the rising energy prices in the fall and winter of 2022/2023, what is next for construction? Our DP MP André Bauler addressed a series of questions to the Minister of Economy on this subject.
10 August 2022
Until when will ships no longer be able to sail on the Moselle and is there a risk of a bottleneck or even a stop in the delivery of petroleum products or other merchandise? Our MP André Bauler asked these and other questions to the Minister of the Economy and the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development.
05 August 2022
In recent years, there have been a number of mergers in the sector of bus companies in Luxembourg, so that today there are several large companies that dominate the sector. For this reason, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the sector has developed in recent years.
03 August 2022
Is the Lex Koller law compatible with the Luxembourg constitution and with the principle of free circulation of capital in the European internal market? DP MP André Bauler addressed these and other questions to the Minister of Justice Sam Tanson.
01 August 2022
Is the current animal welfare law not adequately implemented and what is the situation in the animal shelters? The DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Grass put these and other questions to the responsible Minister of Agriculture.
29 July 2022
The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and André Bauler asked how the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen is progressing, and what the possible reasons would be, why the project did not have the expected success.
26 July 2022
For months there have been two road works in Mullerthal, which do not seem to be progressing. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked how these are progressing and when they will be finished.
26 July 2022
Since the DP MP André Bauler heard that there are problems with the correspondence between different buses and trains in the North, he asked the responsible minister how the situation could be improved.
22 July 2022
For years, the N10's surface between Reisdorf and Hoesdorf has been in a bad condition. DP MP André Bauler asked, when the road will be resurfaced.
13 July 2022
Op der Léier between Hierheck and Grosbous, dangerous situations happen frequently. DP MP André Bauler asked what was planned to improve road safety at this place.
11 July 2022
For nearly ten years, there have been discussions of a new police station in Wiltz. DP MP André Bauler asked an update on the project.
08 July 2022
The MP André Bauler asked the Ministry of the Interior about the B6, the property tax on building land.
06 July 2022
With rising prices, the risk of undeclared work increases, which inevitably has consequences on tax revenues. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers, among other things, whether the Statec has estimates on the development of undeclared work and tax losses and how many controls the ITM has carried out in recent years?
04 July 2022
A year ago, heavy rain caused a slip of road on the CR319 between Wiltz and Winseler. Since no action has been taken since then, DP MP André Bauler has asked when the road works will start.
30 June 2022
Is the consumption of organic products decreasing in Luxembourg? And if so, why? The DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler addressed these and other questions about organic farming to the Ministers for Economy and Agriculture.
29 June 2022
One of the consequences of climate change is that the risk of forest fires increases due to higher temperatures and prolonged periods of drought. DP MP André Bauler has therefore asked how many forest fires there have been in the last years and how the CGDIS is preparing for a possible increase in this phenomenon.
27 June 2022
As the road surface of the N15 in Heiderscheidergrund is in a bad state, DP MP André Bauler asked if it was not planned to renew it.
22 June 2022
The nuisance caused by the noise of tuned motorcycles is a recurring theme, especially during the good season. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what the police is doing against this.
21 June 2022
On June 16th, an artists' residence was inaugurated in the "Bridderhaus" in Esch/Alzette. The former hospital in Rue Léon Metz has been completely renovated and restructured and will house a total of 17 artists. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Culture some general questions about artist residencies.
20 June 2022
Along the Alzette and the Sûre rivers many trees seem to be sick. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were.
16 June 2022
It is well known that Luxembourgers like to travel and spend a good part of their annual income on it. The DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy for details on the travel behaviour of Luxembourgers.
14 June 2022
Although the municipality of Parc Hosingen has developed well in recent years, it is not classified as a CDA (Center de développement et d'attraction) in national planning. DP MP André Bauler asked the minister in charge what the reasons were and whether there were any plans to change it.
02 June 2022
Csn the impact of home office on traffic be measured? DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for the matter.
30 May 2022
The DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture how many farms in this country grow strawberries, what kind of varieties they have and how the distribution of strawberries is organised.
25 May 2022
Studies are currently being carried out to possibly prepare water from the Moselle for human consumption in the future. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked when these studies will be completed and what the water quality of the Moselle is like.
24 May 2022
As in 2018 and 2019, this year will be exceptionally dry. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have therefore asked the Environment Minister some questions.
20 May 2022
DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the minister responsible what was behind the rumors that the army recruiting office would be closed in the near future.
20 May 2022
Deputy André Bauler asked the Ministry of the Interior if it was right that professional firefighters from the CGDIS centers in the north of the country will be transferred to other regions of the country.
19 May 2022
At its two sites in Wiltz and Ettelbruck, the ChdN ensures healthcare for the north and partly for the east of the country. What will be done to make the two sites also attractive in the future? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether cooperation with the University of Luxembourg was planned, whether specialisation in a medical field was envisaged...
12 May 2022
MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have been informed that there are currently difficulties in Ettelbrück with the staff to provide the ambulance service. In this context, the two politicians asked the Ministry of the Interior, among other things, about the availability of volunteers.
06 May 2022
What effect does the current price increase have on the number of passengers on public transport? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible for the matter.
06 May 2022
the raccoon is an invasive species that seems to be spreading more and more in Luxembourg. Contacts with people seem to multiply as of recently. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn therefore asked how the population was developing and whether measures to regulate the population were effective.
05 May 2022
The CSSST, which reports to the Directorate of Health, has not met since 2018. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health why no more meetings have taken place and whether the Minister will convene a meeting in the near future.
04 May 2022
The project of a suspension bridge over the Upper Sûre lake would be another great tourist attraction for the north. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister for the Environment what her position in this regard is.
02 May 2022
The extension of the PC22 cycle path seems to be stuck, largely due to terrains that the state doesn't possess yet. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked how the project was advancing.
26 April 2022
It seems to be the case that the pharmacy will be transferred from Vianden to the commune of Tandel. DP MP André Bauler has asked the Minister of Health whether there is a concrete wish for this transfer and whether there have already been discussions with the relevant municipal authorities.
20 April 2022
There is a shortage of doctors in Luxembourg. This provokes long waiting times and long journeys for patients. André Bauler and Gilles Baum, DP MPs, asked the Minister of Health if she knew how many doctors of all specialities work in Luxembourg and how many doctors have joined or retired in the last five years.
19 April 2022
DP MP André Bauler has learned that the CR346 between Schieren and Schrondweiler is in a bad state. For this reason, he asked the Minister responsible if there were no plans to renovate this road.
19 April 2022
A new housing project is to be set up on the site of the Cité militaire in Diekirch, but even though the PAP has been voted for some time, not much seems to be happening on the ground. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were.
04 April 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked the concerned ministre several questions about the tree alleys around the country.
01 April 2022
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum have learned that the Ettelbruck site of the Centre hospitalier du Nord will no longer have any paediatricians available in the next few days and that the maternity hospital therefore risks having to close. For this reason, they asked the Minister of Health if this was true and, if so, what the reasons were for this circumstance.
01 April 2022
Most of the police service housing in Colmar-Berg is currently uninhabited. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked the competent minister if they could not accommodate refugees.
30 March 2022
How is it possible that the Administration of the environment only stopped work on the Ettelbruck railway station after it had already started? Why were the swallow nests only then discovered? DP MP André Bauler asked the competent minister some questions.
30 March 2022
The old road, next to the CR348 between Warken and Burden, is in a bad state, but could still be used as a parking strip for people going for a walk there. DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for the matter if this was an option.
How many cases where people simply dispose of their waste in nature have there been in recent years?
30 March 2022
Again and again one sees places in nature where people have disposed of their trash. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have asked how many cases there have been in recent years.
30 March 2022
There are already not enough paediatricians working in this country. With the population growth, waiting times will continue to increase.
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers how many paediatricians are currently working in Luxembourg, how many Luxembourgers are studying paediatrics and how many paediatricians will be needed by 2025.
22 March 2022
The N15 in Niederfeulen is planned to be renovated. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know further details about these roadworks from the competent minister.
21 March 2022
The price of many types of meat has risen sharply in recent weeks. The DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas want to know from the Minister of Agriculture how this development has been concretely, who is benefiting from these increases and what role the Ukraine crisis is playing.
15 March 2022
The state budget provides 10 million euros for work on the boarding school of the agricultural school and the hotel school. DP MP André Bauler asked what work was planned and when it should be completed.
10 March 2022
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the clinic in Wiltz is to be converted into a day clinic. In a parliamentary question, the Northern MP therefore wanted to know from the Minister of Health what the concept of this day clinic will be, what this means for the emergency room of the Wiltz clinic and whether this will have an impact on the Ettelbrück site of the Centre Hospitalier du Nord.
09 March 2022
A few years ago, the service "En oppent Ouer fir de Bauer, Wënzer a Gärtner" was launched. The liberal MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how this service is doing and whether if there was made more use of the service due to the pandemic?
09 March 2022
Asparagus has been grown in Luxembourg for several years. The DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how the production of asparagus is doing in Luxembourg?
07 March 2022
The current situation in Ukraine has an influence on the grain market. The DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for details about the import and export of cereals.
24 February 2022
The EU Commission has presented a project for a European supply chain law. DP MP André Bauler asked the Economics Minister how Luxembourg felt about the project and whether we are striving for a harmonization with European planning in this context.
23 February 2022
After the LTA moved into its new buildings in Gilsdorf, the old buidlings are planned to be renovated for the Ettelbruck Lycée. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how far these works are progressing and wether the ASTA's laboratories shouldn't be renovated as well.
22 February 2022
It has been claimed in an interview that the government does not support the construction of larger greenhouses for growing fruits and vegetables. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister for Agriculture how he feels about building larger greenhouses and what he thinks of vertical farming.
21 February 2022
At night and on weekends, people in the far north of the country often have to travel a long way to the nearest doctor in case of illness.
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether it would not be appropriate to install another medical centre in the north of the country, and what can be done to improve the situation in the short term?
10 February 2022
With the "farm to fork" strategy, the European Commission has defined goals to make agriculture more sustainable by 2050. The voices after a global impact study on the objectives are getting louder and louder. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture how Luxembourg is dealing with the lack of such a study and whether it will demand one from the Commission. Then the...
09 February 2022
Due to the abolition and reorganization of several bus lines in the North, there seems to have been difficulties in student transport. DP MP André Bauler asked what the minister wanted to do about it.
08 February 2022
DP MP André Bauler has learned that since December 2021, a number of bus lines in the North have been abolished, affecting many students. He therefore asked what the reason was and what the Minister wanted to do to improve the situation.
08 February 2022
After the financing law for the Hosingen bypass has been passed in parliament last summer, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the roadworks are progressing.
31 January 2022
After the Minister of economy's recent announcements on housing agencies' commissions, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know further details.
31 January 2022
As the car park at the Schinker roundabout is currently in a bad state, DP MP André Bauler has asked what is being planned to redevelop the site.
28 January 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the drinking water sources's quality is and if the new protection zones have already had an impact.
25 January 2022
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how to follow up the debate with young farmers on the subject of animal transport, how the new EU recommendations will be implemented in practice and whether there will be a further debate on this subject?
24 January 2022
According to an expert opinion, the tower at the old brewery in Diekirch is said to be dilapidated and to be demolished in order to create space for the planned real estate project. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked a few questions to the Minister of Culture.
24 January 2022
If the child is sick but the pediatrician is not available at the moment, parents can take their child to the children's clinic, the Bohler Clinic or the children's outpatient clinic in the North Hospital. In addition to long waiting times, parents from the north and east of the country in particular often have to travel long distances. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann therefore wanted to know...
21 January 2022
Ecocombis or gigaliner, long trucks with a length of up to 25 meters, are allowed in many countries, but not in Luxembourg. DP MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler asked if this was not a competitive disadvantage for our economy.
19 January 2022
After the renewal of the N12 in Préizerdaul in recent years, it turns out that in some places the road is still in a bad state. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked if it was planned to carry out additional repair work on these sites.
18 January 2022
MP André Bauler asked the responsible ministers about the reasons for the recent insolvencies in the construction sector.
12 January 2022
The law of 31 July 2020 has adapted the allowances for doctors in the process of specialisation. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health whether doctors in the process of specialisation already receive this adapted allowance and, if not, whether a retroactive reimbursement of the difference is planned.
10 January 2022
The swine sector is still doing very badly. Many producers will have to stop their production. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the ministers in charge if there could be further aid to the sector and what swine porducers could do with their buildings in the future if they had to stop.
06 January 2022
Recently, a noise radar has been installed in France to counteract the excessive noise of tuned motorcycles; others are already planned. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler have asked if such radars were also planned in Luxembourg.
05 January 2022
Years ago, the project of a dike in Clervaux was presented to improve flood protection at the entrance of the town. Since the dossier does not really seem to be progressing, DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked if the project is still being realised and if so, what the state of progress is.
05 January 2022
The pandemic has led many people to re-evaluate the benefits of regional products. In particular the purchase of meat products, vegetables and fruits, eggs and even milk directly on the farm seems to have increased in recent months. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Agriculture how the number of farm shops has changed in recent years.
03 January 2022
How much money has the government invested in recent years in what infrastructure projects in the Nordstad and what is planned for the coming years? DP MP André Bauler asked the competent minister.
21 December 2021
Flood damages in the park of Echternach have still not been repaired. The MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of Culture about the reasons for the delay and the expected finalization of the repair work.
15 December 2021
The personnel shortage in the police force is not new, and yet the situation seems to be particularly worrying in the north. In this context, MP André Bauler has submitted some specific questions to the Minister of Internal Security.
15 December 2021
Our castles and palaces must be maintained. Especially the brickwork must be checked regularly to avoid situations like the one in Beaufort. Recently, some stones have also tumbled down at Vianden Castle. In this context, our MP has submitted some questions to the Minister of Culture.
15 December 2021
For about a year now, no excavations have been carried out at the main excavation site of the Roman villa in Schieren. Our MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Culture if there is a concrete reason for this and what the situation is regarding further projects and analyses.
06 December 2021
The former church of St. Laurent in Diekirch is a classified national monument, but the interior of the church is in need of renovation. Expert analyses in 2019 have already reported some damage. There is also a risk that parts of the vault might collapse. In addition, the statics of the building raise some questions. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked some questions to the Minister of Cul...
24 November 2021
Regularly, there are dangerous maneuvers at Fridhaff when drivers use the drive-up to bypass the traffic jam on the N7. The DP MP André Bauler therefore asked whether the police should not carry out more checks in this context.
23 November 2021
For some time already the roadworks at Maulusmühle don't seem to progress. That is why DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons for this are.
23 November 2021
After the July floodings there is still a lot of rubbish in our rivers, including trash that people dispose of there. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler wanted to know how the river's maintenance is being coordinated and when the rubbish will be cleaned.
18 November 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how the porc producers are doing at the moment and how the state can help them.
18 November 2021
During the winter months visibility is most important for pedestrians and cyclists to avoid accidents. While the government organised a awareness raising campaign the last years in this regard, there seems to be none this year, which is why the DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler wanted to know what are the reasons for this.
16 November 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the ministers concerned about the primary sector. They asked, among other things, what the added value of this sector was and what professional profiles were most in demand.
16 November 2021
In the wake of the inondations from last July a couple of mobile homes ended up in the Sûre, where they have remained until now. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister when they will be taken away.
15 November 2021
We are increasingly hearing about cases of abuse and mistreatment of children and young people. As Luxembourg is certainly not an isolated country and the figures tend to increase, our MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked some questions to the ministers in charge.
11 November 2021
Two of our MPs, André Bauler and Gusty Graas, have asked the Minister of Agriculture about the current situation regarding the Japanese beetle in Luxembourg: which crops are the most at risk? How can the spread of the Japanese beetle be prevented and where can the discovery of such a beetle be reported?
08 November 2021
Infection figures are rising again and more people are being hospitalised with Covid-19.
DP MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health if medical treatments have already had to be postponed or cancelled and which hospitals are most affected.
03 November 2021
As a means to prevent redundancies during the economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government of Luxembourg introduced a short-time working scheme. Additionally, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy offered vouchers for training. The members of parliament André Bauler and Carole Hartmann are enquiring about the Minister of Labour’s assessment of...
26 October 2021
At a crossing in Flatzbour, accidents occur rather frequently. Therefore DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the minister responsible, what are the plans to make the crossing safer.
21 October 2021
Along with the growing demand on the housing market, the number of real estate agencies in Luxembourg has also sharply increased. In this context, our deputy André Bauler has asked the responsible ministers about the average value-added generated by the real estate industry and the number of insolvencies declared in recent years.
20 October 2021
Along the road between Bissen and Vichten a new camera has been installed, that is why the DP MP André Bauler enquired what its use and purpose is.
18 October 2021
The DP MP André Bauler has heard that the LESC's capacities have reached their limit with classes taking place in the hallway or the library. Therefore he asked the responsible minister when it will be extended and what is being done until then to solve the current situation.
18 October 2021
Over the past few years, the government has implemented a series of measures and projects to strengthen local tourism. Our deputy André Bauler has asked the responsible minister for details about the promotion of leisure and tourism activities in the western part of the country.
15 October 2021
Time and again severe accidents occur at a crossroads in Stegen, therefore DP MP André Bauler asked what is planned to secure this place.
11 October 2021
The stink bug is an invasive insect native to Asia that causes many headaches for winegrowers, fruit and vegetable producers. These bugs can indeed cause very serious damage in vines, orchards or vegetable gardens. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the ministers concerned whether these insects had already spread in Luxembourg and whether damage had already been detected in crops.
07 October 2021
Over the past five years, many post offices have been closed and replaced by alternative distribution channels, such as ATMs and online services. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the future of the post office in Troisvierges.
07 October 2021
DP MP André Bauler has heard that because of the lack of parking spots, many students of the agriculture school in Gilsdorf park their car along the N14, which leads to many dangerous situations. That is why he has asked what is being done to remedy this situation.
07 October 2021
It has come to the attention of DP MP André Bauler that there are some issues with the school busses and parking at the LESC. Therefore he asked the responsible minister what's the exact matter and how the minister plans to solve the issue.
04 October 2021
One year ago, the Minister for Mobility announced that the area in front of the Diekirch railway station be completely redeveloped, including the disappearance of the train barrier and the creation of an multimodal hub. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked how far the studies are and when work can start.
29 September 2021
A number of agricultural companies have decided to establish themselves as a private company under Luxembourg law in recent years. DP member André Bauler asked the minister concerned how many companies are involved and what legal forms are used for these companies.
27 September 2021
Again and again we hear that the mandatory archaeological assessment requires a lot of time and that the procedures thus contribute to the long waiting times for construction projects. DP Members of Parliament Max Hahn and André Bauler have therefore asked whether this is the case and what can be done to change that situation.
27 September 2021
DP Member of Parliament André Bauler has heard that a considerable amount of vehicles in the vicinity of Koetschette have been damaged after the renewal of a road. He therefore asked the minister in charge whether there were no alternatives to loose chippings on the occasion of a road renewal by the P&Ch in order to prevent any resulting damage.
20 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the competent minister how traffic in Troisvierges has evolved in recent years and whether it would be reasonable to advance the construction of the Troisvierges bypass.
16 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the state-owned castle of Erpeldange has been classified as a national monument and will soon be restored. In this context, he requested further information from the relevant ministers.
14 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler asked if it would be possible to put up a new sign on the A7 to promote the Ösling, its landscapes and castles.
08 September 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas point out to the Ministry of the Environment that there are still tree trunks in the Attert river that pose a threat to the SEBES bridge. They are therefore asking the Minister what is being done to counter this risk and whether there are other places along the Attert where fallen trees could lead to jams during floods?
08 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister how traffic in Saeul has developed since 2017 and what measures he is planning to improve the situation.
06 September 2021
Dengue is spreading more and more in our so-called temperate regions. In this regard, the Democratic Party deputies André Bauler and Gilles Baum put some questions to the Minister of Health, asking, among other things, about the preparation of our hospitals, the monitoring of the spread of the virus in our country and the perspectives established by the WHO.
02 September 2021
Population growth is increasing demands in a number of different areas. The supply of medicines and related products is one of these. Against this background, our MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health, among other questions, if an increase in the pharmacy quota is planned for this decade.
01 September 2021
According to market economists, Germany has already passed the peak of its economic recovery, so that a slight reduction in its growth rate can be expected in the coming months. Our deputy André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of the Economy whether the growth forecasts in Luxembourg would need to be revised and what consequences the recent supply shortages would have on our gross domestic pro...
31 August 2021
In parts of Europe, cereal and potato harvests appear to have suffered from the rainy weather in recent weeks. What information have the ministry's services already been able to obtain and what consequences will there be for future harvests. Our MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas made inquiries with the Ministry.
23 August 2021
According to a recent newspaper article, the Ministry of the Environment has proposed to reclassify the entire village of Rindschleiden into a green zone. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were for this and what impact such decisions could have, in particular on possible claims for damages.
18 August 2021
The notary clerks act as the right hand of the notaries and support them in their work: preparing documents, keeping records, meeting clients - these are all tasks that can be taken over by a notary clerk. But how exactly is this function regulated? Are there enough notary clerks and what kind of profile is required to do the job? Our MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt asked the respective ministries...
10 August 2021
The number of pupils enrolled at the "Lycée Edward Steichen" has risen steadily since the opening of the new school in 2018. As part of the preparations for the new school year 2021/2022, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, about the occupancy rate of the new classrooms and the geographical origin of the pupils.
10 August 2021
Since the reform of secondary education in 2017, the former regime called "Enseignement technique" now bears the name of "Enseignement général". Our deputy André Bauler has noticed however, that there are still a few secondary schools in Luxembourg that carry the name "Lycée technique de...". He therefore asked the Minister of Education, Children and Youth whether the names of the relevant schools...
27 July 2021
Following the relocation of the National Library to Kirchberg, the former buildings of the "Athénée de Luxembourg" are empty. Initially, it was planned to open a national gallery there, but in the meantime, it seems to be a known fact that some offices of the Cité judiciaire will be housed there. Our MP André Bauler has asked the ministries in charge for clarification.
27 July 2021
There are many remains of the Roman period in Luxembourg, including villas, tombs and roads. Already in ancient times, Luxembourg was located at the crossroads of several Gallo-Roman roads. It is in the context of these roadways that our deputy André Bauler put some questions to the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Tourism.
22 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have heard that there has been a recent pollution of the Our river near Lieler. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister if she had any further information on this incident.
22 July 2021
Could the installation of polders that capture water masses during floods reduce the risk of flooding in rivers? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister.
19 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt have heard that the secretaries of the former hunting syndicates are not allowed to give out the account numbers of forest, meadow and field owners to the new secretaries for data protection reasons. Therefore, they asked the Minister responsible how this problem could be solved.
07 July 2021
During the redevelopment of the N7 between Diekirch and Ettelbruck, it was proposed to put additional sound protection measures in place at the height of the Cité Longchamps, e.g. in the form of hedges. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked if it was still planned to implement these measures and if so, until when.
01 July 2021
The delta variant of Covid-19 is spreading more and more in Europe. This raises concerns that a fourth wave of infections could hit us in the autumn. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how she assesses the risk of a 4th wave here in the country and whether preparations are already being made for this eventuality.
29 June 2021
Global warming and increasingly frequent droughts have negative consequences for Luxembourg's agricultural land. Agroforestry could be a solution to protect our soils against drought. In this context, DP-MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture for more information on Agroforestry.
17 June 2021
DP MP André Bauler pointed out to the ministers in charge the dangerous traffic situation in Diekirch and wanted to know what was planned to ease the situation.
17 June 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible if there will be delays in the delivery of the new trains for the CFL due to the pandemic.
14 June 2021
After the state had distributed free masks to each inhabitant, the pharmacies and shops started selling different types of face masks. However, besides their selling price, the quality of these goods was also very variable. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy whether these masks are subject to quality controls and whether their selling prices are regularly checked...
09 June 2021
Facing daily stress, everyone needs a minimum of peace and quiet. This is particularly true for hospital patients, residents in retirement homes, but also for every citizen in his or her own home, whether in a residential area, a tourist region or on a main road. This peace and quiet, to which every citizen is entitled, is increasingly disturbed by certain traffic trends, such as tampering with exhaust...
07 June 2021
The state can support rural development in a number of ways. On the one hand there is the Fonds d’orientation économique et sociale pour l’agriculture (FOESA) and on the other hand the LEADER projects. DP MP André Bauler noted that only a few projects are supported by the fund, with LEADER projects receiving more financial support. The North MP asked the responsible minister why this was the case and...
07 June 2021
Due to climate change, heat waves are becoming more frequent. This also increases the risk of dehydration and heat deaths, especially among the elderly and sick. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health a series of questions on this issue, including how many heat deaths and dehydrations there have been in this country in recent years.
03 June 2021
Youth criminality took a new dimension since the beginning of this year. There have been more cases with serious consequences nationwide. In particular, these terrible cases led to nationwide discussions and a very high media coverage. In this context, our MPs André Bauler and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister, among other things, if juvenile delinquency had changed with the pandemic.
01 June 2021
Recently, large roadworks have been started in the center of Diekirch, which are expected to last until the end of the year. Given the major traffic disruptions, DP member André Bauler has asked the minister responsible what he intends to do to finish the roadworks as soon as possible and to minimize the negative impact.
25 May 2021
Currently there are discussions about creating a P&R on the Poteau de Harlange. DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible if he could say more about it.
18 May 2021
The land is an important means of production for farmers, vegetable gardeners and winegrowers. DP member of Parliament André Bauler asks the Minister of Agriculture how the prices of agricultural land have developed in recent years.
18 May 2021
On Whit Tuesday, a bronze sculpture will be inaugurated in front of the Basilica as a tribute to the Dancing Procession. As the site is classified as a national monument, the Ministry of Culture must have authorised this sculpture. In this context, our MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have submitted an urgent parliamentary question.
10 May 2021
DP MP André Bauler asked the ministers concerned what has happened in the case of the controversial windmill at Burden in the past months and where the procedure is currently underway.
10 May 2021
After the initial reduction of their opening hours, the post offices in Boulaide and Rambrouch had to close their doors completely at the beginning of 2021. Our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the reasons for this closure and the consequences for the residents and companies.
07 May 2021
Currently there is a solid growth in the prices of various materials. DP member André Bauler asks the Minister of Agriculture if our farmers, marketgardeners and assimilated businesses are also affected. He also asks if there have been delivery shortages for some products and what kind of products they are.
04 May 2021
The installation of a rainwater system to use rainwater for various purposes is an opportunity to save drinking water, just as drought and heat put groundwater levels under stress. DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the minister responsible how many public buildings are already equipped with such a system and what the plans for the future look like.
03 May 2021
The historic police collection was housed in the former Gendarmerie garage, a building worthy of protection in Verlorenkost, where construction work on the future government garage is expected to start in 2022. Therefore, a permanent or at least a temporary solution for the collection should be found by the end of this year. In this perspective, our MP André Bauler has submitted some questions to the...
29 April 2021
Due to the shortage of raw materials and other materials, the government has decided to extend short-time work in the construction sector until June. In this context, DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers, among other things, how many companies are affected by this and which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to apply for short-time work.
20 April 2021
In line with the national decentralization policy, several new activity zones will be created in Luxembourg. Also the north of the country offers great potential for the development of new economic sites. On this note, our deputy André Bauler wanted to know the next steps towards creating a diverse local industry in the Canton of Wiltz.
16 April 2021
The extended delivery times for wood and fiberboard, as well as the global price increase of the raw material, are causing many headaches for certain businesses and consumers. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy how the construction industry is dealing with the current situation.
13 April 2021
After the severe frostbite that had an considerable impact all over France, the DP MPs André Bauler, Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann asked the minister responsible what the situation looks like in Luxembourg.
01 April 2021
In an interview, the Minister for Spatial Planning expressed the wish that a number of administrations should settle in the 'Nordstad'. As a city close to the river and close to nature, the 'Nordstad' has immense prospect which the government would like to develop in cooperation and in dialogue with the communes. What kind of administrations are they and where are they going to be set up? Member of...
26 March 2021
Ringing the rattle "Klibberen" is an old tradition in Luxembourg. The altar servers have launched an initiative to have this tradition included in the national list of intangible cultural heritage. Our MP André Bauler welcomes their initiative and asked the Minister of Culture whether she would be willing to support the altar servers in this process, or even to register the tradition of "Klibberen"...
25 March 2021
Recently, many churches in Luxembourg have been desacralized. According to the law of the "Kierchefong", the management fund for religious buildings and other property belonging to the Catholic religion, the fund can remain in possession of the furniture, even after the desacralisation. However, it seems that all the useless furniture, which the municipalities do not want, is sold at auction. In this...
24 March 2021
Although hospitals follow strict hygiene measures, patients can still get infected with Covid-19 in a hospital. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health for statistics and how often rapid tests are used in hospitals to protect patients.
16 March 2021
The N7 national road has always been known for its speeding offences. Recently, there were many vans that exceeded the speed limit between the Fridhaff roundabout and the Hosingen roundabout. Most of them were on their way to Belgium in the early evening hours. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked the ministers in charge how many accidents have occurred on this road during the last few years...
15 March 2021
In a recent statement, the Ecological Movement and the Luxembourg young farmers and rural youth demand that PV plants be installed as a priority on buildings or other already used areas, and as little as possible on the ground, so as to limit further soil sealing. DP members Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the relevant ministers how they feel about this and how big the area is in Luxembourg that is...
09 March 2021
Bells are undeniably part of Luxembourg's cultural heritage. In France, there is even an initiative to protect the ringing of church bells as intangible cultural heritage. In this context, our deputy André Bauler has submitted some questions to the Minister of Culture. In his parliamentary question, he wants to know, among other details, whether the Minister intends to have church bell ringing protected...
09 March 2021
The DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann were informed that there were no more free appointments at the vaccination center in Ettelbruck for some elderly people from the northern tip of the country who were invited to the Covid-19 vaccination. They were told by phone that they had to make an appointment in Mondorf. The MPs asked the Minister of Health whether these were individual cases and what...
09 March 2021
It is only since 2018 that there is a real legal basis for the archiving of documents in Luxembourg. However, the limitation of the reporting period to 100 years has not changed so far. On this subject, our deputy André Bauler asks some questions to the minister in charge, in particular on the possible adaptation of these periods to those in force in Belgium.
05 March 2021
Statistical analysis, together with other scientific methods, can help the government to find the right solutions to many different problems. In Germany, for example, it is common practice that the Minister of the Economy is advised by a scientific committee. In this context, our MP André Bauler wondered whether Luxembourg could also benefit from the creation of such an advisory panel.
05 March 2021
The premises of the former barracks are becoming vacant due to the move of the National Archives to Belval. Our Member of Parliament André Bauler has asked the responsible ministers whether there is already a new project for the building and when the work could start.
05 March 2021
André Bauler, deputy of the DP, has learned that the house of the writer Max Goergen, which belongs to the State and is listed by Sites and monuments, is currently unoccupied. This is why he wanted to know from the responsible ministers what the plans were for the house and why nothing has happened so far.
02 March 2021
In addition to the vaccination centers, it should also be possible in future to vaccinate against Covid-19 in family doctors' practices. The Democratic Party MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, when this will be possible and whether everyone will be able to be vaccinated by their general practitioner.
01 March 2021
Many cyclists have a flashing light on their bikes in order to be more visible on the road and to feel safer. The Minister of Mobility wishing to ban such lights, the deputies of the DP Max Hahn and André Bauler asked on the basis of what data the decision had been taken and whether the cycling interest groups had been consulted.
01 March 2021
Just like diesel and gasoline, other natural resources have seen their prices soar in the past few months. Our Deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy about the reasons for this price evolution and the consequences for the next wage indexation.
25 February 2021
For health professionals living in the north, it is a big waste of time to go all the way to Limpertsberg for their 2nd vaccination against Covid-19. André Bauler, a member of the DP, asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether these people could not be vaccinated for the second time at the new vaccination centre in Ettelbruck.
24 February 2021
The spinycheek crayfish and the signal crayfish are two invasive species that have been spreading throughout Europe for many years - with a devastating impact on local ecosystems. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the concerned minister whether the measures proposed in the action plan had so far been successful, how many of these animals have been caught or fished in recent years...
24 February 2021
The municipalities may and should register their cultural heritage worthy of protection in the general development plan. The Service of Sites and Monuments has submitted its proposals to all municipalities, but some municipalities ignore a large part of these recommendations. Now a ranking has been published, which the Minister of Home Affairs mentioned in a recent RTL interview. On this subject, our...
23 February 2021
Australian authorities have warned of a new variant of swine flu. The members of the DP, Gusty Graas and André Bauler, asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the risk of this variant reaching Europe.
22 February 2021
What has been the evolution of the lake's water levels in recent years? What is the condition of the dam wall? The deputy of the DP André Bauler addressed several questions to the competent ministers.
19 February 2021
Since the plans for the Ettelbruck bypass apparently are not progressing, among other reasons due to a too small budget for studies, the deputy of the DP André Bauler wanted to know from the competent minister what the state of progress in this matter was.
12 February 2021
There are already housing projects in CFL passenger buildings. But what is the potential across the country? Are there other projects planned? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn requested further information from the relevant minister.
12 February 2021
As work on the PC1 is scheduled to start soon, DP deputy André Bauler wanted to know from the Minister of Mobility whether the old Maulusmühle stop could not be served again in summer to support tourism in the region.
11 February 2021
In his answer to a parliamentary question from the deputy of the DP André Bauler from 2019, the Minister of Public Works replied that there was no request for a boarding school in Clervaux. André Bauler wanted to know if the situation has changed in the meantime.
02 February 2021
Ancient traditions and customs are increasingly neglected. They require protection as intangible cultural heritage. On Candlemas Day, our MP André Bauler asked some questions to the Minister of Culture.
29 January 2021
In the United States, the Food Safety Authority (FDA) has recently approved genetically modified pigs for human consumption. DP members Gusty Graas and André Bauler ask the Minister for Health and the Minister for Agriculture what they think about the use of these pigs in Europe for pharmaceutical or food production.
28 January 2021
A possible first presence of the golden jackal in Luxembourg was detected recently. This is why the deputies of the DP André Bauler and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister what will be the impact of this new species on the native fauna and what is the general state in the fight against invasive alien species.
27 January 2021
Several communes that have merged in the past have given themselves a new municipal coat of arms after their fusion. Other communes rely on a municipal logo to showcase their identity. The heraldic commission of the Ministry of State supports the communes in this procedure. MP André Bauler asked the Ministry of State which communes have changed their coat of arms or logo over the past years and what...
25 January 2021
The Ministry of Health sends out invitations for the Covid-19 vaccination. But do I have to deregister if I refuse the vaccination? Democratic Party MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health.
22 January 2021
The south and the centre of the country will receive two new health centres. The Ministry of Health is also investigating where new health centres could be built in the north and east of the country. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health which cantons are being considered as locations.
12 January 2021
The organ of Notre-Dame de Luxembourg Cathedral was dismantled last year to be restored and modernised. In his parliamentary question, MP André Bauler asks in particular about the financing of this work.
12 January 2021
The construction should in principle have started at the end of 2020, which is why the deputy of the DP André Bauler inquired with the competent minister on the progress of the matter.
12 January 2021
After the introduction of the new bus timetables on December 13, certain problems arose, in particular with regard to school transport. It has come to the attention of the deputy of the DP André Bauler that the line 555 was also concerned, hence his question to the competent minister, if it is planned to adapt the schedule of this line as well.
28 November 2020
At the end of September 2017, the government presented a pilot project in which the "Fonds de compensation (FDC)" was encouraged to increase its commitment to the creation of affordable rental housing. The DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister in question about the progress of the project in Grevenmacher and about the efforts made by the FDC since autumn 2017 to create affordable rental...
24 November 2020
The "Plans d'aménagement particulier (PAP)" play an important role when it comes to creating housing. Accordingly, DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked how many PAPs are currently being realised and how many newly built (affordable) housing units can be expected.
23 November 2020
At the moment it is common practice for most real estate constructors to show prices calculated on the basis of the reduced VAT rate of 3%. However, this poses a risk to consumers. In 2019, the Minister for Consumer Protection and the Minister for Housing announced that they would consider standardising the listed prices. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked what conclusions had been drawn in this...
23 November 2020
It has come to the attention of DP MP André Bauler that there will be difficulties with school transport under the new timetables, especially with regards to the line 545 Heiderscheid-Ettelbruck. In fact, according to the new timetable, students arrive at school either much too early or too late. André Bauler has asked the responsible minister about this.
18 November 2020
Water is a vital resource, also for our agriculture. After the many warm summers, DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the responsible ministers how much agriculture, horticulture and viticulture currently need and will need in the future.
10 November 2020
The National Gallery is not to move into the old National Library building as planned, but instead to Dudelange in the new "Neischmelz" district. In this context, DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Culture a few questions.
09 November 2020
As part of the redevelopment of the Ettelbruck railway station, a new youth hostel is also to be built. DP MP André Bauler has asked the responsible ministry for more information.
06 November 2020
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the responsible minister under which criteria the SNHBM buys real estate and why various plots of land and buildings have not yet been valorised.
03 November 2020
Over the last few months, mobile speed cameras have been installed on two routes in the north, between Micheleau and Erpeldingen on the Sûre, as well as between Ettelbrück and Feulen and between Bidscht and Schumannseck. Our MP André Bauler asked the Minister for Internal Security a few questions about the speed cameras
27 February 2025
More and more people are affected by dementia. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister of Health how dementia cases are developing here in the country, how many people are taking part in the Dementia Prevention Programme (pdp) and whether the newly introduced app by pdp is being used a lot.
20 February 2025
In France, more people have been infected with meningococcal disease since the pandemic. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health how infections have developed in Luxembourg, how many people have been vaccinated and whether the vaccination rate is high enough to protect citizens' health.
13 February 2025
According to the latest figures, fewer young people in Germany have had to be hospitalised for alcohol. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the Minister of Health how many young people have been hospitalised for alcohol consumption in recent years, on which days of the year a particularly high number of drunk people are hospitalised and whether the National Action Plan against Alcohol Abuse will...
24 January 2025
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the medical centre in Ettelbrück is to be given new premises. The liberal MP asked the Minister of Health for details of the new premises and wanted to know whether the doctors currently have the necessary equipment to fulfil all their tasks, including administrative ones.
06 January 2025
Five years ago, the pandemic severely impacted large parts of our economy, and shortly after, the energy crisis followed. The state made significant expenditures to alleviate the consequences and provide support to both households and businesses. DP Member of Parliament André Bauler has asked the Finance Minister to provide a breakdown of the total costs, direct aid, and the debt incurred as a result...
19 December 2024
Ozempic may only be prescribed to patients with type 2 diabetes. DP MPs André Bauler and Dr Gérard Schockmel asked the Minister of Health whether checks are carried out to ensure that doctors comply with the rules and whether the Collège médical has already been involved in cases of abuse?
27 November 2024
A new pharmacy is to be built in Weiswampach. DP MP André Bauler has asked the Minister of Health why a new pharmacy is to be installed, when this pharmacy will open and whether it will help to improve the on-call service in the north.
05 November 2024
The absenteeism rate is rising in many European countries. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers how absenteeism has developed in Luxembourg over the last 10 years, what the explanations for absenteeism are and what is currently being done about it.
09 October 2024
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum have heard that there will be hardly any surgical operations at the Wiltz clinic in the future. The two MPs have asked the Minister of Health whether doctors at the Wiltz clinic who are retiring will no longer be replaced, how the number of systematic analyses has developed and what is being done to relieve the burden on the Ettelbrück clinic.
26 June 2024
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Culture about the state of the construction works at Minett-Park and whether a train museum would be built in the future. Question „De Minett-Park „Fonds de Gras“ ass ee Fräiliichtmusée, deen iwwer ee puer Hektar verschidde Sitte matenee verbënnt an de Visiteuren eng eenzegaarteg kulturell an touristesch Offer bitt. Attraktioune si nieft der...
19 June 2024
In 2023, the then Minister of Health rejected the installation of a pharmacy in Bettendorf. As the population in the region around Bettendorf continues to grow, DP MP André Bauler has asked the new Minister of Health whether she would reconsider her predecessor's decision. Has the Minister of Health possibly already been contacted by the municipality of Bettendorf and could other municipalities get...
19 June 2024
Since 2008, skin cancer screening has been available in Germany for all policyholders aged 35 and over. As a result, many cases of skin cancer are detected earlier. DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister for Health how skin cancer figures have developed here in the country since 2013, whether such screening would also be useful in Luxembourg and why only figures for melanoma...
06 June 2024
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior questions about the rescue helicopters that have been frequently deployed at the North Hospital in recent years. Among other things, they wanted to know how the funding is organised, how often they have been deployed beyond the country's borders and whether there are plans to find a new location for...
05 June 2024
Loneliness is becoming a growing social problem. According to a study, millions of people are affected in Germany alone. DP MPs André Bauler and Mandy Minella asked the Minister for Family Affairs how he sees the problem of loneliness in Luxembourg and what measures the Ministry is taking to combat it.
31 May 2024
Considering the new recommendations from the German Minister of Health to better prepare hospitals and nursing homes for heatwaves, DP MPs André Bauler and Dr Gérard Schockmel have asked the Minister of Health whether the ‘Plan Canicule’ should also be adapted here in Luxembourg.
22 May 2024
In the event of torrential rains, or when it rains for a long time without interruption, the “Tirelbaach” quickly emerges from its bed, where many basements are often flooded. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity whether the Water Management Authority had already carried out studies to find out whether there are possibilities for retention...
16 May 2024
Forest fires have risen sharply in recent years as a result of climate change. DP Members of Parliament André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity and the Minister for Home Affairs how the number of forest fires has changed over the last 10 years, which areas are most affected, how often the CGDIS has had to intervene and what preventive measures have...
13 May 2024
A squatter hotspot appears to have formed in Ettelbruck, which could pose a health risk. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Health and the Minister of the Interior whether the Sanitary Inspectorate has already been called in, what tools the Inspectorate has at its disposal to act in such cases and whether drug use at Ettelbruck station has increased since January 2024.
08 May 2024
At "Deutsche Post", correspondence decreased by 6.6% in the first quarter of 2024, which is mainly because of increased digitalisation. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister for the Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism how correspondence and the number of parcels have developed in Luxembourg since 2020 and how many different companies are active in the letter and parcel business in...
03 May 2024
More and more young people are apparently developing thyroid cancer. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how the figures have developed over the last 10 years and what differences there are depending on age and gender.
25 April 2024
While the annual consumption of meat in Germany decreased by 430 grams in 2023, an increase was observed in the category of poultry. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture whether the statistics for Luxembourg are similar, what developments have been noticed with regards to the meat production in Luxembourg, from where and how much meat we import...
23 April 2024
Invasive plants and animals are a threat to our ecosystem because they can spread massively and cause great damage. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Biodiversity which plants and animals have been classified as invasive here in Luxembourg, which are the most aggressive ones and where they spread, what risk this poses to human health and whether...
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler put a number of questions to the Minister for the Environment concerning the crushing of materials in the green zone. In particular, they wanted to know whether a nature protection authorisation was required for this and why every authorisation issued for buildings in the green zone did not mention that recycled materials should be used.
18 April 2024
DP MPs Luc Emering and André Bauler have asked the Minister of the Environment how many authorisations for buildings in the green zone have been applied for in the last 5 years, how many applications have been rejected and when the principle of "silence is consent" will be introduced in the authorisation procedure.
12 April 2024
The former Minister of Health had announced that a second PET-CT could possibly be purchased in order to shorten the waiting time for patients. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the current Minister of Health where the preparations for the purchase of this second PET-CT are at, whether this machine could possibly come to the hospital in Ettelbrück and how the number of treatments in...
21 March 2024
The “Asian hornet” has been destroying bee colonies in the Western Palatinate and eating their honey for a few years now. Many bee colonies in Rhineland-Palatinate are also affected by the “Varroa mite”. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture how many bee colonies have fallen victim to the “varroa mite” in the last five years, whether the “Asian...
21 March 2024
There is a shortage of occupational physicians in our country. The coalition programme therefore provides for the modernisation of occupational medicine. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how many occupational physicians are currently working in our country, what the age structure of the profession looks like and what the modernisation of occupational medicine could...
13 March 2024
The tetanus vaccination needs to be renewed at regular intervals to remain effective, but not everyone thinks about this important booster.
DP MP André Bauler has therefore asked the Minister of Health how many people are currently effectively vaccinated, how many deaths have occurred due to tetanus in the last 10 years and how many electronic vaccination cards have been activated so far.
26 February 2024
The methods for car theft are becoming increasingly sophisticated over time. Often it is especially larger cars or expensive brands that become targets. Are there particular brands that are more targeted than others? Our MP André Bauler has inquired with the Ministry for Home Affairs
20 February 2024
The European Commission decided to loosen an environmental regulation which concerns the 4% of their arable land EU farmers need to keep fallow or unproductive. Instead of maintaining fallow or unproductive land on, there are two alternatives, with EU farmers growing nitrogen-fixing crops (such as lentils, peas or broad beans) and/or catch crops on 7% of their arable land. DP MPs André Bauler and Luc...
01 February 2024
The crisis in the property sector means that more and more companies are having to make employees redundant. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Labour whether there are any figures on the development of unemployment, how many employees have found new jobs and how many people are benefiting from Adem's further training measures.
25 January 2024
In Luxembourg, no subsidies are to be cut, and administrative simplification must be a priority. DP deputies André Bauler and Luc Emering asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Viticulture what administrative simplifications are involved, what resources are being used in this context, whether the current administrative burden on agricultural players has already been quantified by professional...
02 January 2024
The Adem was reformed more than 10 years ago. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Labour whether an evaluation of this reform has been carried out, how many job profiles there are at the agency and how many job seekers are enrolled in further training courses at Adem.
21 December 2023
In his parliamentary question to the Minister of Finance, André Bauler asks whether there are any plans to buy Bellevue Castle in Limpertsberg in order to open it to the public.
20 December 2023
To ensure the digital inclusion of each citizen, the Ministry of Digitalisation organises trainings in the field of digital education. MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister about the success of this offer.
01 August 2023
Work on the Rue Clairefontaine in Diekirch should have started in 2021. Since this did not happen, DP MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister where the process is currently at and when work on the road could start.
28 July 2023
DP MP André Bauler has heard that fewer pacemakers are being placed at the Ettelbrück Hospital since the new team of cardiologists has been working there. André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of Health if this is indeed the case, what the reason for this development is and whether there are plans to increase the placement of pacemakers in Ettelbruck again.
21 July 2023
DP MP André Bauler has learned that an industrial company is planning to cease production in Diekirch. He would like to know from the ministers concerned whether they have been informed of this decision, whether a request for re-employment assistance has been submitted and what is being done to keep the company in the country.
20 July 2023
After the repair of the B7 between Schieren and Ingeldorf, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister whether there were no plans to renew the road surface of the B7 bridge as well?
06 July 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know form the competent minister, how the road works on the Transversale de Clervaux are progressing.
28 June 2023
Between Grosbous and Grevels, the road to Bastogne was provisionally repaired. DP MP André Bauler has asked the responsible minister whether a renewal of this road section is planned and if so, what the costs would be.
27 June 2023
Route radars have been in use in the tunnels of the A7 for several months. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister, among other things, how many vehicles have been flashed so far and what maximum speed was measured.
13 June 2023
MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister about the status of the K45 bus line. How can punctuality be improved? Can pupils from the Nordstad Lycée also benefit from this line?
22 May 2023
Luxembourg is to get a second PET scan. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the Minister of Health whether it would not make sense to install this device at Ettelbruck Hospital.
10 May 2023
The Health Department and the " Collège médical " have spoken out against a new pharmacy in the commune of Tandel. In this context, DP MP André Bauler wants to know from the Minister of Health whether the geographical location of the commune of Bettendorf would not be more favourable for the establishment of a new pharmacy.
28 April 2023
DP MP André Bauler has heard, that the school transport bus line K45 should be abolished, although it would be well used. For this reason, he wanted to know from the Minister of Mobility whether this is actually the case.
24 April 2023
Easy access to student housing plays an important role for the attractiveness of a university.
Our deputies André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers about the current and future supply of student housing in Luxembourg.
03 April 2023
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the driver's license exam in the northern district should only be held in the Nordstad. That is why he wanted to know from the minister in charge if this was actually intended to be so.
29 March 2023
MP André Bauler asked the Minister of the Interior how exactly the names should appear on the candidate lists.
29 March 2023
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know how the groundwater levels have evolved in recent months.
16 March 2023
After rocks were loosened over the Bürden train tunnel, DP MP André Bauler asked what stabilization measures had been carried out in the last years.
24 February 2023
Recently, a section of the CR359 between Erpeldange-Sûre and Ettelbruck has been closed on one side, in order to use this route as a bus parking lot. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons are for this and how long this should last.
23 February 2023
Since there have been problems with the correspondence between the train from Luxembourg city and the bus 134 to Eschdorf for a long time, and the situation has still not improved, the DP MP André Bauler asked what the minister plans to do in this matter.
20 February 2023
In recent years, the Labour Inspectorate has hired new inspectors to carry out checks on construction sites and workplaces. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Labour, among other things, how often labour law was violated, which sectors were affected and what sanctions were imposed.
14 February 2023
A preliminary draft of the "Schlasskéier" project is to be presented in Wiltz this year. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers whether there was a tender for the project, which company was contracted and what the estimated costs are.
03 February 2023
Because the CR334 between Clervaux and Boxhorn is currently closed due to road works, the school buses to the LESC have to take a detour, with the result that many students arrive late every day. DP MP André Bauler asked what was planned to improve the situation.
31 January 2023
As the buses on line 136 are completely overcrowded during the morning, DP MP André Bauler asked if it isn't possible to use bigger buses.
30 January 2023
As there are frequent accidents on the N12 between Grosbous and Hierheck, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is being done to improve road safety.
30 January 2023
Two years after parliament voted the financing bill for the new Nordstad-Lycée building, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know when construction will finally start.
26 January 2023
An investigation by the Competition Council into the pharmaceutical sector shows that Luxembourg has a low number of pharmacies compared to the OECD. The Council is therefore proposing the creation of new pharmacies to fill the geographical gaps. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Health whether there are already considerations to create new pharmacies in the north of the country and which criteria...
24 January 2023
The drug Ozempic is used to treat type 2 diabetes. However, it also helps people lose weight and is increasingly being bought for this purpose as well. Since there is already talk of a shortage of this diabetes drug in many countries, DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers what the drug is mainly used for in this country, whether there could also be a shortage here, and...
17 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know, whether a bus stop for line 170 in the ZANO activity zone in Fridhaff is planned or not.
17 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what will happen to the plaque in the former main building of the LTA in Ettelbruck, which commemorates 29 students that died in the Second World War.
09 January 2023
Representatives of the agricultural sector complain more or less regularly that they face unfair competition from overseas countries and others that do not respect the same obligations in terms of environmental protection and animal welfare as the sector in Luxembourg does. Our MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture, Viticulture and Rural Development several questions on...
05 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the works on the Schieburg tunnel are progressing and whether they would be finished in time.
03 January 2023
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what was planned to improve road safety of the Reichlange intersection.
16 December 2022
MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Mobility and Public Works about the projected construction of a boarding school in Clervaux.
15 December 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked the relevant minister when the tunnel radars on the A7 would go definitely into operation and how many drivers have been flashed during the test phase so far.
14 December 2022
The "Schlasskéier" project is being realised near the St Joseph Clinic in Wiltz. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible ministers, among other things, whether a medical centre will be part of this project, how many people will work there later and what the cooperation with the clinic will look like.
08 December 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the roadworks on the bridge near Goebelsmühle are progressing.
05 December 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is being done to improve road safety on the N7 in Marnach.
23 November 2022
DP MP André Bauler heard that recently the buses on line 146 were so overcrowded in the morning that students had to be left standing. For this reason, he asked what was planned to improve the situation.
18 November 2022
The DP deputies Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Culture about the infrastructure problems in Echternach. In this context, besides the municipality and the private actors, the state also has an important responsibility.
16 November 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is planned to improve the bus connections between the Nordstad and Holzthum and Consthum.
09 November 2022
Since the condition of the Erpeldange castle has progressively deteriorated over the last few years, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know if there are plans to restore the building.
09 November 2022
After the recent announcement that a new P&R is to be built in Stegen, DP MP André Bauler asked for further details on this project.
09 November 2022
As the main road in Boxhorn is currently in a bad condition, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know if it is planned to renew the road.
09 November 2022
Since a side arm of the Sauer is currently being cleaned in Steenem, and it would also be appropriate to carry out such work in other places, the DP MP André Bauler asked if it is planned to clean the Sauer in other places.
03 November 2022
In mid-May of this year, it was announced that the Wiltz site of the Northern Hospital was to be equipped with an MRI. Democratic Party deputies André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the ministers concerned about the status of the project and how many patients could be examined daily with this MRI.
25 October 2022
What is the justification for the speed limit on the bypass bridge of the B7? DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Mobility this question and other ones.
25 October 2022
Is the plan to build the new site of the Public Building Administration next to the new address of CGDIS in Marnach? DP MP André Bauler addressed this and other questions to the Minister of Public Works.
25 October 2022
On the N7 between the ‚Lëpschterdellt‘ and the ‘Closdellt’ there are currently two radars at a short distance, one fixed and one mobile. How many motorists were flashed there and how much did the repairs on the fixed radar cost. Our MP André Bauler inquired with the ministries in charge.
20 October 2022
What do the forecasts for this winter indicate regarding the stock of animal feed and how badly will the supply shortages impact the situation? DP MP André Bauler asked these and other questions to the Minister of Agriculture.
26 September 2022
Due to the bad condition of the bridge in Ell, it has been planned for a long time to renovate or completely renew this bridge. Since the matter does not seem to be progressing properly, the DP MP André Bauler asked what the current status of the planification is.
22 September 2022
Since recently some trains have been cancelled on line 10, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what the reason was.
14 September 2022
Contrary to the official schedule, a train runs between Kautenbach and Luxembourg city at the moment only every hour, instead of every half hour. Since this causes difficulties for people from the area to get to school and to work, the DP MP André Bauler asked what is the reason for this and what is planned to improve the situation .
12 September 2022
Since the old N7 between Këppenhaff and Fridhaff is currently in a bad state, DP MP André Bauler asked when this road will be renewed.
09 September 2022
Since the reform of the bus network, students from Bourscheid have trouble getting to school in Diekirch on time. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what is being done to improve the situation.
08 September 2022
Many people use the Post's ATMs. DP MP André Bauler asks the responsible minister how many Post-ATMs are left and how many have been closed since 2015.
31 August 2022
After the Kautebach tunnel collapsed, the passengers who rely on the train to go to work are faced with certain difficulties. DP MP André Bauler asked what was planned to keep the impact of this incident on mobility in the north as small as possible.
24 August 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked when the N25 between Kautenbach and Wiltz, which is currently in a bad condition, will be renovated.
17 August 2022
Why do certain villages of the municipality of Rammerech no longer have a direct connection to Rambrouch to guarantee correspondence to Wiltz, Ettelbruck and Luxembourg city, and this since the introduction of a new timetable on 17 July 2022? And why does line 141 no longer drive through Holtz and Perlé? Our MP André Bauler has posed these questions to the Minister for Mobility and Public Works.
17 August 2022
Several ‘café rooms’ have recently had to close due to a lack of hygiene and safety observed in those facilities. How many units of housing of that type have been lost in the northern canton and what measures are being taken to improve the situation? These and other questions were asked by our MP André Bauler to the Minister of Housing.
17 August 2022
A vaccination bus in Ettelbruck had to spontaneously replace a vaccination bus in the centre. This despite the fact that citizens were queuing for their vaccination in Ettelbrück. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Health how the vaccination bus service is organised in this country, why the vaccination bus from Ettelbrück had to stand in at the centre and whether it is true that vaccination buses...
12 August 2022
With a view to the rising energy prices in the fall and winter of 2022/2023, what is next for construction? Our DP MP André Bauler addressed a series of questions to the Minister of Economy on this subject.
10 August 2022
Until when will ships no longer be able to sail on the Moselle and is there a risk of a bottleneck or even a stop in the delivery of petroleum products or other merchandise? Our MP André Bauler asked these and other questions to the Minister of the Economy and the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development.
05 August 2022
In recent years, there have been a number of mergers in the sector of bus companies in Luxembourg, so that today there are several large companies that dominate the sector. For this reason, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the sector has developed in recent years.
03 August 2022
Is the Lex Koller law compatible with the Luxembourg constitution and with the principle of free circulation of capital in the European internal market? DP MP André Bauler addressed these and other questions to the Minister of Justice Sam Tanson.
01 August 2022
Is the current animal welfare law not adequately implemented and what is the situation in the animal shelters? The DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Grass put these and other questions to the responsible Minister of Agriculture.
29 July 2022
The DP MPs Claude Lamberty and André Bauler asked how the project of the "Innovation Campus" in Bissen is progressing, and what the possible reasons would be, why the project did not have the expected success.
26 July 2022
For months there have been two road works in Mullerthal, which do not seem to be progressing. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked how these are progressing and when they will be finished.
26 July 2022
Since the DP MP André Bauler heard that there are problems with the correspondence between different buses and trains in the North, he asked the responsible minister how the situation could be improved.
22 July 2022
For years, the N10's surface between Reisdorf and Hoesdorf has been in a bad condition. DP MP André Bauler asked, when the road will be resurfaced.
13 July 2022
Op der Léier between Hierheck and Grosbous, dangerous situations happen frequently. DP MP André Bauler asked what was planned to improve road safety at this place.
11 July 2022
For nearly ten years, there have been discussions of a new police station in Wiltz. DP MP André Bauler asked an update on the project.
08 July 2022
The MP André Bauler asked the Ministry of the Interior about the B6, the property tax on building land.
06 July 2022
With rising prices, the risk of undeclared work increases, which inevitably has consequences on tax revenues. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann wanted to know from the responsible ministers, among other things, whether the Statec has estimates on the development of undeclared work and tax losses and how many controls the ITM has carried out in recent years?
04 July 2022
A year ago, heavy rain caused a slip of road on the CR319 between Wiltz and Winseler. Since no action has been taken since then, DP MP André Bauler has asked when the road works will start.
30 June 2022
Is the consumption of organic products decreasing in Luxembourg? And if so, why? The DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler addressed these and other questions about organic farming to the Ministers for Economy and Agriculture.
29 June 2022
One of the consequences of climate change is that the risk of forest fires increases due to higher temperatures and prolonged periods of drought. DP MP André Bauler has therefore asked how many forest fires there have been in the last years and how the CGDIS is preparing for a possible increase in this phenomenon.
27 June 2022
As the road surface of the N15 in Heiderscheidergrund is in a bad state, DP MP André Bauler asked if it was not planned to renew it.
22 June 2022
The nuisance caused by the noise of tuned motorcycles is a recurring theme, especially during the good season. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know what the police is doing against this.
21 June 2022
On June 16th, an artists' residence was inaugurated in the "Bridderhaus" in Esch/Alzette. The former hospital in Rue Léon Metz has been completely renovated and restructured and will house a total of 17 artists. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Culture some general questions about artist residencies.
20 June 2022
Along the Alzette and the Sûre rivers many trees seem to be sick. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were.
16 June 2022
It is well known that Luxembourgers like to travel and spend a good part of their annual income on it. The DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy for details on the travel behaviour of Luxembourgers.
14 June 2022
Although the municipality of Parc Hosingen has developed well in recent years, it is not classified as a CDA (Center de développement et d'attraction) in national planning. DP MP André Bauler asked the minister in charge what the reasons were and whether there were any plans to change it.
02 June 2022
Csn the impact of home office on traffic be measured? DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for the matter.
30 May 2022
The DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture how many farms in this country grow strawberries, what kind of varieties they have and how the distribution of strawberries is organised.
25 May 2022
Studies are currently being carried out to possibly prepare water from the Moselle for human consumption in the future. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked when these studies will be completed and what the water quality of the Moselle is like.
24 May 2022
As in 2018 and 2019, this year will be exceptionally dry. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have therefore asked the Environment Minister some questions.
20 May 2022
DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the minister responsible what was behind the rumors that the army recruiting office would be closed in the near future.
20 May 2022
Deputy André Bauler asked the Ministry of the Interior if it was right that professional firefighters from the CGDIS centers in the north of the country will be transferred to other regions of the country.
19 May 2022
At its two sites in Wiltz and Ettelbruck, the ChdN ensures healthcare for the north and partly for the east of the country. What will be done to make the two sites also attractive in the future? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether cooperation with the University of Luxembourg was planned, whether specialisation in a medical field was envisaged...
12 May 2022
MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have been informed that there are currently difficulties in Ettelbrück with the staff to provide the ambulance service. In this context, the two politicians asked the Ministry of the Interior, among other things, about the availability of volunteers.
06 May 2022
What effect does the current price increase have on the number of passengers on public transport? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible for the matter.
06 May 2022
the raccoon is an invasive species that seems to be spreading more and more in Luxembourg. Contacts with people seem to multiply as of recently. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn therefore asked how the population was developing and whether measures to regulate the population were effective.
05 May 2022
The CSSST, which reports to the Directorate of Health, has not met since 2018. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health why no more meetings have taken place and whether the Minister will convene a meeting in the near future.
04 May 2022
The project of a suspension bridge over the Upper Sûre lake would be another great tourist attraction for the north. DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister for the Environment what her position in this regard is.
02 May 2022
The extension of the PC22 cycle path seems to be stuck, largely due to terrains that the state doesn't possess yet. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked how the project was advancing.
26 April 2022
It seems to be the case that the pharmacy will be transferred from Vianden to the commune of Tandel. DP MP André Bauler has asked the Minister of Health whether there is a concrete wish for this transfer and whether there have already been discussions with the relevant municipal authorities.
20 April 2022
There is a shortage of doctors in Luxembourg. This provokes long waiting times and long journeys for patients. André Bauler and Gilles Baum, DP MPs, asked the Minister of Health if she knew how many doctors of all specialities work in Luxembourg and how many doctors have joined or retired in the last five years.
19 April 2022
DP MP André Bauler has learned that the CR346 between Schieren and Schrondweiler is in a bad state. For this reason, he asked the Minister responsible if there were no plans to renovate this road.
19 April 2022
A new housing project is to be set up on the site of the Cité militaire in Diekirch, but even though the PAP has been voted for some time, not much seems to be happening on the ground. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were.
04 April 2022
DP MP André Bauler asked the concerned ministre several questions about the tree alleys around the country.
01 April 2022
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum have learned that the Ettelbruck site of the Centre hospitalier du Nord will no longer have any paediatricians available in the next few days and that the maternity hospital therefore risks having to close. For this reason, they asked the Minister of Health if this was true and, if so, what the reasons were for this circumstance.
01 April 2022
Most of the police service housing in Colmar-Berg is currently uninhabited. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked the competent minister if they could not accommodate refugees.
30 March 2022
How is it possible that the Administration of the environment only stopped work on the Ettelbruck railway station after it had already started? Why were the swallow nests only then discovered? DP MP André Bauler asked the competent minister some questions.
30 March 2022
The old road, next to the CR348 between Warken and Burden, is in a bad state, but could still be used as a parking strip for people going for a walk there. DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for the matter if this was an option.
How many cases where people simply dispose of their waste in nature have there been in recent years?
30 March 2022
Again and again one sees places in nature where people have disposed of their trash. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn have asked how many cases there have been in recent years.
30 March 2022
There are already not enough paediatricians working in this country. With the population growth, waiting times will continue to increase.
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum asked the responsible ministers how many paediatricians are currently working in Luxembourg, how many Luxembourgers are studying paediatrics and how many paediatricians will be needed by 2025.
22 March 2022
The N15 in Niederfeulen is planned to be renovated. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know further details about these roadworks from the competent minister.
21 March 2022
The price of many types of meat has risen sharply in recent weeks. The DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas want to know from the Minister of Agriculture how this development has been concretely, who is benefiting from these increases and what role the Ukraine crisis is playing.
15 March 2022
The state budget provides 10 million euros for work on the boarding school of the agricultural school and the hotel school. DP MP André Bauler asked what work was planned and when it should be completed.
10 March 2022
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the clinic in Wiltz is to be converted into a day clinic. In a parliamentary question, the Northern MP therefore wanted to know from the Minister of Health what the concept of this day clinic will be, what this means for the emergency room of the Wiltz clinic and whether this will have an impact on the Ettelbrück site of the Centre Hospitalier du Nord.
09 March 2022
A few years ago, the service "En oppent Ouer fir de Bauer, Wënzer a Gärtner" was launched. The liberal MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how this service is doing and whether if there was made more use of the service due to the pandemic?
09 March 2022
Asparagus has been grown in Luxembourg for several years. The DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how the production of asparagus is doing in Luxembourg?
07 March 2022
The current situation in Ukraine has an influence on the grain market. The DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible for details about the import and export of cereals.
24 February 2022
The EU Commission has presented a project for a European supply chain law. DP MP André Bauler asked the Economics Minister how Luxembourg felt about the project and whether we are striving for a harmonization with European planning in this context.
23 February 2022
After the LTA moved into its new buildings in Gilsdorf, the old buidlings are planned to be renovated for the Ettelbruck Lycée. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how far these works are progressing and wether the ASTA's laboratories shouldn't be renovated as well.
22 February 2022
It has been claimed in an interview that the government does not support the construction of larger greenhouses for growing fruits and vegetables. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister for Agriculture how he feels about building larger greenhouses and what he thinks of vertical farming.
21 February 2022
At night and on weekends, people in the far north of the country often have to travel a long way to the nearest doctor in case of illness.
DP MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum wanted to know from the Minister of Health whether it would not be appropriate to install another medical centre in the north of the country, and what can be done to improve the situation in the short term?
10 February 2022
With the "farm to fork" strategy, the European Commission has defined goals to make agriculture more sustainable by 2050. The voices after a global impact study on the objectives are getting louder and louder. The DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture how Luxembourg is dealing with the lack of such a study and whether it will demand one from the Commission. Then the...
09 February 2022
Due to the abolition and reorganization of several bus lines in the North, there seems to have been difficulties in student transport. DP MP André Bauler asked what the minister wanted to do about it.
08 February 2022
DP MP André Bauler has learned that since December 2021, a number of bus lines in the North have been abolished, affecting many students. He therefore asked what the reason was and what the Minister wanted to do to improve the situation.
08 February 2022
After the financing law for the Hosingen bypass has been passed in parliament last summer, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the roadworks are progressing.
31 January 2022
After the Minister of economy's recent announcements on housing agencies' commissions, DP MP André Bauler wanted to know further details.
31 January 2022
As the car park at the Schinker roundabout is currently in a bad state, DP MP André Bauler has asked what is being planned to redevelop the site.
28 January 2022
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know how the drinking water sources's quality is and if the new protection zones have already had an impact.
25 January 2022
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how to follow up the debate with young farmers on the subject of animal transport, how the new EU recommendations will be implemented in practice and whether there will be a further debate on this subject?
24 January 2022
According to an expert opinion, the tower at the old brewery in Diekirch is said to be dilapidated and to be demolished in order to create space for the planned real estate project. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked a few questions to the Minister of Culture.
24 January 2022
If the child is sick but the pediatrician is not available at the moment, parents can take their child to the children's clinic, the Bohler Clinic or the children's outpatient clinic in the North Hospital. In addition to long waiting times, parents from the north and east of the country in particular often have to travel long distances. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann therefore wanted to know...
21 January 2022
Ecocombis or gigaliner, long trucks with a length of up to 25 meters, are allowed in many countries, but not in Luxembourg. DP MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler asked if this was not a competitive disadvantage for our economy.
19 January 2022
After the renewal of the N12 in Préizerdaul in recent years, it turns out that in some places the road is still in a bad state. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked if it was planned to carry out additional repair work on these sites.
18 January 2022
MP André Bauler asked the responsible ministers about the reasons for the recent insolvencies in the construction sector.
12 January 2022
The law of 31 July 2020 has adapted the allowances for doctors in the process of specialisation. The DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health whether doctors in the process of specialisation already receive this adapted allowance and, if not, whether a retroactive reimbursement of the difference is planned.
10 January 2022
The swine sector is still doing very badly. Many producers will have to stop their production. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the ministers in charge if there could be further aid to the sector and what swine porducers could do with their buildings in the future if they had to stop.
06 January 2022
Recently, a noise radar has been installed in France to counteract the excessive noise of tuned motorcycles; others are already planned. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler have asked if such radars were also planned in Luxembourg.
05 January 2022
Years ago, the project of a dike in Clervaux was presented to improve flood protection at the entrance of the town. Since the dossier does not really seem to be progressing, DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked if the project is still being realised and if so, what the state of progress is.
05 January 2022
The pandemic has led many people to re-evaluate the benefits of regional products. In particular the purchase of meat products, vegetables and fruits, eggs and even milk directly on the farm seems to have increased in recent months. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have asked the Minister of Agriculture how the number of farm shops has changed in recent years.
03 January 2022
How much money has the government invested in recent years in what infrastructure projects in the Nordstad and what is planned for the coming years? DP MP André Bauler asked the competent minister.
21 December 2021
Flood damages in the park of Echternach have still not been repaired. The MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of Culture about the reasons for the delay and the expected finalization of the repair work.
15 December 2021
The personnel shortage in the police force is not new, and yet the situation seems to be particularly worrying in the north. In this context, MP André Bauler has submitted some specific questions to the Minister of Internal Security.
15 December 2021
Our castles and palaces must be maintained. Especially the brickwork must be checked regularly to avoid situations like the one in Beaufort. Recently, some stones have also tumbled down at Vianden Castle. In this context, our MP has submitted some questions to the Minister of Culture.
15 December 2021
For about a year now, no excavations have been carried out at the main excavation site of the Roman villa in Schieren. Our MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Culture if there is a concrete reason for this and what the situation is regarding further projects and analyses.
06 December 2021
The former church of St. Laurent in Diekirch is a classified national monument, but the interior of the church is in need of renovation. Expert analyses in 2019 have already reported some damage. There is also a risk that parts of the vault might collapse. In addition, the statics of the building raise some questions. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked some questions to the Minister of Cul...
24 November 2021
Regularly, there are dangerous maneuvers at Fridhaff when drivers use the drive-up to bypass the traffic jam on the N7. The DP MP André Bauler therefore asked whether the police should not carry out more checks in this context.
23 November 2021
For some time already the roadworks at Maulusmühle don't seem to progress. That is why DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons for this are.
23 November 2021
After the July floodings there is still a lot of rubbish in our rivers, including trash that people dispose of there. DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler wanted to know how the river's maintenance is being coordinated and when the rubbish will be cleaned.
18 November 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the Minister of Agriculture how the porc producers are doing at the moment and how the state can help them.
18 November 2021
During the winter months visibility is most important for pedestrians and cyclists to avoid accidents. While the government organised a awareness raising campaign the last years in this regard, there seems to be none this year, which is why the DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler wanted to know what are the reasons for this.
16 November 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the ministers concerned about the primary sector. They asked, among other things, what the added value of this sector was and what professional profiles were most in demand.
16 November 2021
In the wake of the inondations from last July a couple of mobile homes ended up in the Sûre, where they have remained until now. DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the responsible minister when they will be taken away.
15 November 2021
We are increasingly hearing about cases of abuse and mistreatment of children and young people. As Luxembourg is certainly not an isolated country and the figures tend to increase, our MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked some questions to the ministers in charge.
11 November 2021
Two of our MPs, André Bauler and Gusty Graas, have asked the Minister of Agriculture about the current situation regarding the Japanese beetle in Luxembourg: which crops are the most at risk? How can the spread of the Japanese beetle be prevented and where can the discovery of such a beetle be reported?
08 November 2021
Infection figures are rising again and more people are being hospitalised with Covid-19.
DP MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health if medical treatments have already had to be postponed or cancelled and which hospitals are most affected.
03 November 2021
As a means to prevent redundancies during the economic slowdown caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the government of Luxembourg introduced a short-time working scheme. Additionally, the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy offered vouchers for training. The members of parliament André Bauler and Carole Hartmann are enquiring about the Minister of Labour’s assessment of...
26 October 2021
At a crossing in Flatzbour, accidents occur rather frequently. Therefore DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the minister responsible, what are the plans to make the crossing safer.
21 October 2021
Along with the growing demand on the housing market, the number of real estate agencies in Luxembourg has also sharply increased. In this context, our deputy André Bauler has asked the responsible ministers about the average value-added generated by the real estate industry and the number of insolvencies declared in recent years.
20 October 2021
Along the road between Bissen and Vichten a new camera has been installed, that is why the DP MP André Bauler enquired what its use and purpose is.
18 October 2021
The DP MP André Bauler has heard that the LESC's capacities have reached their limit with classes taking place in the hallway or the library. Therefore he asked the responsible minister when it will be extended and what is being done until then to solve the current situation.
18 October 2021
Over the past few years, the government has implemented a series of measures and projects to strengthen local tourism. Our deputy André Bauler has asked the responsible minister for details about the promotion of leisure and tourism activities in the western part of the country.
15 October 2021
Time and again severe accidents occur at a crossroads in Stegen, therefore DP MP André Bauler asked what is planned to secure this place.
11 October 2021
The stink bug is an invasive insect native to Asia that causes many headaches for winegrowers, fruit and vegetable producers. These bugs can indeed cause very serious damage in vines, orchards or vegetable gardens. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas asked the ministers concerned whether these insects had already spread in Luxembourg and whether damage had already been detected in crops.
07 October 2021
Over the past five years, many post offices have been closed and replaced by alternative distribution channels, such as ATMs and online services. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the future of the post office in Troisvierges.
07 October 2021
DP MP André Bauler has heard that because of the lack of parking spots, many students of the agriculture school in Gilsdorf park their car along the N14, which leads to many dangerous situations. That is why he has asked what is being done to remedy this situation.
07 October 2021
It has come to the attention of DP MP André Bauler that there are some issues with the school busses and parking at the LESC. Therefore he asked the responsible minister what's the exact matter and how the minister plans to solve the issue.
04 October 2021
One year ago, the Minister for Mobility announced that the area in front of the Diekirch railway station be completely redeveloped, including the disappearance of the train barrier and the creation of an multimodal hub. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked how far the studies are and when work can start.
29 September 2021
A number of agricultural companies have decided to establish themselves as a private company under Luxembourg law in recent years. DP member André Bauler asked the minister concerned how many companies are involved and what legal forms are used for these companies.
27 September 2021
Again and again we hear that the mandatory archaeological assessment requires a lot of time and that the procedures thus contribute to the long waiting times for construction projects. DP Members of Parliament Max Hahn and André Bauler have therefore asked whether this is the case and what can be done to change that situation.
27 September 2021
DP Member of Parliament André Bauler has heard that a considerable amount of vehicles in the vicinity of Koetschette have been damaged after the renewal of a road. He therefore asked the minister in charge whether there were no alternatives to loose chippings on the occasion of a road renewal by the P&Ch in order to prevent any resulting damage.
20 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler wanted to know from the competent minister how traffic in Troisvierges has evolved in recent years and whether it would be reasonable to advance the construction of the Troisvierges bypass.
16 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler has heard that the state-owned castle of Erpeldange has been classified as a national monument and will soon be restored. In this context, he requested further information from the relevant ministers.
14 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler asked if it would be possible to put up a new sign on the A7 to promote the Ösling, its landscapes and castles.
08 September 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas point out to the Ministry of the Environment that there are still tree trunks in the Attert river that pose a threat to the SEBES bridge. They are therefore asking the Minister what is being done to counter this risk and whether there are other places along the Attert where fallen trees could lead to jams during floods?
08 September 2021
DP MP André Bauler asked the responsible minister how traffic in Saeul has developed since 2017 and what measures he is planning to improve the situation.
06 September 2021
Dengue is spreading more and more in our so-called temperate regions. In this regard, the Democratic Party deputies André Bauler and Gilles Baum put some questions to the Minister of Health, asking, among other things, about the preparation of our hospitals, the monitoring of the spread of the virus in our country and the perspectives established by the WHO.
02 September 2021
Population growth is increasing demands in a number of different areas. The supply of medicines and related products is one of these. Against this background, our MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health, among other questions, if an increase in the pharmacy quota is planned for this decade.
01 September 2021
According to market economists, Germany has already passed the peak of its economic recovery, so that a slight reduction in its growth rate can be expected in the coming months. Our deputy André Bauler therefore asked the Minister of the Economy whether the growth forecasts in Luxembourg would need to be revised and what consequences the recent supply shortages would have on our gross domestic pro...
31 August 2021
In parts of Europe, cereal and potato harvests appear to have suffered from the rainy weather in recent weeks. What information have the ministry's services already been able to obtain and what consequences will there be for future harvests. Our MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas made inquiries with the Ministry.
23 August 2021
According to a recent newspaper article, the Ministry of the Environment has proposed to reclassify the entire village of Rindschleiden into a green zone. DP MP André Bauler asked what the reasons were for this and what impact such decisions could have, in particular on possible claims for damages.
18 August 2021
The notary clerks act as the right hand of the notaries and support them in their work: preparing documents, keeping records, meeting clients - these are all tasks that can be taken over by a notary clerk. But how exactly is this function regulated? Are there enough notary clerks and what kind of profile is required to do the job? Our MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt asked the respective ministries...
10 August 2021
The number of pupils enrolled at the "Lycée Edward Steichen" has risen steadily since the opening of the new school in 2018. As part of the preparations for the new school year 2021/2022, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, about the occupancy rate of the new classrooms and the geographical origin of the pupils.
10 August 2021
Since the reform of secondary education in 2017, the former regime called "Enseignement technique" now bears the name of "Enseignement général". Our deputy André Bauler has noticed however, that there are still a few secondary schools in Luxembourg that carry the name "Lycée technique de...". He therefore asked the Minister of Education, Children and Youth whether the names of the relevant schools...
27 July 2021
Following the relocation of the National Library to Kirchberg, the former buildings of the "Athénée de Luxembourg" are empty. Initially, it was planned to open a national gallery there, but in the meantime, it seems to be a known fact that some offices of the Cité judiciaire will be housed there. Our MP André Bauler has asked the ministries in charge for clarification.
27 July 2021
There are many remains of the Roman period in Luxembourg, including villas, tombs and roads. Already in ancient times, Luxembourg was located at the crossroads of several Gallo-Roman roads. It is in the context of these roadways that our deputy André Bauler put some questions to the Minister of Culture and the Minister of Tourism.
22 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas have heard that there has been a recent pollution of the Our river near Lieler. They therefore wanted to know from the relevant minister if she had any further information on this incident.
22 July 2021
Could the installation of polders that capture water masses during floods reduce the risk of flooding in rivers? DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the responsible minister.
19 July 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Guy Arendt have heard that the secretaries of the former hunting syndicates are not allowed to give out the account numbers of forest, meadow and field owners to the new secretaries for data protection reasons. Therefore, they asked the Minister responsible how this problem could be solved.
07 July 2021
During the redevelopment of the N7 between Diekirch and Ettelbruck, it was proposed to put additional sound protection measures in place at the height of the Cité Longchamps, e.g. in the form of hedges. DP MP André Bauler therefore asked if it was still planned to implement these measures and if so, until when.
01 July 2021
The delta variant of Covid-19 is spreading more and more in Europe. This raises concerns that a fourth wave of infections could hit us in the autumn. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health how she assesses the risk of a 4th wave here in the country and whether preparations are already being made for this eventuality.
29 June 2021
Global warming and increasingly frequent droughts have negative consequences for Luxembourg's agricultural land. Agroforestry could be a solution to protect our soils against drought. In this context, DP-MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Agriculture for more information on Agroforestry.
17 June 2021
DP MP André Bauler pointed out to the ministers in charge the dangerous traffic situation in Diekirch and wanted to know what was planned to ease the situation.
17 June 2021
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister responsible if there will be delays in the delivery of the new trains for the CFL due to the pandemic.
14 June 2021
After the state had distributed free masks to each inhabitant, the pharmacies and shops started selling different types of face masks. However, besides their selling price, the quality of these goods was also very variable. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy whether these masks are subject to quality controls and whether their selling prices are regularly checked...
09 June 2021
Facing daily stress, everyone needs a minimum of peace and quiet. This is particularly true for hospital patients, residents in retirement homes, but also for every citizen in his or her own home, whether in a residential area, a tourist region or on a main road. This peace and quiet, to which every citizen is entitled, is increasingly disturbed by certain traffic trends, such as tampering with exhaust...
07 June 2021
The state can support rural development in a number of ways. On the one hand there is the Fonds d’orientation économique et sociale pour l’agriculture (FOESA) and on the other hand the LEADER projects. DP MP André Bauler noted that only a few projects are supported by the fund, with LEADER projects receiving more financial support. The North MP asked the responsible minister why this was the case and...
07 June 2021
Due to climate change, heat waves are becoming more frequent. This also increases the risk of dehydration and heat deaths, especially among the elderly and sick. DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann asked the Minister of Health a series of questions on this issue, including how many heat deaths and dehydrations there have been in this country in recent years.
03 June 2021
Youth criminality took a new dimension since the beginning of this year. There have been more cases with serious consequences nationwide. In particular, these terrible cases led to nationwide discussions and a very high media coverage. In this context, our MPs André Bauler and Claude Lamberty asked the responsible minister, among other things, if juvenile delinquency had changed with the pandemic.
01 June 2021
Recently, large roadworks have been started in the center of Diekirch, which are expected to last until the end of the year. Given the major traffic disruptions, DP member André Bauler has asked the minister responsible what he intends to do to finish the roadworks as soon as possible and to minimize the negative impact.
25 May 2021
Currently there are discussions about creating a P&R on the Poteau de Harlange. DP MP André Bauler asked the minister responsible if he could say more about it.
18 May 2021
The land is an important means of production for farmers, vegetable gardeners and winegrowers. DP member of Parliament André Bauler asks the Minister of Agriculture how the prices of agricultural land have developed in recent years.
18 May 2021
On Whit Tuesday, a bronze sculpture will be inaugurated in front of the Basilica as a tribute to the Dancing Procession. As the site is classified as a national monument, the Ministry of Culture must have authorised this sculpture. In this context, our MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have submitted an urgent parliamentary question.
10 May 2021
DP MP André Bauler asked the ministers concerned what has happened in the case of the controversial windmill at Burden in the past months and where the procedure is currently underway.
10 May 2021
After the initial reduction of their opening hours, the post offices in Boulaide and Rambrouch had to close their doors completely at the beginning of 2021. Our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy about the reasons for this closure and the consequences for the residents and companies.
07 May 2021
Currently there is a solid growth in the prices of various materials. DP member André Bauler asks the Minister of Agriculture if our farmers, marketgardeners and assimilated businesses are also affected. He also asks if there have been delivery shortages for some products and what kind of products they are.
04 May 2021
The installation of a rainwater system to use rainwater for various purposes is an opportunity to save drinking water, just as drought and heat put groundwater levels under stress. DP MPs Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the minister responsible how many public buildings are already equipped with such a system and what the plans for the future look like.
03 May 2021
The historic police collection was housed in the former Gendarmerie garage, a building worthy of protection in Verlorenkost, where construction work on the future government garage is expected to start in 2022. Therefore, a permanent or at least a temporary solution for the collection should be found by the end of this year. In this perspective, our MP André Bauler has submitted some questions to the...
29 April 2021
Due to the shortage of raw materials and other materials, the government has decided to extend short-time work in the construction sector until June. In this context, DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann have asked the responsible ministers, among other things, how many companies are affected by this and which conditions have to be fulfilled in order to apply for short-time work.
20 April 2021
In line with the national decentralization policy, several new activity zones will be created in Luxembourg. Also the north of the country offers great potential for the development of new economic sites. On this note, our deputy André Bauler wanted to know the next steps towards creating a diverse local industry in the Canton of Wiltz.
16 April 2021
The extended delivery times for wood and fiberboard, as well as the global price increase of the raw material, are causing many headaches for certain businesses and consumers. In this context, our deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of the Economy how the construction industry is dealing with the current situation.
13 April 2021
After the severe frostbite that had an considerable impact all over France, the DP MPs André Bauler, Gilles Baum and Carole Hartmann asked the minister responsible what the situation looks like in Luxembourg.
01 April 2021
In an interview, the Minister for Spatial Planning expressed the wish that a number of administrations should settle in the 'Nordstad'. As a city close to the river and close to nature, the 'Nordstad' has immense prospect which the government would like to develop in cooperation and in dialogue with the communes. What kind of administrations are they and where are they going to be set up? Member of...
26 March 2021
Ringing the rattle "Klibberen" is an old tradition in Luxembourg. The altar servers have launched an initiative to have this tradition included in the national list of intangible cultural heritage. Our MP André Bauler welcomes their initiative and asked the Minister of Culture whether she would be willing to support the altar servers in this process, or even to register the tradition of "Klibberen"...
25 March 2021
Recently, many churches in Luxembourg have been desacralized. According to the law of the "Kierchefong", the management fund for religious buildings and other property belonging to the Catholic religion, the fund can remain in possession of the furniture, even after the desacralisation. However, it seems that all the useless furniture, which the municipalities do not want, is sold at auction. In this...
24 March 2021
Although hospitals follow strict hygiene measures, patients can still get infected with Covid-19 in a hospital. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler asked the Minister of Health for statistics and how often rapid tests are used in hospitals to protect patients.
16 March 2021
The N7 national road has always been known for its speeding offences. Recently, there were many vans that exceeded the speed limit between the Fridhaff roundabout and the Hosingen roundabout. Most of them were on their way to Belgium in the early evening hours. In this context, our MP André Bauler asked the ministers in charge how many accidents have occurred on this road during the last few years...
15 March 2021
In a recent statement, the Ecological Movement and the Luxembourg young farmers and rural youth demand that PV plants be installed as a priority on buildings or other already used areas, and as little as possible on the ground, so as to limit further soil sealing. DP members Max Hahn and André Bauler asked the relevant ministers how they feel about this and how big the area is in Luxembourg that is...
09 March 2021
Bells are undeniably part of Luxembourg's cultural heritage. In France, there is even an initiative to protect the ringing of church bells as intangible cultural heritage. In this context, our deputy André Bauler has submitted some questions to the Minister of Culture. In his parliamentary question, he wants to know, among other details, whether the Minister intends to have church bell ringing protected...
09 March 2021
The DP MPs André Bauler and Carole Hartmann were informed that there were no more free appointments at the vaccination center in Ettelbruck for some elderly people from the northern tip of the country who were invited to the Covid-19 vaccination. They were told by phone that they had to make an appointment in Mondorf. The MPs asked the Minister of Health whether these were individual cases and what...
09 March 2021
It is only since 2018 that there is a real legal basis for the archiving of documents in Luxembourg. However, the limitation of the reporting period to 100 years has not changed so far. On this subject, our deputy André Bauler asks some questions to the minister in charge, in particular on the possible adaptation of these periods to those in force in Belgium.
05 March 2021
Statistical analysis, together with other scientific methods, can help the government to find the right solutions to many different problems. In Germany, for example, it is common practice that the Minister of the Economy is advised by a scientific committee. In this context, our MP André Bauler wondered whether Luxembourg could also benefit from the creation of such an advisory panel.
05 March 2021
The premises of the former barracks are becoming vacant due to the move of the National Archives to Belval. Our Member of Parliament André Bauler has asked the responsible ministers whether there is already a new project for the building and when the work could start.
05 March 2021
André Bauler, deputy of the DP, has learned that the house of the writer Max Goergen, which belongs to the State and is listed by Sites and monuments, is currently unoccupied. This is why he wanted to know from the responsible ministers what the plans were for the house and why nothing has happened so far.
02 March 2021
In addition to the vaccination centers, it should also be possible in future to vaccinate against Covid-19 in family doctors' practices. The Democratic Party MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health, among other things, when this will be possible and whether everyone will be able to be vaccinated by their general practitioner.
01 March 2021
Many cyclists have a flashing light on their bikes in order to be more visible on the road and to feel safer. The Minister of Mobility wishing to ban such lights, the deputies of the DP Max Hahn and André Bauler asked on the basis of what data the decision had been taken and whether the cycling interest groups had been consulted.
01 March 2021
Just like diesel and gasoline, other natural resources have seen their prices soar in the past few months. Our Deputy André Bauler asked the Minister of Economy about the reasons for this price evolution and the consequences for the next wage indexation.
25 February 2021
For health professionals living in the north, it is a big waste of time to go all the way to Limpertsberg for their 2nd vaccination against Covid-19. André Bauler, a member of the DP, asked the Minister of Health, among other things, whether these people could not be vaccinated for the second time at the new vaccination centre in Ettelbruck.
24 February 2021
The spinycheek crayfish and the signal crayfish are two invasive species that have been spreading throughout Europe for many years - with a devastating impact on local ecosystems. DP MPs André Bauler and Gusty Graas wanted to know from the concerned minister whether the measures proposed in the action plan had so far been successful, how many of these animals have been caught or fished in recent years...
24 February 2021
The municipalities may and should register their cultural heritage worthy of protection in the general development plan. The Service of Sites and Monuments has submitted its proposals to all municipalities, but some municipalities ignore a large part of these recommendations. Now a ranking has been published, which the Minister of Home Affairs mentioned in a recent RTL interview. On this subject, our...
23 February 2021
Australian authorities have warned of a new variant of swine flu. The members of the DP, Gusty Graas and André Bauler, asked the Minister of Agriculture what is the risk of this variant reaching Europe.
22 February 2021
What has been the evolution of the lake's water levels in recent years? What is the condition of the dam wall? The deputy of the DP André Bauler addressed several questions to the competent ministers.
19 February 2021
Since the plans for the Ettelbruck bypass apparently are not progressing, among other reasons due to a too small budget for studies, the deputy of the DP André Bauler wanted to know from the competent minister what the state of progress in this matter was.
12 February 2021
There are already housing projects in CFL passenger buildings. But what is the potential across the country? Are there other projects planned? DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn requested further information from the relevant minister.
12 February 2021
As work on the PC1 is scheduled to start soon, DP deputy André Bauler wanted to know from the Minister of Mobility whether the old Maulusmühle stop could not be served again in summer to support tourism in the region.
11 February 2021
In his answer to a parliamentary question from the deputy of the DP André Bauler from 2019, the Minister of Public Works replied that there was no request for a boarding school in Clervaux. André Bauler wanted to know if the situation has changed in the meantime.
02 February 2021
Ancient traditions and customs are increasingly neglected. They require protection as intangible cultural heritage. On Candlemas Day, our MP André Bauler asked some questions to the Minister of Culture.
29 January 2021
In the United States, the Food Safety Authority (FDA) has recently approved genetically modified pigs for human consumption. DP members Gusty Graas and André Bauler ask the Minister for Health and the Minister for Agriculture what they think about the use of these pigs in Europe for pharmaceutical or food production.
28 January 2021
A possible first presence of the golden jackal in Luxembourg was detected recently. This is why the deputies of the DP André Bauler and Max Hahn wanted to know from the competent minister what will be the impact of this new species on the native fauna and what is the general state in the fight against invasive alien species.
27 January 2021
Several communes that have merged in the past have given themselves a new municipal coat of arms after their fusion. Other communes rely on a municipal logo to showcase their identity. The heraldic commission of the Ministry of State supports the communes in this procedure. MP André Bauler asked the Ministry of State which communes have changed their coat of arms or logo over the past years and what...
25 January 2021
The Ministry of Health sends out invitations for the Covid-19 vaccination. But do I have to deregister if I refuse the vaccination? Democratic Party MPs Gilles Baum and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health.
22 January 2021
The south and the centre of the country will receive two new health centres. The Ministry of Health is also investigating where new health centres could be built in the north and east of the country. DP MPs Carole Hartmann and André Bauler have asked the Minister of Health which cantons are being considered as locations.
12 January 2021
The organ of Notre-Dame de Luxembourg Cathedral was dismantled last year to be restored and modernised. In his parliamentary question, MP André Bauler asks in particular about the financing of this work.
12 January 2021
The construction should in principle have started at the end of 2020, which is why the deputy of the DP André Bauler inquired with the competent minister on the progress of the matter.
12 January 2021
After the introduction of the new bus timetables on December 13, certain problems arose, in particular with regard to school transport. It has come to the attention of the deputy of the DP André Bauler that the line 555 was also concerned, hence his question to the competent minister, if it is planned to adapt the schedule of this line as well.
28 November 2020
At the end of September 2017, the government presented a pilot project in which the "Fonds de compensation (FDC)" was encouraged to increase its commitment to the creation of affordable rental housing. The DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the minister in question about the progress of the project in Grevenmacher and about the efforts made by the FDC since autumn 2017 to create affordable rental...
24 November 2020
The "Plans d'aménagement particulier (PAP)" play an important role when it comes to creating housing. Accordingly, DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked how many PAPs are currently being realised and how many newly built (affordable) housing units can be expected.
23 November 2020
At the moment it is common practice for most real estate constructors to show prices calculated on the basis of the reduced VAT rate of 3%. However, this poses a risk to consumers. In 2019, the Minister for Consumer Protection and the Minister for Housing announced that they would consider standardising the listed prices. DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked what conclusions had been drawn in this...
23 November 2020
It has come to the attention of DP MP André Bauler that there will be difficulties with school transport under the new timetables, especially with regards to the line 545 Heiderscheid-Ettelbruck. In fact, according to the new timetable, students arrive at school either much too early or too late. André Bauler has asked the responsible minister about this.
18 November 2020
Water is a vital resource, also for our agriculture. After the many warm summers, DP MPs Gusty Graas and André Bauler asked the responsible ministers how much agriculture, horticulture and viticulture currently need and will need in the future.
10 November 2020
The National Gallery is not to move into the old National Library building as planned, but instead to Dudelange in the new "Neischmelz" district. In this context, DP MP André Bauler asked the Minister of Culture a few questions.
09 November 2020
As part of the redevelopment of the Ettelbruck railway station, a new youth hostel is also to be built. DP MP André Bauler has asked the responsible ministry for more information.
06 November 2020
DP MPs André Bauler and Max Hahn asked the responsible minister under which criteria the SNHBM buys real estate and why various plots of land and buildings have not yet been valorised.
03 November 2020
Over the last few months, mobile speed cameras have been installed on two routes in the north, between Micheleau and Erpeldingen on the Sûre, as well as between Ettelbrück and Feulen and between Bidscht and Schumannseck. Our MP André Bauler asked the Minister for Internal Security a few questions about the speed cameras